Politics, Elections, and Citizenship
· Each unit test will consist of multiple choice, matching, or True/False questions mostly revolving around the “Terms” listed below. However, you could get questions from videos or other handout activities/lectures from class.
· You may have these EQ’s as part of an exit ticket or it may count as a quiz or part of the test.
· Your knowledge each day should build and connect. Always be thinking!
Tentative Test date on this unit will be ______
I: Citizenship and the Community
Essential Questions:
A) What are the rights, duties and responsibilities of United States citizens?
B) Explain the path to citizenship and naturalization, and challenges with the naturalization process.
C) Detail why immigrants, documented and undocumented are accepted and rejected as newcomers to the United States.
Terms: citizenship, naturalization, government, alien, documented vs. undocumented, Green Card, immigrants, “salad bowl” vs “melting pot”, assimilation, right vs. duties vs. responsibilities of citizens, 14th Amendment Citizenship Clause, jury duty, voting, to deport, push vs. pull factors to immigration
Connection to Today:
1. Who are some people today (born or naturalized) that demonstrate qualities of a good US citizen?
2. What are some current beliefs about undocumented immigrants to our country?
II: Political Parties and Ideology
Essential Questions:
A) What beliefs make up political ideology?
B) What are the roles of political parties and politicians in America?
C) In what ways does polling influence voting and ideology?
Terms: ideology, political parties, interest groups, lobbyists, Left, Right, conservative, liberal, radical, reactionary, moderate, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, centrist, Independent, propaganda, Gallup, public opinion, polls, straw poll, margin of error, mass media, two party system, plurality vs. majority, platform, third parties, partisan, non partisan, citizen activism, bias, polarization
Connection to Today: What are current issues and platforms of the major candidates running this year in various branches and levels of our government?
III. Elections and Campaigning
Essential Questions:
A) What are the roles of lobbyists, polling, PACs and citizens in our elections?
B) Describe the campaign process at various levels of government.
C) How does propaganda and mass media affect the election process?
Terms: grassroots, plurality vs. majority, primary elections, general elections, polling place, voting districts, early voting, voter id laws, PACs, Citizens United ruling, incumbent, recall, initiatives, conventions, propaganda, endorsements, Glittering Generalities, Bandwagon, Stacked Cards, Name Calling, “Just Plain Folks”, mass media, electors, Electoral College, exit polls, canvassing, slander, libel, lobbyists, petitions, local elections, bond issues
Connection to Today:
1. What are some current propaganda ads in the mass media today?
2. What are the current predictions for the election in local, state and federal positions?