Role Play Activity Worksheet

Name ______

Directions: (1) Using evidence you find from the webpages, fill in your assigned sections in detail.

(2) During report outs, complete the worksheet.

(3) A list of bullets is sufficient.

(4) This will not be graded, BUT to receive credit for this lab exercise, you must turn it in.

(5) All Groups: be sure to answer question 23.


1. Using the resources provided, briefly describe the physiography of the Navajo Nation. Be sure to include overall landscape and specific landforms that can be found there.

2. Describe the general geologic setting of the Navajo Nation.

3. Describe the types of rocks, rock units and major rock structures/features that are found on the Navajo Nation.

4. Describe the geologic history of the Navajo Nation.

5. Describe the hydrology on the Navajo Nation. What is the quality and quantity of water resources on the Colorado Plateau?


6. Name, describe, and sketch the type of uranium deposit found on the Navajo Nation.

7. Why did we begin mining uranium on the Navajo Nation?

8. Describe the conditions of mining on the Navajo Nation (How were the miners treated?).

9. How will you interact with the Navajo Nation if you go in and mine again?

10. How would the Navajo benefit from mining uranium again (jobs, profits, tax base, etc.)?

TRIBAL ELDERS: You are responsible for the well-being of your people.

11. Describe the culture of the Navajo people including their history, traditional land and lifestyle, and modern land and lifestyle.

13. What is the present environmental condition from uranium mining on the Navajo Nation?

14. What happened in Church Rock, New Mexico on July 16, 1979. How did this affect the Navajo?

15. What impacts were experienced by the last generation who mined uranium?

16. What human health concerns affect the people of the Navajo Nation today?

17. Looking to the future, what impacts or benefits might you expect? How will you balance potential jobs and revenues against environmental and health impacts?


18. What is the environmental legacy of uranium mining on these lands? What are the environmental risks from uranium mining?

19. What is the present environmental condition of the Navajo Nation?

20. What is the legacy of uranium mining on the health of the Navajo people? How does uranium affect the health of humans (effect of radiation exposure on the human body)?

21. What are your concerns about public health if the mines were to be reopened? What would you require to protect these lands and waters if the mines were to be reopened?

22. Briefly describe policy issues from uranium mining on the Navajo Nation.


23. What are the benefits from mining uranium mining on these lands? Who benefits from uranium mining on these lands? What the impacts (e.g. health, economic) on the Navajo peoples and the local environment?