Serving the Regiment and Veterans since 1943

BACKGROUND:The Association began as an organization during World War II. By 1943, members of the 1st Battalion of The Royal Regiment of Canada began to arrive home for medical treatment, discharges and postings to Instructional Cadres. These soldiers along with other members of the Regiment who had not gone overseas began to meet informally to preserve friendships and keep in contact with the progress of the Regiment overseas. A permanent Executive was formed and regular meetings were held in various veterans clubs in Toronto. Later, meetings began to be held regularly at Fort York Armoury in the Sergeants Mess of the Regiment. A President and other officers were elected and objectives and aims were established. One of the main aims of the Association was to support the 2ndBn Royal Regiment of Canada Reserve and to preserve the records and memoirs of the Regiment and its perpetuated units. The Association raised money to support these activities and the Reserve Regiment through gifts, donations, and other fundraising activities. After WWII the Association continued to flourish and it was decided to formalize the organization. On May 7, 1952, Letters Patent were issued by the Province of Ontario incorporating “The Royal Regiment of Canada Association”.

TODAY:From a high of more than 3,000 members during the 1960’s, there are about 600 active members today. This includes a number of widows and sons & daughters of former members. The Royals Association is one of the largest Reserve Regimental Associations in Canada. Meetings continue to be held in the Sergeants mess on the first Thursday of each month, September thru to June. Members participate in the Dieppe Memorial Parade, the annual Sorrel Day Parade, the annual Warriors Day Parade at the Canadian National Exhibition, and the annual Remembrance Day service and march past at St. James Cathedral. Recently, the Association hosted the Annual Reunion Dinner, before Remembrance Day, but this will now be replaced by an annual Birthday Ball, dinner and dance to occur in March. The Association provides a number of activities to directly support the active members of the Regiment. This includes providing coffee and donuts to the troops as they return from weekend exercises, scholarship awards to members entering post-secondary education, parcels of “goodies” to members serving overseas. Support to our veterans, includes hospital visits, fruit or flower baskets to veterans in hospital, and floral tributes for those who have passed on. Without the generous support of our members thru their annual dues, purchase of life memberships, or donations, we would not be able to carry out so many of these worthwhile and greatly appreciated projects.

Membership in the Association is granted in several means:

  • Former member or member of a NATO ally is eligible to become a member by either an annual membership of $15, or a Life membership of $150.
  • Relative of a former member by an annual membership of $15 or a Life membership of $150.
  • A person with no military background, but with the interest of the Regiment at heart may become an “Associate” member, dues apply.
  • Any current serving member of the Regiment or affiliated Cadet Corps Officer is automatically a member, and is exempt from paying dues.

For those interested in becoming a member of The Royal Regiment of Canada Association and to continue to serve your Regiment, but in a slightly different way please fill out the attached slip and give it to one of our members. Find more information at our web site,
