ARTH 2361

Ancient through Medieval

Spring 2011



The Course Information and Class Calendarare subject to revision when necessary and will be fully explained if changes should be made.

Instructor:Carolee Moore

Campus phone number:829- ______


Office:DoughertyFineArtsBuilding - Room B01

Office Hours:Mondays and Wednesdays 9:00 to 10:00am; all other times by appt.

Text:Marilyn Stokstad/Michael W. Cothren. Art History: Ancient Art. Portable /Book 1 / 4th edition. and Art History: Medieval Art. Portable/Book 2/ 4th edition. MyArtsLab accompanies both books.

To help you successfully complete this class:

  1. Read / scan chapters before each class. Relevant chapters are in parentheses next to topic headings on calendar below.
  2. Expect to take notes in class. Lectures focus on key ideas relevant to the objects studied. Your notes will provide focused study for tests. A sample note-taking format is attached.
  3. Expect to be on time and attend all classes to enhance your academic success. Class will begin on time and attendance taken.
  4. On Mondays, quizzes (approximately 10 minutes in length) begin promptly at the start of class. You must be in your seat and ready for the quiz. No late comers will be admitted during the quiz. No make-up will be given for any missed quiz except under the following circumstances: 1) properly documented excused absences for illness or emergencies, 2) student athletes with letter, 3) an approved university activity. (Se 2009-2011 Undergraduate Catalogue p. 77 or click on the following link: ) If you are late, wait in the hall until the quiz is finished and papers collected, then please come in quietly without disturbing the other students.
  5. Should you miss a class, you are responsible for the material or assignments covered during that time.
  6. If you miss one (1) classwithouta prior excused absence (except in extreme emergency, of course), your grade will be lowered by 5% of the participation grade. Two (2)unexcused absences will lower your grade by 10% of the participation grade. Three (3)unexcused absences will lower your grade by 15% of the participation grade. Four unexcused absences will result in a participation grade of 50. Four or more absences are academically unacceptable; see the UniversityAdvisingCenter for assistance if attendance in this class becomes a problem for you.
  7. If you must miss a class, send me a courtesy email. Be sure to properly document your absence so that you will not lose valuable increments on your final grade.
  1. Grades will be based on quizzes, one paper or exercise, and participation. No final exam will be given this semester.
  2. This semester, 12quizzes are scheduled. The lowest two (2) quiz grades will be discarded. An average of the remaining quizzes will be taken. These quizzes count for 50% of the grade. The number of quizzes may be adjusted depending on circumstances throughout the semester.
  3. 25% of the grade applies to the assigned paper or exercise.
  4. 25% of the grade applies to participation.
  5. Extra credits may be available throughout the semester, but will not equal more than 3.0 points which may be added to the final grade. Extra credits are solely at the discretion of the instructor and may not be provided at all.

5. Check Blackboard frequently for postings, information, discussion, etc.

Course Calendar


M 1-10Introduction; student information, course expectations, etc.

W 1-12Setting the stage: the basics of art and historical context

Starter Kit

M 1-17Prehistory - Paleolithic; Neolithic [Read: Ch. 1]

W 1-19Ancient Near East: Mesopotamia [Ch. 2]

M 1-24 Quiz 1 (short; approximately 10 minutes; covers previous topics )

Egypt: Early Dynastic; Old Kingdom [Ch. 3]

W 1-26Egypt: Middle Kingdom; New Kingdom [Ch. 3]

M 1-31Quiz 2

Aegean Area: CycladicIslands; Crete; Mycenae [Ch. 4]


W 2-02Art of Ancient Greece [Ch. 5]

M 2-07Quiz 3

The Greeks: Geometric & Orientalizing; Archaic [Ch. 5]

W 2-09The Greeks: Classical & High Classical [Ch. 5]

M 2-14 ♥ Quiz 4

The Greeks: Late Classical & Hellenistic [Ch. 5]

W 2-16Etruscans and Roman Art [Ch. 6]

M 2-21Quiz 5

RomanRepublic [Ch. 6]

W 2-23Roman High Imperial[Ch. 6]

M2-28Quiz 6

Roman Late Empire [Ch. 6]


W 3-02Jewish; Early Christian; Byzantine [Ch. 7]

M 3-07Quiz 7

Jewish, Early Christian, Byzantine [Ch. 7]

W 3-09Islamic Art [Ch. 8]

SPRING BREAK 3-14 through 3-18

M 3- 21Quiz 8

Art of the Americas [Ch. 12]

W 3-23Art of the Americas: Mesoamerica [Ch. 12]

M 3-28Quiz 9

Early Medieval Art in Europe [Ch. 14]

W 3-30Early Medieval Art in Europe [Ch. 14]


M 4-04Quiz 10

Romanesque Art [Ch. 15]

W 4-06Romanesque Art [Ch. 15]

M 4-11Quiz 11

Gothic Art of 12th and 13th Centuries [Ch. 16]

W 4-13Gothic Art of 12th and 13th Centuries[Ch. 16]

M 4-18Quiz 12

Fourteenth-Century Art in Europe [Ch. 17]

W 4-20Fourteenth-Century Art in Europe [Ch. 17]

M 4-25Easter Holiday – no class

W 4-27Fourteenth-Century Art in Europe [Ch. 17]