Table S1. Roles of various kinases and substrates during different cell cycle phases

Phase / Kinase(s) / Role(s)
G1 / Plk2 / Centriole duplication
G1-S Transition (Restriction Point) / Cdc25A, Chk1,2 Nek2 / Activation of cdk1 requires dephosphorylation at Thr14 & Tyr15 by cdc25A, Chk1 activated in response to DNA damage by phosphorylation via ATM/ATR & cdc25A inactivation by ubiquitinisation, thereby cdk1 activity reduced & arrest, Nek2 associated with centrosome maturation, separation and mitotic entrance
S / Plk1 (beginning accumulation
in S peaking in G2-M and
through mitosis) , myt1 / Cdk1/cyclinB1 activation, mitotic entry ,phosphorylates and activates cdc25C at ser 198,Emi1 degradation, APC/C regulation and mitotic exit, centrosome maturation and bipolar spindle formation, myt1 & wee1 maintain cdk1 in inactive state by phosphorylation of Thr14 & Tyr15
G2 / Cdc25B, Plk3, cdk1/cyclin A,wee1 / Plk3 phosphorylated by ATM/ATR after DNA damage & phosphorylates p53 at ser 20 increasing cellular response to DNA damage, cdk1/cyclin A controls entry & progression through G2, myt1 & wee1 maintain cdk1 in inactive state by phosphorylation of Thr14 & Tyr15
G2-M Transition / ATM/ATR, Chk1,2,Plk3,cdc25C, Cdk1/cyclinB1, wee1,myt1, 14-3-3 σ / ATM/ATR initiate DNA damage checkpoint, & initiates a cascade of kinase activation leading to G2/M arrest, activates chk1,2, plk3,inhibits plk1 phosphorylates cdc25C at ser216 & 14-3-3σ binding & cytoplasmic localization & cdk1/cyclin B1 inhibition & cell cycle halt. Wee1 ,myt1 phosphorylation by plk1,cdk1 & chk1, cds1 respectively resulting in positive feedback , kinase inactivation & reduced 14-3-3 σ binding & protein stability
Mitosis / Bub family,Plk1,4, aurora A,B / APC/C regulation &spindle assembly check point by bub kinases, plk4 needed for cytokinesis & centriole duplication, aurora A for spindle formation & centrosome separation, aurora B involves association with INCENP, survivin & borelain to check cytokinesis, kinetochore-microtubule interaction, phosphorylates H3 at ser10 &28 during mitosis