Your personal guide to becoming the best House Committee Member you know you can be

Your commitment to excellence as a NMMU Residence student will mean:

  • Be globally aware and support diversity;
  • Be self aware and strive for meaningful relationships;
  • Be an engaged member of community;
  • Take full advantage of opportunities for learning;
  • Explore leadership;
  • Live a balanced and purposeful life

Your choice:

Choose your experience, your limits and your outcomes

Compiled by

B A Willemse

Student Life Officer
(Revised June 2009)


Definition – What is a House Committee Member? / 4
Things you need to know about becoming a House Committee Member / 5
Building Character & Encourage Meaningful citizenship / 6
Residence Contract and Code of Behaviour / 8
Student Housing Constitution / 10
General Job Description / 18
The House Committee Member as an Administrator / 19
The Importance of the first 2 weeks / 21
Refining Your Skills as a Student Leader / 22
How to Facilitate a Meeting / 23
Managing your floor / 25
TEAM Work / 26
Building Community / 28
Programmes and Activity (Some ideas) / 31
Handling Difficult Situations / 32
Resolving Room-Mate conflict / 33
Solving Problems Effectively / 34
Conflict Resolution through Mediation / 35
Be Able to Say “NO” / 37
L E A D / 38
Emergency Procedures / 39
Inspiration / 42
Contact Numbers / 43

Here you are………..a student leader.

Wow! What a title.

What a responsibility!

Do you feel prepared for the excitement and challenges,

that lie ahead?

Whether you are a new and emerging leader or one who is more established, brushing up with some leadership tips is a great way to start off the year.

Actually, it’s a great way to start off each month or even week! Being a leader is an on-going process, one that is never complete.

In this publication attempts have been made to give you tips to assist you sail through your time as a Student Leader

(What is a House Committee Member?)

  1. A House Committee Member is a student who lives in a university residential facility and acts as a resource for the students on their floor or in their area of the building;
  2. The House Committee Member plays a key role in creating an environment for students that is conducive to academic, personal and social growth;
  3. House Committees develop social, academic and cultural activities for the residents;
  4. A House Committee member is a friend, resource, mentor, role model and community leader in their hall;
  5. House Committee Members develop strong leadership and interpersonal skills, which build them into strong leaders and give them skills they can use for the rest of their lives.


  1. Not every student is going to appreciate the things you do for them, and sometimes they will judge you unfairly;
  2. You will have to deal with situations where you did not end up agreeing with the outcome;
  3. Never be afraid to introduce yourself to anyone;
  4. The most difficult situations to deal with are not always the conduct related incidents involving alcohol or drugs, but the drama related incidents, like roommate conflicts, an unhygienic flatmates etc.
  5. It will seem at times you are overworked and underpaid;
  6. Flat mates only seem to study when you try and get them to attend activities and programmes;
  7. You need to remain impartial on controversial issues when interacting with flatmates and the decisions they are trying to make;
  8. You are human, you will make mistakes, but do not dwell on them, leave the past in the past and start afresh;
  9. Communication with other House Committee Members, flat mates and Res Staff is essential
  10. Ten months goes so fast, but being a HK can be one of the most fulfilling experiences you will ever have.

Communication with your fellow House Committee,flat mates and Res Staff is essential


What is a good citizen?

  1. Being proud of where you live
  2. Being able to follow rules
  3. Being able to take care of the community, environment and helping others;
  4. Being respectful

Steps to become a Good Citizen

  1. Loyal & Trustworthy
  2. Love your family (Res family and your own extended family)
  3. Encourage others
  4. Always tell the truth
  5. Keep promises
  6. Follow rules
  7. Don’t take things which are not yours
  1. Fair
  2. Take turns
  3. Play by the rules
  4. Treat everyone the same
  5. Responsible
  6. Make good choices
  7. Trustworthy
  8. Don’t make excuses
  9. Respectful
  10. Obey rules
  11. Don’t laugh at someone or imitate them
  12. Listen
  13. Don’t be rude, smirk, curse or call names
  14. Don’t criticize
  15. Share something you have with a friend
  16. Don’t litter
  17. Say please and thank you
  18. Don’t barge into another’s room without being invited
  19. Keep voice down
  20. Don’t hand washing from bedroom window
  21. Don’t play loud music
  22. Keep TV sound low
  1. Tolerant
  2. Make friends with different cultures
  3. Respect other and their differences
  4. Don’t think everyone should be the same
  5. Courageous
  6. Try new things
  7. Be brave
  8. Don’t be afraid to ask for help
  1. Caring
  2. Be helpful
  3. Be kind
  4. Think about the feelings of others
  5. Empathy
  6. Don’t laugh at others ideas
  7. Listen to what people say
  8. Help someone with a problem
  9. Show compassion
  10. Listen
  11. Share
  12. Ambitious
  13. Work hard
  14. Set goals
  15. Always do your best

“Do what is right”


The NelsonMandelaMetropolitanUniversity commits itself to creating a living and learning environment within the residences.

This contract is based on the University vision of creating a living and learning environment within the residences and the promotion of values consistent with academic success and personal growth. A Code of Behaviour has been established to assist in building a learning community, where respect, consideration and the dignity of each person is a priority. The Residence Contract must be read in conjunction with the Code of Behaviour, Student Housing Policies, University General Prospectus, Student Charter and any other relevant University regulations.

Students in residence have a right to

  • live in a clean and secure environment;
  • facilities and programmes that support the pursuit of academic success;
  • study without interruption or interference;
  • be free from unreasonable noise;
  • be free of intimidation or harassment;
  • have access to staff who provide assistance, guidance, and support as needed;
  • enjoy individual freedom regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, national origin, disability, age, religion, sexual orientation, or political affiliation.

I, Ms/Mrs/Mr ………………….………………………………………..commit to being responsible for

  • monitoring and accepting responsibility for the behaviour of my guests;
  • reporting violations of rules and regulations to appropriate staff;
  • treating others with respect and tolerance;
  • maintaining the residence buildings and facilities in good order;
  • pursuing my academic studies in a diligent, honest and professional manner;
  • contributing positively to the community by participating in educational and developmental activities;
  • adhering to the rules and regulations as contained in the Student Housing policies, (General Rules and Regulations: D/123/09);
  • complying with reasonable requests made by staff, university officials, or fellow residents;
  • payment of residence fees[1].

The Department of Student Housing will strive to ensure that there is a safe and secure environment and that facilities are in place for the delivery of the Universities academic, social and cultural objectives. The Department undertakes to provide services that are efficient and of high standards to be able to support and maintain the learning and living environment for students.

The Department of Student Housing is committed to addressing students with dignity and respect and in a fair, reasonable, and equal manner. The Department acknowledges that students have the right to provide constructive feedback or lodge complaints regarding the conditions, environment and service delivery at the residences, using the proper channels of communication.


Department of Student Housing, the Residence Members of …………..


Ms/Mrs/Mr …………………………..

Student Number……………..

Room No……………………… Residence……………….

By signing this contract the student agrees to abide by the Code of Behaviour, the Student Housing Policies, rules and regulations contained in the University General Prospectus, Student Charter and any other relevant University regulations. It is a binding agreement between all residence students and the Department of Student Housing.

Signed the ……………. (day) of …………………… (month) ……………… (year).


Print Name: Print Name:

Residence ManagerStudent

Department of Student Housing


    The name of the residence is NMMU Residences
  3. The university residences must be a home for all registered residents where an atmosphere conducive to learning and holistic development of the individual is catered for.
  4. Where the needs of its diverse members are catered for with the provision of suitable social and educational programmes.
  5. Where adequate facilities and infrastructure are provided for.
  6. Where adequate security is provided for.
  7. Where the mission, vision and objectives of the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) are vigorously promoted.
  9. Democracy
  10. Transparency
  11. Fairness
  12. Integrity
  13. Tolerance
  14. Promotion of diversity
  15. Equity
  16. Equal opportunities
  17. Academic Excellence
  19. Residence – a defined geographical location with specific infrastructures accommodating a defined number of registered students.
  20. Resident – a registered student in a specific residence.
  21. Students Representative Council – as defined in the constitution of the SRC
  22. Residence Management – appointed staff by the university to manage residential affairs.
  23. Student Housing Council – as defined in the constitution of the SRC
  24. Governance Structure – formally elected structure as defined in the SRC constitution (SRC; House Committee Members; Student Housing Council; Faculty Council & Sport Council)
  25. NelsonMandelaMetropolitanUniversity (NMMU) – referred to hereafter as the University.
  27. The residences will be run by a management team consisting of appointed staff by the University and elected House Committees who all report to the Senior Manager, Student Housing.
  28. House Committees
  29. The number of House Committees will be determined by the Senior Manager, Student Housing using the guideline of 1 House Committee member to 30 residents (1:30).
  30. The House Committee is elected annually (see article 7)
  31. All House Committees shall have an executive committee consisting of Primarius/Primaria, Secretary and Treasurer.
  32. House Committees are to determine portfolios from amongst their elected ranks and the following responsibilities should be included:
  33. Maintenance
  34. Recreation / Social Welfare
  35. Sport / Orientation
  36. Security
  37. Academic
  38. Cleaning & Health Services
  39. House Committees are to meet at least twice a month and more if necessary. Minutes of all house committee meetings must be kept, filed and copies thereof circulated to all residence management staff.
  40. House Committees may appoint sub-committees in order to assist with the execution of their duties.
  41. House Committees are expected to enforce the rules of the residence but all rules are subject to those of the University.
  42. House Committees are to assist residence management where necessary.
  43. Powers and Duties
  44. Primaria/Primarius
  45. Shall be the Head Student of the residence
  46. Shall be the chief spokesperson and representative of the house committee.
  47. Shall protect and promote the good image of the house committee at all times.
  48. Shall preside over House Committee meetings
  49. Shall provide leadership and monitor and control house committee activities and delegate duties where necessary.
  50. Shall represent the house committee on the Student Housing Council.
  51. Shall promote communication between residence management, the residents and other student governance structures.
  52. Shall report on a regular basis on those matters to the House Committee as determined by the House Committee.
  53. Secretary
  54. Shall be the administrative officer of the House Committee.
  55. Shall keep records and maintain archives of the House Committee.
  56. Shall maintain and forward regular correspondence to relevant addressee.
  57. Shall, in consultation with the Primarius/Primaria shall distribute notices, agendas and minutes of House Committee meetings to members.
  58. Shall keep proper minutes of all meetings.
  59. Shall be responsible for House Committee inventory.
  60. Shall ensure that copies of agendas and minutes are forwarded to the relevant residence management and Senior Manager, Student Housing.
  61. Shall report on a regular basis on those matters to the House Committee as determined by the House Committee.
  62. Treasurer
  63. Shall be responsible for all House Committee funds.
  64. Shall budget for all residence activities at the commencement of their term of office.
  65. Shall ensure that all monies collected are accounted for and paid into the relevant account.
  66. Shall coordinate all fundraising programmes of the House Committee.
  67. Shall keep proper record and report quarterly by means of a public statement to the residents. Copies thereof to be circulated to residence management.
  68. Shall report on a regular basis on those matters to the House Committee as determined by the House Committee.

5.2.4.Other portfolios is recommended that the portfolios of maintenance, cleaning, student welfare, academic, security and FY orientation be mandatory for each residence.

5.2.5.Maintenance report all maintenance issues of concern to the relevant residence management authority. attend all meetings regarding technical and cleaning issues with the relevant authority or any other ad hoc meeting prescribed from time to time; liaise constantly with the relevant residence authority on technical and cleaning issues; give feedback regularly to students on maintenance decisions taken at meetings; give feedback to students regarding faults reported. report on a regular basis on those matters to the House Committee as determined by the House Committee.

5.2.6.Catering attend meetings of the catering committee or any other ad hoc meeting called upon to attend; liaise constantly with the catering management on catering issues and submit minutes in prescribed format to residence management; give feedback regularly to students on decisions taken at meetings; keep residence management informed of all problems, complaints and action taken on a regular basis form a catering sub committee where necessary. In self catering residences this portfolio may not be necessary report on a regular basis on those matters to the House Committee as determined by the House Committee.

5.2.7.Security attend the meetings of the Protection Services Committee and any other relevant ad hoc meetings called upon to attend; keep Campus Protection authority and Residence Management abreast of all security threats; report security issues to the relevant Campus Protection and Residence Management authority; remain constantly proactive and vigilant as regards protection issues and make recommendations to the relevant authority on such issues. give feedback to students on decisions taken at meetings.

5.2.8.First Year Orientation assume responsibility for the drawing up of an orientation programme for the approval of residence management, ensuring that the programme conforms to the vision and mission of the overall institution and does not include any initiation. convene a sub-committee which will direct the orientation programme. represent the residence at all orientation meetings across the university when required. monitor the progress of FY orientation and ensure that the dignity and educational value of the programme is never compromised and report any transgression of policy to the relevant Residence Management authority; compile a report upon the completion of orientation, making recommendations and reporting on the effectiveness of the programme. report on a regular basis on those matters to the House Committee as determined by the House Committee.

5.2.9.Academic encourage high academic performance and identify risk areas. Report such areas to the relevant residence management authority. assist in the coordination of the various peer helping and mentoring programmes in the residence. initiate academic programmes within the residence which could improve academic performance e.g. how to study, tutorials etc. assist with any ceremonies where academic excellence is acknowledged within the residence. represent the residence on any academic forums within the University where required. monitor the academic atmosphere in the residence with regards to the creation of an environment where learning can be promoted. report on a regular basis on those matters to the House Committee as determined by the House Committee.

5.2.10.Student Welfare (includes sport, culture and wellness) represent the residence at all meetings where issues of student welfareare concerned in the University. monitor and report on cases of student welfare within the residence e.g. indigence, health etc. organise activities in collaboration with the relevant residence authority which focus on student welfare issues e.g. issues of culture, sport, wellness, etc. initiate at least one sustainable community development programme within the disadvantaged communities of the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality (NMMM). initiate and coordinate the residence ball, and any other such activity. This is a large portfolio necessitating (at the discretion of the specific residence) a sharing of the portfolio. report on a regular basis on those matters to the House Committee as determined by the House Committee.

5.2.11.Cleaning report all cleaning issues of concern to the relevant residence management authority. attend all meetings regarding cleaning issues with the relevant authority or any other ad hoc meeting prescribed from time to time;