5th Grade Progress Monitoring Tool

Student’s Name: ______

#1 ___ out of 20 Date: ____

Materials: piece of paper or white board and marker for child to write on, task card #10-6

NWN Score __out of 10
1.  “Start counting forwards from 998. I will tell you when to stop.” Stop the child at 1012.
o  Correct & Fluent (2)
o  Any Delayed Yet All Correct (1)
o  Any Incorrect (0)
2.  “Start counting backwards from 205. I will tell you when to stop.” Stop the child at 194.
o  Correct & Fluent (2)
o  Any Delayed Yet All Correct (1)
o  Any Incorrect (0)
3.  “I will say a number and you will say the number that comes just after it. What number comes just after 210…769…499…999?”
o  Correct & Fluent (2)
o  Any Delayed but All Correct (1)
o  Any Incorrect (0)
4.  “I will say a number and you will say the number that comes just before it. What number comes just before 310…770…500…1000?”
o  Correct & Fluent (2)
o  Any Delayed but All Correct (1)
o  Any Incorrect (0)
5.  Say, “Write the following words as numbers, six thousand nineteen (6,019) and two thousand, three hundred forty-one (2,341).”
o  Correct & Fluent (2) easy task for student
o  Any Delayed Yet All Correct (1) required some think time to complete task
o  Any Incorrect (0)
Addition and Subtraction and Place Value Score __out of 10

6.  Show task card #1-5. Say, “After a fund raiser at our school room 100 raised $214 and room 101 raised $161 both these rooms were second grade rooms. Room 200 raised $147 and room 201 raised $262 both these rooms were third grade rooms. How much did the Second Grade raise?”
o  Correct ($375) used a non-count-by-ones strategy (2)
o  Correct but uses count by ones strategy (1)
o  Incorrect (0)
7.  “How much did the Third Grade raise?”
o  Correct ($375) used a non-count-by-ones strategy (2)
o  Correct but uses count by ones strategy (1)
o  Incorrect (0)
8.  “How much more did Room 201 raise than Room 200?”
o  Correct ($115) used a non-count-by-ones strategy (2)
o  Correct but uses count by ones strategy (1)
o  Incorrect (0)
9.  “Which grade came close to the goal of $450?”
o  Correct (Third Grade) easy task for student, quickly solved(2)
o  Correct but not quick with problem solving process (1)
o  Incorrect (0)
10.  Write and read 327 + 254 for student. “Do you have a way to work this out? Feel free to use paper if needed.” Record how student solves students may use mental strategies, jottings, semi-formal strategies or formal algorithms to solve.
o  Correct (581) used a non-count-by-ones strategy (2)
o  Correct but uses count by ones strategy (1)
o  Incorrect (0)

#2 ___ out of 20 Date: ____

Materials: piece of paper or white board and marker for child to write on

NWN Score __out of 4
1.  “Write a number that has: 6 tens and 3 ones.”
o  Correct & Fluent, easy task answers will vary(2)
o  Any Delayed Yet All Correct (1)
o  Any Incorrect (0)
2.  “Write a number that has: 8 hundreds and 14 ones.”
o  Correct & Fluent, easy task answers will vary(2)
o  Any Delayed Yet All Correct (1)
o  Any Incorrect (0)
Addition and Subtraction, Structuring Numbers Score __out of 16
3.  “What is 60 – 40 and 60 – 20?” Ask student to explain their thinking.
o  Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o  Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o  Incorrect (0)
4.  “What is 80 – 60, 80 – 50 and 80-30?” Ask student to explain their thinking.
o  Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o  Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o  Incorrect (0)
5.  “What is 4000-500?
o  Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o  Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o  Incorrect (0)
6.  “Could you use 4000-500 to help you solve 4000-501?” Have student explain thinking. Write problems 4000-500 and 4000-501 if needed as a visual. If correct ask, “Could you use your thinking on 4000-500 and 4000-501 to also help you solve 4000-499?” Again ask student to explain.
o  Correct & Fluent, used relational thinking (2)
o  Correct but Solved Problems Separate (1)
o  Unsuccessful (0)
7.  Say, “My dad’s closet has 20 shirts. 1/5 of his shirts are dress shirts. How many dress shirts are in the closet?”
o  Correct & Fluent (4), Automatic Response (2)
o  Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o  Incorrect (0)
8.  Say, “1/2 of his shirts are work shirts. How many work shirts are in the closet?”
o  Correct & Fluent (10), Automatic Response (2)
o  Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o  Incorrect (0)
9.  Say, “The rest of the shirts are t-shirts. How many shirts are t-shirts or what fraction of the shirts are t-shirts?”
o  Correct & Fluent (6/20 or 3/10) Automatic Response (2)
o  Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (knew 6 were t-shirts but couldn’t say what fraction were t-shirts) (1)
o  Incorrect (0)
10.  “Ana bought a gallon of milk for $2.49, a box of crackers for $1.56, and a magazine for $2.95. Will $10.00 be enough to pay her bill?” Explain your thinking.
o  Correct and could clearly explain their thinking as to why (2)
o  Correct but reasoning was not clear (1)
o  Incorrect (0)

#3 ___ out of 20 Date: ____

Materials: piece of paper or white board and marker for child to write on, 6 groups of 8 card (dot groups) from Flip Flop multiplication deck, 6 groups of 3 card (dot groups) from Flip Flop multiplication deck, screens, 9 x3, 7 x 4, 6 x 5, 4 x 6, 4 x 7, 6 x 8, 4 x 9 and 7 x 10 equation cards from Flip Flop multiplication deck

NWN and Place Value __out of 4
1.  “Which is greater 1 ½ or 5/4? How did you decide?”
o  Correct & Fluent 1 ½ made 5/4 = 1 1/4(2)
o  Any Delay in thinking but Correct could not put 5/4 into a mixed number to solve (1)
o  Any Incorrect (0)
2.  “Write the following word as a number: two hundred one thousand, five hundred two (201,502)?”
o  Correct & Fluent (2) easy task for student
o  Any Delayed Yet All Correct (1) required some think time to complete task
o  Any Incorrect (0)
Multiplication and Division Score __out of 10
3.  Show student 6 groups of 8 card briefly and screen. Say, “Each group has 8. Altogether there are 48 dots. How many groups of 8 are there?”
o  Correct & Fluent (2) easy task for student
o  Any Delay Yet Correct (1) required some think time to complete task
o  Incorrect (0)
4.  Use the 6 groups of 3 card for task. Briefly display and then screen card and say, “There are six groups here and each group has the same number of dots in it. Altogether there are 18 dots. How many dots are in each group?”
o  Correct & Fluent (2) easy task for student
o  Any Delay Yet Correct (1) required some think time to complete task
o  Incorrect (0)
5.  Use equation cards to present problems to student. Show 9 x 3 and ask student to solve. Repeat with 7 x 4 and 6 x 5.
o  Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o  Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o  Incorrect (0)
6.  Use equation cards to present problems to student. Show 4 x 6 and ask student to solve. Repeat with 4 x 7 and 6 x 8.
o  Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o  Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o  Incorrect (0)
7.  Use equation cards to present problems to student. Show 4 x 9 and ask student to solve. Repeat with 7 x 10.
o  Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o  Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o  Incorrect (0)
Addition and Subtraction Score __out of 6
8.  Write and read 584 + 123 for student. “Do you have a way to work this out? Feel free to use paper if needed.” Record how student solves students may use mental strategies, jottings, semi-formal strategies or formal algorithms to solve.
o  Correct (707) used a non-count-by-ones strategy (2)
o  Correct but uses count by ones strategy (1)
o  Incorrect (0)
9.  Write and read 357 - 224 for student. “Do you have a way to work this out? Feel free to use paper if needed.” Record how student solves students may use mental strategies, jottings, semi-formal strategies or formal algorithms to solve.
o  Correct (133) used a non-count-by-ones strategy (2)
o  Correct but uses count by ones strategy (1)
o  Incorrect (0)
10.  Write and read 247 - 183 for student. “Do you have a way to work this out? Feel free to use paper if needed.” Record how student solves students may use mental strategies, jottings, semi-formal strategies or formal algorithms to solve.
o  Correct (64) used a non-count-by-ones strategy (2)
o  Correct but uses count by ones strategy (1)
o  Incorrect (0)

#4 ___ out of 20 Date: ____

Materials: numeral cards 8, 7, 9 and 6, piece of paper or white board and marker for child to write on, 6 x 4 dot array card and a 4 x 8 dot array card from Flip Flop multiplication deck

NWN Score __out of 4
1.  Show numeral cards (8 7 9 6) “Use these cards to make the largest 4 digit number.”
o  Correct built 9876 quickly, easy task for child (2)
o  Correct but required some think time for child to understand task (1)
o  Unsuccessful (0)
2.  “Now use these cards (8 7 9 6) to make the smallest 4 digit number.”
o  Correct built 6789 quickly, easy task for child (2)
o  Correct but required some think time for child to understand task (1)
o  Unsuccessful (0)
Addition and Subtraction Score __out of 6
3.  Write and read 915 + 364 for student. “Do you have a way to work this out? Feel free to use paper if needed.” Record how student solves students may use mental strategies, jottings, semi-formal strategies or formal algorithms to solve.
o  Correct (1279) used a non-count-by-ones strategy (2)
o  Correct but uses count by ones strategy (1)
o  Incorrect (0)
4.  Write and read 247 + 183 for student. “Do you have a way to work this out? Feel free to use paper if needed.” Record how student solves students may use mental strategies, jottings, semi-formal strategies or formal algorithms to solve.
o  Correct (430) used a non-count-by-ones strategy (2)
o  Correct but uses count by ones strategy (1)
o  Incorrect (0)
5.  Write and read 5060 + 345 for student. “Do you have a way to work this out? Feel free to use paper if needed.” Record how student solves students may use mental strategies, jottings, semi-formal strategies or formal algorithms to solve.
o  Correct (5405) used a non-count-by-ones strategy (2)
o  Correct but uses count by ones strategy (1)
o  Incorrect (0)
Multiplication and Division (M/D) and PV Score __out of 10
6.  Briefly show student a 6 x 4 array card (6 columns and 4 rows) and screen all but top row of 6 dots. “Here is one row of the array. This row has 6 dots. Now screen whole array. There are 4 rows altogether. How many dots are there altogether?”
o  Correct (24), Automatic Response (2)
o  Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o  Incorrect (0)
7.  Briefly show student a 4 x 8 array card (4 columns and 8 rows) and screen all but top row of 4 dots. “Here is one row of the array. This row has 4 dots. Now screen whole array. There are 8 rows altogether. How many dots are there altogether?”
o  Correct (32), Automatic Response (2)
o  Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o  Incorrect (0)
8.  Ask students to picture a 10 x 10 array. Say “Picture one row of an array. This row has 10 dots. There are 10 rows altogether. How many dots are there altogether?”
o  Correct (100), Automatic Response (2)
o  Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o  Incorrect (0)
9.  Write 4 x __=2400 for student and read, “Four multiplied by what is 2400?” Allow for some think time and ask student to share their strategy.
o  Correct (600), Automatic Response (2)
o  Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o  Incorrect (0)
10.  Write 2400 ÷ 4 = ___ for student and read, “2400 divided by 4 is what?” Allow for some think time and ask student to share their strategy. “Do you know a problem that can help you solve this one?”
o  Correct (600), Used Relational Thinking from #9 (2)
o  Correct yet Some Problem Solving Takes Place didn’t use #9 (1)
o  Incorrect (0)

#5 ___ out of 20 Date: ____

Materials: Piece of paper or white board and marker for child to write on, 7 x 6 dot array card from Flip Flop Multiplication Deck

NWN and Place Value Score __out of 8
1.  “Count backwards by 100’s, starting at 992. I will tell you when to stop.” Stop student at 192.
o  Correct & Fluent (2)
o  Any Delayed Yet All Correct (1)
o  Any Incorrect (0)
2.  “Count backwards by 10’s, starting at 1210. I will tell you when to stop.” Stop the student at 1120.
o  Correct & Fluent (2)
o  Any Delayed Yet All Correct (1)
o  Any Incorrect (0)
3.  Write the number 90 for student. “Read this number please…What number is twenty-five more than this? Also ask same for 62…273…304…495.
o  Correct, uses non-count-by-ones strategy (2)
o  Correct but uses count by ones strategy (1)
o  Incorrect (0)
4.  Write the number 50 for student. “Read this number please…What number is one hundred twenty more than this? Also ask same for 105…996…17…1007.
o  Correct, uses non-count-by-ones strategy (2)
o  Correct but uses count by ones strategy (1)
o  Incorrect (0)
Addition and Subtraction Score __out of 6
5.  Write and read 720 - 541 for student. “Do you have a way to work this out? Feel free to use paper if needed.” Record how student solves students may use mental strategies, jottings, semi-formal strategies or formal algorithms to solve.
o  Correct (179) used a non-count-by-ones strategy (2)
o  Correct but uses count by ones strategy (1)
o  Incorrect (0)
6.  Write and read 1220 - 365 for student. “Do you have a way to work this out? Feel free to use paper if needed.” Record how student solves students may use mental strategies, jottings, semi-formal strategies or formal algorithms to solve.
o  Correct (855) used a non-count-by-ones strategy (2)
o  Correct but uses count by ones strategy (1)
o  Incorrect (0)
7.  Say, “David buys a CD that costs $14.49. He gives the sales clerk a $20 bill. How much change will he receive?” If needed write both totals down for student to see and allow child paper if needed to solve. Do not provide equation to solve student needs to produce.
o  Correct ($5.51) used a non-count-by-ones strategy (2)
o  Correct but uses count by ones strategy (1)
o  Incorrect (0)
Multiplication and Division Score __out of 6
8.  Place 7 x 6 array card (7 columns and 6 rows) under the screen without displaying it. Under this screen is an array with 6 rows. The array has 42 dots altogether. How many dots in each row?”
o  Correct (7), uses non-count-by-ones strategy (2)
o  Correct but uses count by ones strategy (1)
o  Incorrect (0)
9.  Ask student to solve as you write and read the problem to student. ½ x 100 =__, ½ x 60 =__, ½ x 80 =__ and ½ x 82 =__
o  Correct (50, 30, 40 and 41), Automatic Response (2)
o  Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o  Incorrect (0)
10.  Ask student to solve as you write and read the problem to student. ¼ x 200 =__, ¼ x 80 =__,and ¼ x 120 =__
o  Correct (50, 20, and 30), Automatic Response (2)
o  Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o  Incorrect (0)

#6 ___ out of 20 Date: ____