Peter Blanchard

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 4:40 pm Post subject: Welcome to the Tooker Gomberg Memorial Discussion Forum Reply with quote

Welcome to the Tooker Gomberg Memorial Discussion Forum

(homepage: )

On March 4, 2004, controversial writer, activist and politician Tooker Gomberg was reported missing and is presumed dead. One of Canada's most daring and controversial public figures, his loss is being grieved across the country and around the world.

This is a place to learn about Tooker, his life and ideas. It's also a place to discuss how to pursue the ideas and ideals in which Gomberg so strongly believed. You are welcome to share your thoughts, feelings and announcements about Tooker and what he stood for.

Many have already posted wonderful tributes, memories of Tooker, announcements of gatherings and events, links and more . . .

Forum Contents:

Tooker Gomberg Memorial Discussion Forum - Index

Tooker's Writings, News & Links:

Upcoming Events and Memorials Across Canada:

(revised Friday March 19)

Forum Homepage:

Tooker Gomberg Discussion Forum & Bulletin Board (includes photo of Tooker)

(If you mention this forum to others or plan on creating

a link, please use this address).

- Peter Blanchard

People- & Planet-Friendly


How to post a message:

(1) REGISTER – create yourself a free account on the forum. To do so, just click "Register", at top right. If you come back later to post again, click "Log in". To register, all you need is an e-mail account. Privacy concerns: Your e-mail address will not be visible to others (unless you manually type it into your message or signature). You do not need to provide any personal information, just leave it blank. You can even use a pseudonym if you like.

(2) TO POST: Once you've registered/logged in, just click the oval "New Topic" or "Post Reply" button, near top left.

P.S. Please note that this is a moderated forum. Disrespectful or inappropriate posts will be removed at the discretion of the moderator. We also reserve the right to edit subject lines for clarity and brevity.

Last edited by Peter Blanchard on Thu Mar 11, 2004 12:23 pm; edited 8 times in total

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Peter Blanchard

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Posts: 218

Location: Canada

PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:16 pm Post subject: Memorial Events in Toronto: Tales, Big Pharma, Full Moon Rid Reply with quote

Tooker Gomberg Memorial: Tales, Big Pharma and Full

Moon Ride for TaketheTooker Bloor St. Bike Lane!

Sat. March 3, 7:30 p.m.

341 Bloor St. W. Toronto (at St. George)

On the 3rd anniversary of Tooker Gomberg's passing,

please join us for...

- Ritual to honor Tooker's passing

- Tale-telling to celebrate his life

- Moon gazing -- Mar. 3 is a full moon and a full

lunar eclipse

- Special screening of the 2006 video documentary:

"Big Bucks, Big Pharma:

Marketing Disease and Pushing Drugs"

"Big Bucks, Big Pharma" pulls back the curtain on the

multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry to expose

the insidious ways that illness is used, manipulated,

and in some instances created, for capital gain. "Big

Bucks, Big Pharma" challenges us to ask important

questions about the consequences of relying on a

for-profit industry for our health and well-being.

Then, if your feelin hardy, join us for a critical

mass bike ride along Bloor/Danforth in celebration of

Take The Tooker, our future east/west bicycle

expressway, fueled by organic hot chocolate courtesy

of Choco Sol. Meet at 10 p.m. at Bloor and St. George.

Free. For more info call Shannon, or ira:

(416) 534-9033 x 1 or email


Sponsored by:


Take The Tooker

Choco Sol


Eulogies for Tooker and Stories for

a healthy mind, body and planet

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Peter Blanchard

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 1:55 pm Post subject: If things are so bad, why don't you just... Reply with quote

"The most common words I hear spoken by any environmentalists

anywhere are, 'We're f*cked'. ...People sometimes ask me,

'If things are so bad, why don't you just kill yourself?' The

answer is that life is really, really good. I am a complex

enough being that I can hold in my heart the understanding

that we are really, really f*cked, and at the same time that

life is really, really good. I am full of rage, sorrow, joy,

love, hate, despair, happiness, satisfaction, dissatisfaction,

and a thousand other feelings. We are really f*cked. Life

is still really good."

-- from Beyond Hope,

by Derrick Jenson, ORION Magazine, May/June 2006


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Joined: 07 Mar 2004

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Location: Montreal, Qc.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 2:57 am Post subject: HealthyMBPTour&freeZineLaunch AprilFoolsDay Reply with quote

Tour & "Depression Expression" free Zine Launch on April Fools Day

Healthy Mind, Body, Planet - A Multi-Media Tour, & Tabloid Launch on April Fools Day

Tour & Tabloid will be launched at Union Station in Toronto at 10:00 AM, Saturday April 1st 2006 Exclamation Very Happy

25,000 copies of "Depression Expression" free tabloid will be distributed along the tour in 23 cities across Canada. Razz

The word "yoga" in sanskriti means "union", Angela, Bridjet & Kelly also invite you do some yoga that morning at Union Station Wink

For more info about the tour, schedule, dates, locations, posters(pdf files) visit: Arrow Mr. Green

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Joined: 25 Feb 2006

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 10:57 pm Post subject: Healthy Mind, Body, Planet - A Multi-Media Tour, Tabloid an Reply with quote

April 6 - June 13, 2006 - cities and towns across Canada

Healthy Mind, Body, Planet is a cross-Canada multi-media tour,

tabloid and documentary celebrating the most current information,

analysis and inspiration related to mental, physical and planetary

health. We will look at the reasons for the recent rise in

depression, and at the myriad of treatments available, including

pharmaceutical and holistic, within the context of Big-Pharma and

corporate culture.

We will honor the late Tooker Gomberg by concentrating on the role

that mental illness and associated treatments played in his tragic

death, and provide comprehensive information on sustainable activism

as well as complementary and alternative treatments to sound mental


This presentation is a multi-media kaleidoscope of images, sounds,

and stories critiquing our current state and offering direction for

positive change. Participants will walk away motivated to influence

their world with greater awareness and tools.

The tour presentations will be complemented by a newspaper tabloid,

websites, podcast/blogs (written, audio and video), and a video


For more information and tour dates, please visit

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Peter Blanchard

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Location: Canada

PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:25 pm Post subject: topical links, resources, opportunities Reply with quote

People & Planet Editor adds... topical links, resources & opportunities:

Greenspiration (Tooker Gomberg & Angela Bischoff's website)

Boiling Frog (distribution and showing of books, videos and

other "media materials dealing with the many issues either

contributing to the rising heat, or efforts to turn it down")



Mental Health


Do Not Burn Yourself Out, by Edward Abbey




Activist Support Forum / Discussion

Creating Stronger Community



Sustainable Living Links


How To Be An Activist -- articles, resources, links

Art, Music, Writing & Video -- for Social & Ecological Change


EcoPortal Canada -- gateway to everything "eco" in Canada and beyond

GoodWork Canada -- eco-jobs, contracts, internships, opportunity


Tooker Gomberg


Greenspiration: (Tooker & Angela's website)

Memorial Discussion Forum:

Eco-Heroes, Visionaries and You

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Joined: 07 Mar 2004

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Location: Montreal, Qc.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 2:15 am Post subject: Tour&FreeZineLaunchAprilFoolsDay Reply with quote

Tour & "Depression Expression" free Zine Launch on April Fools Day

Healthy Mind, Body, Planet - A Multi-Media Tour, & Tabloid Launch on April Fools Day

Tour & Tabloid will be launched at Union Station in Toronto at 10:00 AM, Saturday April 1st 2006 Exclamation Very Happy

25,000 copies of "Depression Expression" free tabloid will be distributed along the tour in 23 cities across Canada. Razz

The word "yoga" in sanskriti means "union", Angela, Bridjet & Kelly also invite you do some yoga that morning at Union Station, you may want to bring along a yoga mat or somekind of small carpet... Wink

For more info about the tour, schedule, dates, locations, posters(pdf files) visit: Arrow Mr. Green

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Joined: 07 Mar 2004

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Location: Montreal, Qc.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 3:18 pm Post subject: Take the Tooker Official Launch - Line PaintingDemonstration Reply with quote

News Release

Take the Tooker Official Launch - Line Painting demonstration

Friday, Mar. 3, 2 p.m.

Northeast corner of Bloor and Yonge seeks a city-wide bicycle expressway alongside the Bloor/Danforth subway as a living legacy to bike and climate activist Tooker Gomberg. A passionate environmentalist, Gomberg earned 50,000 votes in his mayoralty bid in 2000.

The launch on Friday is on the second anniversary of Tooker's death in Halifax following an increased dosage of an anti-depressant drug that agitated him. The establishment of a bicycle expressway not only honors Tooker, but all cyclists and wanna-be cyclists in this city who don't feel safe competing for space with cars.

Bloor St. and the Danforth span the City from Mississauga to Scarborough through the Toronto core, in a single long, direct, and flat route. "With no streetcar tracks to stop line repaintings, there is simply no better place to enhance cycling than beside the subway" says Hamish Wilson, member of Take the Tooker collective. "It can deliver trainloads of customers to all the merchants along the Bloor and the Danforth without cars. And often, there are parking lots atop the subway behind retails strips, so any street parking losses from the putting in of bike lanes are already completely accommodated for."

The City is aware of the hazards of biking, especially east-west cycling in the core where most car/bike collisions happen, but has failed to address the problems. ( "Toronto cyclists can't wait for more inaction. And there's really no reason to. Bike lanes are dirt cheap--only $200,000 brings 8 kms of bike lanes to the Bloor/Danforth. This compares most favourably to the $125,000,000 a km cost of the Front St. Extension" says Darren Stehr, another member of the Take the Tooker collective.

The City administration is studying the implications of the TaketheTooker, but there are no real technical complications to this bikeway; most obstacles are political.

In view of the climate crisis and the smog emergencies of last summer, the TaketheTooker is a litmus test of whether incumbents are serious about a range of issues, since repainting streets is a simple and inexpensive solution to so many urban problems.

For more info contact:

Hamish Wilson 416-655-0744

Darren Stehr 416 707-4744


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Joined: 07 Mar 2004

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Location: Montreal, Qc.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 3:13 pm Post subject: Mon.Mar. 13 Let's meet to move TakeTheTookerBikeLane forward Reply with quote

Monday Mar. 13

Let's meet to move TakeTheTooker bike lane forward:

7-8 p.m.

OISE, 252 Bloor Street West (Bloor and St. George)

7th floor (and follow the signs)

see further below...

Bike lanes on Bloor appearing mysteriously Exclamation Idea


The official launch on Mar. 3rd was a great success. We got 12 min. on CBC radio, plus some clips on CFRB, a photo in the Varsity, and likely there will be a photo in NOW. Words out. See photos of the launch by John Bonnar here:

The cops prevented us from using paint, so we used chalk. But unbeknownst to most of us, at the SAME TIME, there was a guerrilla break out group that was painting lines and bike symbols along Bloor between Spadina and Bathurst. See pictures here: and here: and even a video of them here: And on the weekend a different artist was at it with symbols and lines on Bloor between Spadina and St. George. Are we seeing the rise of cyclists tired of waiting for for the city to act, prepared to help the city out with free labour and paint? Cyclists are so generous!

Imagine gorilla bike lane/symbol paintings all along Bloor/Danforth! How bout a photo contest of all the guerrilla bike lane paintings, with prizes? Someone suggested an online (and offline) petition. How bout a phone blitz to Councillors? Monthly demonstrations? Running our own candidates in the upcoming civic election?

Let's meet to move TaketheTooker forward: Wink

Monday Mar. 13

7-8 p.m.

OISE, 252 Bloor Street West (Bloor and St. George)

7th floor (and follow the signs)

People understand instinctively that Bloor/Danforth is the BEST opportunity for a bicycle expressway across Toronto. It's long, flat, and already a popular cycling route. Unfortunately, it's not safe, as evidenced by the car/bike collision map shown here on page 2: