OTFTA Agenda for January 16, 2017

Members Present: Roberts, Rhea, Whelan, Penninger, Laster, Cole, Jensen, Moore, Bozeman

Call to Order:1900

Minutes from last meeting: none

Treasure Report: Checking: $25,599.82 ;Savings: $19,941.32 ;Total: $46,541.14


DPSST – Winter Fire School – Feb. 18-19th. Dpsst is doing a NFPA driver class which includes skid truck.

David Jensen will be in Ione on the 7th and 22nd of February for car fire prop.

Jensen in Pendleton for ropes class. Ropes I and II in Hermiston in March.

FLAG in Boardman.

OFIA – Now a subsection of the OFCA. Conference is coming up in April.

DLO – Re-accredited E. Umatilla Co. last month. Jim will be working on S. Gilliam Co. for accredited.

Fire Science Program – Discussion on the Fire Science program and its low enrollment. Focused on how the local departments can help get the program better enrollment. This includes a discussion of R.I. s.

EMS Conference – Only about 35 registered so far. PHTLS, SIM lab, & HPCPR are the pre-conf. courses. Main Conference schedule is posted tentatively, might make some minor changes. Many scholarship applications are coming in. Next meeting is Thursday at 11 am in Pendleton.


Training tower & BMCC bond – waiting on plans from Fire Facilities. Then we will proceed with RFP for construction. College will come down for official ground breaking when that occurs.

TEEX – President Cole asked when we will renew the annual contract with TEEX. Jim suggests that we see how the next two classes go and decide whether to continue the program. Jason Walker and Scott Stanton have been teaching for lunch and not getting paid. Jason Walker is also on his last year.


Annual Audit of “books” – Done.

Ione burn to learn is going to be moved to April 29th and 30th. Drills, prep, and burn.

Spring School – April 8 & 9th. Tentative schedule – HazMat Ops, Instructor I, S-330, 1st half of Pumper Operator. (2nd week of P.O. would be 22nd & 23rd).

Pendleton Fire is going to put on an aerial operator class this spring

Wildland Academy this year? – Jim will send out an announcement and see if we get enough students. June 10 & 11 – S130/190/L180, June 24 & 25 S131.

Good of the order:

Adjourned: 20:28