B.S. Early Childhood Education (Birth-Gr3) - (120-125 SH) Effective Date: Spring 2005

Rev. 12/17/07

Name: / SS#:
Date Evaluation Completed: / By: / SXU ID:
Institution Code: X = SXU TR = Transfer Institution


Course # / Course Title / SH / Elec/Sub/Tr # / Inst / SH / Gr
*ACSU 100/101 / Freshman/Transfer Sem / 1/0
Communication – 12 sh
*ENGL 101 / Critical Thinkg & Writg / 3
*ENGL 102 / Research & Writing / 3
*COM 101 / Speech Fundamentals / 3
LIT ELEC / Eng 154/230/233/236 rec / 3
Mathematics and Natural Science (one science course with a lab) – 18 sh
*MATH ELEC / Math Elec above Inter Alg / 3
MATH ELEC / Elective above Inter Alg / 3
* or BIO ELEC / Biological Sci Elec Lab / 3
*PH SCI ELEC / Physical Sci Elect Lab / 3
SCI Elec / Bio/Ph Science Elective / 3
MTH/SC ELEC / Math/Sci Elec / 3
History & Social Science – 15 sh
**HIST 103/104 / U.S. History / 3
**POL 101 / U.S. Government / 3
**SOCSC 101 / World Geography / 3
ELECTIVE / History Elective or IAI / 3
ELECTIVE / Soc Sci Elective / 3
Literature & Fine Arts – 6 sh
Elective / Literature / F A Elective / 3
Elective / Literature / F A Elective / 3
Health & Physical Development – 2 sh
**Elective / Phys Ed or Health Elec / 2
Philosophy – 6 sh
PHIL 150 / The Examined Life / 3 / X
Elective / Philosophy Elective or IAI / 3
Religious Studies – 6 sh
Elective / Rel Studies Elective / 3 / X
Elective / Rel Studies Elect or IAI / 3
Multicultural – 3 sh
Elective ‡ / Multicultural Elective ‡ / 3
Electives – to bring total to 120 sh minimum
Course # / Course Title / Inst / SH / Gr

AREA OF CONCENTRATION / 18SH - up to 9 sh from General Education Requirements

Interdisciplinary: ESL/Bilingual General Science Humanities
Language Arts Social Science Mathematics/Computer Science
Single discipline: Art Biology Computer Sci English History Music
Political Science Spanish Psychology Sociology Mathematics
Course # / Course Title / Inst / SH / Gr
Lower Level – up to 9 sh (incl CC courses and 100 level courses from 4 year schools)
Upper Level – at least 9 sh (only 200 level and above from 4 year schools)


Course # / Course Title / SH / Fld Hrs / Subst/
Transf # / Inst / SH / Gr
LEVEL 1: EDU 300 is the first education course to be taken and must be taken concurrent with another Level 1 course; requires purchase of LiveText and Criminal Background Investigation.
EDU 300 / Profession of Teaching / 1
Criminal Background Investigation / Date Completed:
EDU 205 / Child Growth & Development / 3 / 5
EDU 323 / Students w/ Exceptionalities / 3 / 5
EDU 326 / History/Philosophy of ECH Ed / 3 / 5
CSDI 305 / Lang Dev of Young Children / 3 / 5
EDU 100 / Basic Skills Test #096 / Date Passed:
Admission to SCHOOL OF EDUCATION / Date Admitted:
LEVEL 2: Admission to the SOE: Requires passing ICTS Basic Skills Test # 096
EDU 331+ / Reading Meth Young Child / 3 / 10
EDU 327+ / Child/Fam/Comm Relatns / 3 / 5
EDU 328+ / Dev Assess/Young Child / 3 / 10
EDU/L 329+ / Mth/Curr Pre-Prim w/ lab / 3/1 / 30
EDU/L 330+ / Meth/Curric Primary w/ lab / 3/1 / 30
Educators Symposium / Date Completed:
EDU 101 / Early Childhood Education Content Test # 107 / Date Passed:
LEVEL 3: Admission to Clinical Practice: Requires passing ICTS Early Childhood Education Content Area Test # 107, and completion of all other coursework and Educators Symposium
EDU 345+ / Seminar in Teachg & Learng / 2
EDU 348+ / Directed Teaching / 6
LEVEL 4: Certification
EDU 102 / APT Test: Birth-Grade 3 # 101 / Date Passed:


* Pre-Education courses required for admission to SOE; **2 out of 4 required for admission
Courses listed in BOLD have pre-requisite course requirements
‡ A multicultural course in general education or the concentration can satisfy this requirement
+ Course restricted to candidates admitted to the School of Education
CE - Currently Enrolled
IAI - Illinois Articulation Agreement requires 2 yr Illinois degree
NOTE: All courses must be completed with a grade of ‘C’ or above.