Asotin-Anatone School District No. 420

Asotin, WA 99402

Board of Directors
Mr. Warren Benner
Mr. Graeson Parsons
Mr. Chris Loseth
Mrs. Paula Elskamp Mr. Robert Ulrich

District Administration

Mr. Dale Bonfield, Superintendent

Mrs. Julie Hancock, Business Manager Mrs. Sheila Witters,Payroll Specialist Mrs. Polly Schetzle, Executive Administrative Assistant

Asotin Elementary Office Personnel

Mr. Wes Nicholas, Principal Mrs. Terrie Clouse, Administrative Assistant

The Asotin-Anatone School District #420 complies with all federal rules and regulations and does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, religion, national origin, sex, or disability in employment, educational or extra-curricular programs or otherwise. This holds true for all students who are interested in participating in educational programs and/or extra-curricular school activities Inquiries regarding compliance or complaint procedures may be directed to the school district's Title IX Compliance Officer: Julie Hancock, Human Resources Director, Asotin-Anatone School District No. 420, P.O. Box 489 Asotin, WA 99402, Telephone: 509-243-1100, email: or contact Section 504/ADA/RCW 28A.640 Compliance Officer: Jerry Uhling, High School Principal Asotin-Anatone School District No. 420, P.O. Box 489, Asotin, WA 99402, email:

School Climate Program

Our school climate program is designed to provide a productive, safe, and respectful environment for all students and school personnel. The program centers on the concept that all staff members must strive toward consistency in their interactions with students. Consistency is critical to children’s social, emotional, and intellectual development. The staff has developed behavioral instructional plans for hallways and lunch lines, assemblies, playground, lavatories, coming to and arriving at school, and leaving school for the bus area. The expected behaviors are taught, practiced, and reviewed. In addition, each classroom teacher has developed his/her own management program that functions within the school-wide plan. To encourage students to follow the classroom and school rules, students are taught appropriate behavior.

If misbehavior occurs, the staff uses a procedure called “Time to Teach.” Time to Teach has two parts. The first part is designed to allow students to regain control by asking them to sit off to the side or to move to another classroom. This part allows the student to calm down and regain control. The second part called Refocus is designed to help identify what they did, e.g., disrupting the classroom, etc., and what they need to do to re-enter the class and to be successful.

Students who receive three or more refocuses in a week attend After School Academy on Tuesdays where they make up class work they missed while out of the classroom during refocus times. Academy is on Tuesdays from 2:30-3:30. Parents will be notified when their child has Academy.Students that are consistently receiving After School Academy may be required to attend Skills Streaming classes. These classes are on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 2:30-3:15 and focus on helping the child make appropriate decisions.

Students who display exceptional misconduct will not have the opportunity to receive a prompt or refocus. Exceptional misconduct is more serious behavior in nature and/or disruptive to the operation of the school. Exceptional misconduct may result in parent conference, detention, behavior contract, isolation, and/or suspension.

Behavior Goals

1.Provide a safe and orderly environment for learning

2. Students will keep hands, feet, objects, and inappropriate words to themselves.

3. Students will bring only objects to school that are approved and assist in the learning process.

4. Students will use school equipment as it is intended to be used.

Cooperate with Others

  1. Students will follow directions of any person in a supervisory capacity
  2. Students will work and play as a team following the rules.

Manage Yourself

  1. Students will accept responsibility for one’s own actions.
  2. Students will use appropriate behavior and language for school.
  3. Students will be in the correct place on time with materials needed and will be ready to learn.

Respect Rights and Property of Others

1.Students will treat everyone, including him/herself with respect.

2.Students will treat everyone’s property with respect.

3.Students will keep school property free of any defacement.

In conclusion, we firmly believe lifelong success depends upon self-management. Your child deserves the most positive educational climate possible for academic growth. Therefore, this plan is in effect at all times.

Dress and Appearance

Dress and grooming are primarily concerns of the individual students and parents. The school, however, does become involved when student dress and grooming adversely affect the general learning environment of the school. Safety, sanitation, and good judgment determine the basic standards for dress and grooming.

Contacting Teachers

If you have questions or concerns regarding your child’s progress at school, please schedule a conference. An early phone call or conference will often help both parent and teacher. Teachers are available between 7:30 and 7:50 a.m. to take your phone calls. You can email teacher at any time.

Lunchroom Fees/Charging

Breakfast and lunch fees are determined every year. Information is sent home at the beginning of the year. NO CHARGING of lunch costs are allowed. If your student brings home a negative balance reminder slip please take care of the charge immediately. If your student has a negative balance for over the set negative balance amount of $14.15 or if on the reduced fee a set negative balance of $2.00 the student will not be able to have a regular lunch. They will be receiving a sandwich, fruit, and milk until the balance is paid in full.

Reading Log

All students at Asotin Elementary School are required to keep a reading log. This log keeps track of the time that students spend reading at home and is signed daily by the parent. Students who complete at least 20 minutes of reading each day receive ice cream at the end of the month and earn tickets for the end-of-quarter drawings.


Arrangements between friends or parents and child should be made outside of school hours. The phones at school are available for emergency use. If you need to leave a message for your student you can call the school. It must be before 2:15 PM. Messages are given at 2:20 PM everyday. We cannot interrupt class for students to talk on the phone to parents. If it is an emergency a message can be sent to the student immediately. (509)243-4147.

Volunteer Program

Volunteers are an important component of our educational program. Volunteers help by:

1.Providing extra assistance to individual students and the classroom teacher

2.Enriching the experiences of the children through community resources

3.Building communication links between the school and community.

4.Please contact the school office if you are interested in becoming a volunteer or if you would like more information about the program.

Make a Difference – Get Involved!

We need your help. Your child needs it too.According to more than 50 studies, children whose parents are involved in school do better in school.In other words, involvement makes a difference. We recognize it is difficult for busy parents to get involved, but it is not impossible. You could, for instance

  • Be a cheerleader for success. Train yourself to look for, and tell your child about, the things your child does well. If you focus on, expect and recognize success, you’ll encourage more of it.
  • Communicate a positive attitude about school, teachers, and the importance of learning.
  • Show as much interest in your child’s day at school as you would expect someone to show in your day at work.
  • Provide a quiet place for your child to read and/or do homework.
  • Explore how you can become a school volunteer even if you may work outside the home during the day.
  • Take some time to meet the people who play important roles in your child’s life at school.
  • Keep yourself informed about school and school district issues and policies. Consider and vote on issues affecting the schools.
  • Join your school’s parent organization and make yourself available to help with a minimum of one activity this year. You’ll probably meet so many nice people and have such a good time you’ll want to do it again.
  • Don’t wait for parent-teacher conference time talk to your child’s teacher and principal. Your insights and observations are important. Get involved this year! It can make a big difference in both your life and the life of your child.
  • Regularly check the school website:

Classroom Request

Each spring teachers make class lists for the next school year. The process is quite complicated and includes balancing the number of boys and girls, making classes equal size, placing special program students, balancing ability levels in each class and trying to match learning styles with teaching styles. Once the classes are set it becomes very difficult to move students because of what it does to the overall class. If you feel that it is extremely important that your child be placed in a specific classroom, please write a letter addressed to the principal explaining the educational rationale for your request. We will try to honor your request, but please try to understand all the factors that are considered when teachers make their class lists. These letters must be submitted by May 15.


Pupils have access to a well-stocked library. Although fines are not assessed on overdue books, it is the responsibility of the pupil to get books returned on time and in good condition. Damage or lost books must be replaced. The pupil pays a replacement cost for this. Parent cooperation is needed to keep books clean, in good condition, and returned on the date due.

New Students

Parents who register new students should plan for their child to begin attendance the day following registration. This enables teachers to prepare materials for the student. New students register at the elementary office and are required by Washington State law to have birth certificate and immunization records.

Dress for Cold

Outside play is an important part of a student’s day. This is a time to unwind from the rigors of classroom activities and to socialize with other children. Some days are cold and wet. Please have your child dressed appropriately for the weather conditions. Students will be outdoors for recess daily except when weather conditions do not permit. Remember coats, boots, hats and gloves.

School Visitations

Parents are encouraged to visit school to observe classrooms and participate in activities. As a courtesy, it is requested that the teacher be notified in advance of the visitation. Please check in at the office when you arrive so we may locate you in case of an emergency.

Lost and Found

The lost and found is located by the office. Students should check with the office when items are lost. It is most helpful if items are marked with the child’s name. Please check the lost and found at anytime for lost items belonging to your family.


This district is committed to a positive and productive education and working environment free from discrimination, including sexual harassment. The district prohibits sexual harassment of students, employees and others involved in school district activities. Sexual harassment occurs when:

  1. Submitting to the harasser's sexual demands is a stated or implied condition of obtaining an education or workopportunity or other benefit.
  2. Submission to or rejection of sexual demands is a factor in an academic, work or other school-related decisionaffecting an individual.
  3. Unwelcome sexual or gender-directed conduct or communication interferes with an individual's performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.
  4. Sexual harassment can occur from adult to student, student to adult, student to student, adult to adult, male to female, female to male, male to male and female to female.
  5. The district will take prompt, equitable and remedial action within its authority on reports, complaints and grievances alleging sexual harassment that come to the attention of the district, either formally or informally. Allegations of criminal misconduct will be reported to law enforcement and suspected child abuse will be reported to law enforcement or Child Protective Services. Persons found to have been subjected to sexual harassment will have appropriate school district services made reasonably available to them and adverse consequences of the harassment shall be reviewed and remedied, as appropriate.
  6. Engaging in sexual harassment will result in appropriate discipline or other appropriate sanctions against offending students, staff and contractors. Anyone else who engages in sexual harassment on school property or at school activities will have their access to school property and activities restricted, as appropriate.
  7. Retaliation against any person who makes or is a witness in a sexual harassment complaint is prohibited and will result in appropriate discipline. The district will take appropriate actions to protect involved persons from retaliation.

Attendance Policy

Absences must be excused within 3 days of the return of the student to. To excuse an absence a note, phone call, or email is acceptable. Email:It must have the date, reason for the absence and be signed or emailed by the parent or legal guardian. Washington State Law describes excusable absences as 1) Illness; 5 consecutive days absence requires a Dr.’s note. 2) Family Emergency 3) Medical/ Dental Appointment required note from Dr.


Washington State Law provides that parents, guardians or other persons residing in the Asotin-Anatone School District (and non-residents) having custody of any child eight (8) years of age and under fifteen (l5) years of age shall cause such child to attend the school in this district. If the child resides for the full time when the district's schools are in session unless the child attends a private school for the same time or unless the superintendent excuses such child from attendance because the child is physically or mentally unable to attend school, or unless the child is attending a residential school operated by the DSHS.

Any child fifteen (l5) years of age and under eighteen (l8) years of age shall be subject to the same attendance requirements unless: 1)the child has already attained a reasonable proficiency in the branches of learning required by law to be taught in the first nine grades of the public schools of this state; 2)the child is regularly and lawfully engaged in a useful and remunerative occupation; 3)the child has already met graduation requirements in accordance with the State Board of Education rules and regulations; 4)or the child has received a certificate of educational competence under rules and regulations established by the State Board of Education under RCW 28A.04.l35.

Asotin-Anatone School District Board of Directors strongly believes that regular and punctual attendance is necessary in order to achieve maximum benefit from the school program. An absence is defined as not being physically present in school or in individual classes.

State law places the responsibility for school attendance on the parent or guardian. Therefore, Asotin-Anatone School District adopts the following guidelines to assist parents in complying with RCW 28A.27.0l0:

l. EXCESSIVE ABSENCE: Excessive absence for reasons other than personal illness shall be reason for disciplinary action by the school district. Such action shall be appropriate to the situation and may include suspension or expulsion. If a student misses in excess of six (6) days in one quarter, a conference shall be held with the parent, the student, and the principal. The purpose of the conference shall be to discuss the attendance problem and to make clear the consequences of continued absences. If a student is absent from a class more than twelve (l2) days in any semester, the student may be removed from the class and all credit may be lost for that class. If a student is dropped from more than two classes as a result of excessive absences he/she may be suspended from school until the end of the semester.

Loss of credit may be reinstated by the principal, upon appeal by the student, if absences have been caused by serious injury or illness or othersimilar circumstances beyond the control of the student.

2. SPECIAL ABSENCES: Absences for authorized school functions and activities shall not be counted as absences. However, the student shall be responsible for the work he or she misses while engaged in these activities.

3. MAKE-UP WORK: Following an absence, students have the right to make up missed assignments and may request reasonable assistance from their teacher. Responsibility for obtaining assignments for make-up work rests primarily with the student. The time line for completing and submitting make-up work shall be determined by the teacher and shall reflect the length of the absence as well as the complexity and difficulty of the missed assignments. If an assignment is such that it cannot be made up, then the teacher may substitute another assignment and an equal amount of credit given.