Welcome to Biology II
Instructor / Ms. Victoria Peplin / Phone / (330) 896-7575 Ext. 616070Course / Biology II – Room 216 / E-mail /
Text and Materials needed every day:
Modern Biology Text Notebook Paper
3-ring binder Pen and Pencil (colored pencils recommended)
Welcome to Biology Two! Literally, Biology means the study of life. During the course of this semester you will be learning many new and exciting concepts concerning the living world around you. To better prepare yourself, become familiar with the prepared documents that outline my expectations of you and of myself within the classroom. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at the phone number or email address listed above.
Major Themes:
1. Microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, algae, protists, fungi)
2. Invertebrates (sponges, flatworms, mollusks, arthropods, insects, echinoderms)
3. Vertebrates (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals)
4. Human Body (skeleton, circulatory, respiratory, immune, digestive, nervous, endocrine, reproductive systems)
My number one goal is for each student to gain an appreciation for the field of biology by using knowledge gained in this course for scientific inquiry. I am always happy to help students improve their science skills. I am usually available for extra help before and after school. I will also make appointments with you so that we can work around your schedule. Before a test, I will be available after school at 2:30 and before school at 7:00.
At Green High School, grades are calculated in all classes based on the 80/20 Policy. As a result, a student’s grade is divided into 2 categories: Academic Achievement and Academic Practice. After a student has had sufficient instruction and practice on a topic, it is then reasonable to judge his/her mastery of the information or skills in the form of academic achievement assessments. The purpose is to evaluate how well a student has learned the material. Eighty percent of the total course grade comes from academic achievement and will consist of tests (oral, written and performance), some quizzes, some homework, writings, projects or presentations. Whenever a student learns new material he or she goes through a time of wrestling with the material before eventually mastering the information or skills. It is expected that a student will make some mistakes during this learning process. Work completed during this learning period is considered academic practice. Twenty percent of the total course grade comes from academic practice and will consist of some quizzes, homework, first drafts of writing, teacher questions during instruction, some worksheets, informal observations or pre-testing.
All grades and homework are posted daily on the Progress Book Website:
Academic Practice (20%) = homework, in class activities, some labs
Academic Achievement (80%) = tests, quizzes, projects, and some labs
Letter Grade / Percentage Range(0.5 & above round up 0.4 & below round down) / College Prep Quality Points
A+ / 98-100 / 4.33
A / 93-97 / 4.00
A- / 90-92 / 3.67
B+ / 87-89 / 3.33
B / 83-86 / 3.00
B- / 80-82 / 2.67
C+ / 77-79 / 2.33
C / 73-76 / 2.00
C- / 70-72 / 1.67
D+ / 67-69 / 1.33
D / 63-66 / 1.00
D- / 60-62 / .67
F / Failing / 0
Retesting Policy:
Any student may retest any in class assessment over 30 points if the following criteria are met within a week of the posting of that assessment’s grade in ProgressBook.
· A retesting assignment must be complete before retesting can occur
· Retesting must occur before or after school or during lunch
· Retesting must be scheduled at least a day ahead of time
Late Credit:
Work will be accepted late (Late work = turned in after teacher has collected the assignment for the day) after it is due for 50% credit or as determined by the teacher. No electronic devices may be used in the classroom if there are any missing assignments.
Absent Policy:
Students have the number of days they are absent plus one to make-up work. It is the STUDENT’S responsibility to get all make-up work. If you are absent the day of a test, you will make it up the day you return after school. If you are absent the day of a dissection, you will need to reschedule a time to do it on your own.
Classroom Expectations:
· I expect respect! Show respect toward everyone in the classroom.
· Follow directions the first time they are given.
· Be prepared with materials for class.
· Be in your seats when the bell rings.
· No cell phones, iPods, or any other electronic device in the classroom. This is a school-wide policy, and I will enforce it.
· No sleeping at any time. If I find you sleeping, you will be considered tardy or even absent for the day. Students are expected to participate fully in class activities.
· Try your hardest to do quality work every time. Students are to do their own work. Students caught cheating will receive a 0 on that assignment.
Classroom Discipline:
· 1st offence- Verbal Warning
· 2nd offence- Private Conversation
· 3rd offence- 30 Minute Detention (before of after school)
· 4th offence- Call Home, Detention, Outline Current Chapter(s)
· 5th offence- Removal From Class
· Severe Clause- Immediate Removal From Class
Tardy Policy:
· Tardy = student not in seat when bell rings
· 1st Tardy – verbal warning
· 2nd Tardy – detention (before or after school)
Bring Your Own Device/Technology Policy:
· All electronic devices MUST be on silent/vibrate at ALL times within the classroom.
· Acceptable times to use personal electronic devices include: during breaks, before class begins, and after the completion of required work for the day (lab GROUP must be done before any individual can use their own device). If a student has ANY MISSING WORK in the class then (s)he will not be allowed to used a device until all work is COMPLETED. Devices may be used during lab activities ONLY IF permission is given by the teacher.
· Non acceptable times to use personal electron devices include: during lecture/notes, during assessments, during lab/activity time, during presentations, during educational videos, and any time with a substitute teacher.
· Non acceptable forms of use: picture taking, video or voice recording, communication concerning assessment material and any other forms of cheating (an automatic zero will be given on the assignment), and no sound should be heard from the device (the individual may use headphones/earbuds for their own use but will not be allowed to share with another student).
Technology Discipline:
· 1st offense – verbal warning to put device away
· 2nd offense – teacher takes device from student and hands it back at the end of class
· 3rd offense – teacher takes device from student and hands it back at the end of the day
· 4th offense – teacher takes device and turns it into the appropriate assistant principal (with formal office referral)
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