Expected Resources
AP-15 Expected Resources – 91.220(c)(1,2)
Cherokee County developed this plan projecting a 20% decrease in CDBG funding. The activities included in the plan do not generate program income and therefore the County does not expect to receive program income.
TheHOME Program funding received through the Georgia Urban County Consortium is anticpated tobein the range of $170,000per year and will be targetedforSenior Housing Rehabilitation and for the Acquisition of lots to develop affordable housing.
Anticipated Resources
Program / Source of Funds / Uses of Funds / Expected Amount Available Year 1 / Expected Amount Available Reminder of ConPlan$ / Narrative Description
Annual Allocation: $ / Program Income: $ / Prior Year Resources: $ / Total:
CDBG / public - federal / Acquisition
Admin and Planning
Economic Development
Public Improvements
Public Services / 983,383 / 0 / 0 / 983,383 / 2,314,270
Table 1 - Expected Resources – Priority Table
Explain how federal funds will leverage those additional resources (private, state and local funds), including a description of how matching requirements will be satisfied
CDBG funds do not require a match, but the County does require that subrecipients provide a minmum of 10% of the activity cost from non-federal sources. i.e, private donations and fund-raising activities. Funding for infrastructure activities is often leveraged with local and state funds.
HOME fund match has historically been from private sponsorships allowing the development of affordable housing.
Annual Action Plan2014 / 1
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
If appropriate, describe publically owned land or property located within the jurisdiction that may be used to address the needs identified in the plan
Annual Action Plan2014 / 1
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Annual Goals and Objectives
AP-20 Annual Goals and Objectives
Goals Summary Information
Sort Order / Goal Name / Start Year / End Year / Category / Geographic Area / Needs Addressed / Funding / Goal Outcome Indicator1 / Increase Capacity of Public Facilities / 2014 / 2018 / Non-Housing Community Development / Countywide LMI persons/households / Non-housing Community Development-Public Facility / CDBG: $140,000 / Public Facility or Infrastructure Activities other than Low/Moderate Income Housing Benefit: 300 Persons Assisted
2 / Increase Capacity of Public Improvements / 2014 / 2018 / Affordable Housing
Non-Housing Community Development / The City of Ball Ground
The City of Canton
The City of Woodstock / Non-Housing Community Development - Infrastructure / CDBG: $389,140 / Public Facility or Infrastructure Activities other than Low/Moderate Income Housing Benefit: 200 Persons Assisted
3 / Increase Capacity of Public Services / 2014 / 2018 / Non-Homeless Special Needs
Non-Housing Community Development / Countywide LMI persons/households / Increase Capacity of Public Services / CDBG: $82,208 / Public service activities other than Low/Moderate Income Housing Benefit: 988 Persons Assisted
Table 2 – Goals Summary
Goal Descriptions
1 / Goal Name / Increase Capacity of Public FacilitiesGoal Description / Public Facilities projects for 2014 include the first year of a three year pre-award for acquisition of a building by CASA for expansion of its advocacy services to children who have been abused.
2 / Goal Name / Increase Capacity of Public Improvements
Goal Description / Infrastructure improvements will include City of Ball Ground (water line abandonment); City of Canton (water line replacement) and the City of Woodstock (stormwater infrastructure rehabilittaion). These projects will improve services for LMI neighborhoods.
3 / Goal Name / Increase Capacity of Public Services
Goal Description / Activities for this goal will include assistance to non-profit organizations serving LMI persons, victims andfamilies of domestic abuse, abusedandneglected children.The non-profits will use the resources to providetransportation programs and partially support staff positionsto deliver services.
Annual Action Plan
2014 / 1
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
AP-35 Projects – 91.220(d)
The County's 2014 Annual Action Plan anticipates a decrease in funding from previous years. The projects selected for the 2014 Action Plan focus on Infrastructure improvements identified by the Cities of Ball Ground, Canton and Woodstock. These infrastructure projects are located in LMI neighborhoods where affordable housing exists. The non-profit organizations within the County support those segments of the population that serve battered spouses and families, abused and neglected children. These activities also address the lack of public transportation and the need for child care that were identified by the public as needs.
# / Project Name1 / City of Ball Ground Water Line Abandonment
2 / City of Canton
3 / City of Woodstock-Stormwateer Infrastructure Rehabilitation
4 / CASA - Acquisition of Building
5 / Boys and Girls Club - Mimms Club
6 / Cherokee Family Violence - Child Advocate Partial Staff Support
7 / Cherokee Child Advocacy Center
8 / Goshen Valley Foundation - Transportation Project
9 / North Georgia Angel House
10 / City of Woodstock
11 / City of Ball Ground Well Development
Table 3 - Project Information
Describe the reasons for allocation priorities and any obstacles to addressing underserved needs
With the limited CDBG resources, the County looks at projects that bring leveraged resources and the capacity to make the most impact to meet underserved needs within the community. Responsibilities for infrastructure projects will be handled by the Cities requiring less County oversight. The projects have a highand lasting impact on community needs and help LMI persons/households with access to much needed services.
Annual Action Plan2014 / 1
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
AP-38 Project Summary
Project Summary Information
1 / Project Name / City of Ball Ground Water Line AbandonmentTarget Area / The City of Ball Ground
Goals Supported / Increase Capacity of Public Improvements
Needs Addressed / Non-Housing Community Development - Infrastructure
Funding / CDBG: $50,000
Description / Locate and remove from service a two inch galvanized water line that runs from an unknown location on Terrell Street, along Nix Street, Blackwell Street and Old Canton Road. Identify existing households served on the two inch line, disconnect this service and reconnect to an existing six inch water line.
Target Date / 6/30/2015
Estimate the number and type of families that will benefit from the proposed activities / Direct benefit will be to an estimated 10 households with 30 total occupants, all of whom would considered Low to Moderate Income Persons.
Location Description / Terrell Street, along Nix Streeet, Blackwell Street and Old Canton Road.
Planned Activities / Locate and remove from service two inch galvanized water line and reconnect to an existing six inch water line.
2 / Project Name / City of Canton
Target Area / The City of Canton
Goals Supported / Increase Capacity of Public Improvements
Needs Addressed / Non-Housing Community Development - Infrastructure
Funding / CDBG: $362,500
Description / Replacement of existing water lines which contain lead, replace he existing sanitary sewer lines, upgrade the storm water collection system, repair/install sidewalks and resurface the street. The neighborhood from Brown Street and Bobby Bishop drive is located in an area noted by Georgia DCA to contain a greater than 15% poverty level.
Target Date / 9/30/2015
Estimate the number and type of families that will benefit from the proposed activities / This project estimates that 1,340 LMI persons will benefit from the project, including senior citizens and minorities.
Location Description / Brown Street and Bobby Bishop Drive
Planned Activities / Replacement of esisting water lines which contain lead, replace the existing sanitary sewer lines, upgrade storm water collection system, repair/install sidewalks and resurface the street.
3 / Project Name / City of Woodstock-Stormwateer Infrastructure Rehabilitation
Target Area / The City of Woodstock
Goals Supported / Increase Capacity of Public Improvements
Needs Addressed / Non-Housing Community Development - Infrastructure
Funding / CDBG: $48,750
Description / Replacement of approximately 150 linear feet of corroded pipe underneath Bentley Parkway and the associated catch basis. Due to the age of the pipes, they are being to collapse.
Target Date / 9/30/2015
Estimate the number and type of families that will benefit from the proposed activities / It is estimated that this project will be for 133 persons, 115 who are LMI.
Location Description / Bentley Parkway
Planned Activities / Replacement of approximately 150 linear feet of corroded pipe underneath Bentley Parkway and the associated catch basin.
4 / Project Name / CASA - Acquisition of Building
Target Area / Countywide LMI persons/households
Goals Supported / Increase Capacity of Public Facilities
Needs Addressed / Non-housing Community Development-Public Facility
Funding / CDBG: $140,000
Description / The acquisition of a buildig for the court appointed child advocacy to provide services to abused and neglected children. This project is part of a 3-year pre-award - 2014 - $140,000; 2015 - $140,000 and 2016 - $137,416.
Target Date / 12/30/2014
Estimate the number and type of families that will benefit from the proposed activities / CASA currently assists approximately 250 abused/neglected children through the court system. It is anticipated that the capacity during the first year alone would increase to 300.
Location Description / 1083 Marietta Highway, Canton, GA 30114
Planned Activities / Acquisition of a building tomove and expand services for the abused and neglected children in the court system.
5 / Project Name / Boys and Girls Club - Mimms Club
Target Area / Countywide LMI persons/households
Goals Supported / Increase Capacity of Public Services
Needs Addressed / Increase Capacity of Public Services
Funding / CDBG: $32,000
Description / Provide support for the afterschool and summer programs through resources to support the staff, repairs, maintenance and insurance.
Target Date / 12/31/2014
Estimate the number and type of families that will benefit from the proposed activities / Approximately 278 LMI youth (and indirectly their families) will benefit from having access to the Boys and Girls Clubs Program. Without this transportation, many of these at-risk youth would not be able to access the services since parents/guardians work or do not have transportation. These programs also offer valuable child care for the families.
Location Description
Planned Activities
6 / Project Name / Cherokee Family Violence - Child Advocate Partial Staff Support
Target Area / Countywide LMI persons/households
Goals Supported / Increase Capacity of Public Services
Needs Addressed / Increase Capacity of Public Services
Funding / CDBG: $35,760
Description / This new program will work to improve the coping, healing and resiliency of children who have been exposed to Domestic Violence living in the Transitional housing. The child Advocate will meet with the mothers and develop an individualized support plan tailored to the meet for the children which can address academic, emotional and behavioral issues.
Target Date
Estimate the number and type of families that will benefit from the proposed activities / It is estimated that this new program will benefit 190 LMI battered spouses and their children.
Location Description
Planned Activities
7 / Project Name / Cherokee Child Advocacy Center
Target Area / Countywide LMI persons/households
Goals Supported / Increase Capacity of Public Services
Needs Addressed / Increase Capacity of Public Services
Funding / CDBG: $20,000
Description / Partial staff support for a spanish speaking counselor.
Target Date / 3/30/2015
Estimate the number and type of families that will benefit from the proposed activities / Total number of persons to benefit is estimated to be 210 (125 Abused Children; 85 non-offending caregivers of abused children
Location Description
Planned Activities
8 / Project Name / Goshen Valley Foundation - Transportation Project
Target Area / Countywide LMI persons/households
Goals Supported / Increase Capacity of Public Services
Needs Addressed / Increase Capacity of Public Services
Funding / CDBG: $15,000
Description / The Goshen Valley Boys Ranch provides long-term foster care to boys. The existing vans required to transport the boys to medical appointments, school, part-time jobs are reaching the end of service. The Ranch wishes to acquire one 12-passenger van.
Target Date / 12/30/2014
Estimate the number and type of families that will benefit from the proposed activities / It is estimated that 40 LMI youth will benefit in the first year the van is acquired.
Location Description
Planned Activities
9 / Project Name / North Georgia Angel House
Target Area / Countywide LMI persons/households
Goals Supported / Increase Capacity of Public Services
Needs Addressed / Increase Capacity of Public Services
Funding / CDBG: $16,000
Description / In January 2014 new changes made to the child welfare system under HB254 allow courts to take the lead in requesting the frequency of family time from DFCS. With this change, an increase in time and space required will be needed to accommodate this system change. The court will be able to refer other families in the community to the facility.
Target Date / 3/30/2015
Estimate the number and type of families that will benefit from the proposed activities / It is estimated that 270 LMI persons will benefit from this program.
Location Description
Planned Activities
10 / Project Name / City of Woodstock
Target Area / The City of Woodstock
Goals Supported / Increase Capacity of Public Improvements
Needs Addressed / Non-Housing Community Development - Infrastructure
Funding / CDBG: $41,250
Description / Replace the two catch basins across from each other along the entry drive and the associated pipe to better acommodate the storm water along Goshen Lane and leading into Joshua Landing.
Target Date / 3/31/2015
Estimate the number and type of families that will benefit from the proposed activities / It is estimated that 106 persons of which 82 are low to moderate income will benefit from this project.
Location Description / Goshen Lane and Joshua Landing in Woodstock, GA
Planned Activities / Replace two catch basins and associated pipe to better accomodate storm water.
11 / Project Name / City of Ball Ground Well Development
Target Area / The City of Ball Ground
Goals Supported / Increase Capacity of Public Improvements
Needs Addressed / Non-Housing Community Development - Infrastructure
Funding / CDBG: $45,114
Description / Drilling of Test well and the development of that well as a valid water source.
Target Date / 7/1/2015
Estimate the number and type of families that will benefit from the proposed activities / It is estimated that 2,000 families would benefit from this project with 1,000 LMI individuals. An additional 300 persons outside the city limits would also benefit.
Location Description
Planned Activities
Annual Action Plan
2014 / 1
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
AP-50 Geographic Distribution – 91.220(f)
Description of the geographic areas of the entitlement (including areas of low-income and minority concentration) where assistance will be directed
The County does not intend to direct allocations toward specific targeted neighborhoods which is optional within the Consolidated Plan. However, geographic distributions were required in IDIS input to complete the plan and therefore the following percentages are strickly estimates.
Geographic Distribution
Target Area / Percentage of FundsCountywide LMI persons/households / 31
The City of Ball Ground / 6
The City of Canton / 37
The City of Woodstock / 6
Table 4 - Geographic Distribution
Rationale for the priorities for allocating investments geographically
Each of the Cities were consulted regarding the needs over the five year periods. Based upon these requests the allocations for the first year were based against the total anticpated funding.
Affordable Housing
AP-55 Affordable Housing – 91.220(g)
The County has not identified any housing activities with its CDBG allocation. However, it is important to mention that Cherokee County is part of the Georgia Urban County Consortium which includes Cobb County as the lead agency and The City of Roswell and receives HOME funds from this partnership. The County anticipates that funding provided to the CHDO for acquisition of lots will result in the development of six affordable housing units. The Senior HOME Repair Program anticipates the rehabilitation of the homes of 5-8 senior citizens. The result of this action is preserving affordable housing and providing a safe environment for the senior to age in place. All homes built prior to 1978 receive lead based paint abatement if it is present.
One Year Goals for the Number of Households to be SupportedHomeless / 0
Non-Homeless / 0
Special-Needs / 0
Total / 0
Table 6 - One Year Goals for Affordable Housing by Support Requirement
One Year Goals for the Number of Households Supported ThroughRental Assistance / 0
The Production of New Units / 6
Rehab of Existing Units / 5
Acquisition of Existing Units / 0
Total / 11
Table 7 - One Year Goals for Affordable Housing by Support Type
Cherokee County will provide funding for 5 projects located in LMI areas to improve the services through the installatoion of water line replacement, abandonment, stormwater infrastructure Improvements and Rehabilitation and the development of a well to provide water to the LMI areas.
In addition, the County will be the Boys & Girls Club and Goshen Valley Boys Ranch with transportation programs to meet the needs of accessibility to services for the LMI community.
HOME funds through the Georgia Urban County Consortium will provide funds for the acquisition of 6 lots for affordable housing and rehabilitate 5 homes of the senior citizens withing the County. These rehabilitated homes protect the affordable housing stock while allowing seniors to continue to live in homes that would otherwise not be safe.
AP-60 Public Housing – 91.220(h)
Public housing in Cherokee County is provided through the Housing Authority of the City of Canton, an independent organization. The Housing Authority provides public housing units, but does not handle Section 8 vouchers, which are managed by the Georgia Department of Community Affairs.
The HAChas 145 units of public housing on three campuses.
Actions planned during the next year to address the needs to public housing
The Canton Housing Authority will continue renovations to the bathrooms during 2014 and when feasible with retrofit the units for persons with disabilities.