Valencia County Rural Committee Meeting Notes
March 20, 2014, 11:30am, Henry Perea Building
Attendees: Charles Carter, Stephanie Kozemchak, Lawrence Esquibel, Cynthia Ferrari, Cristina Jaramillo, Bart Regelbrugge, Ginny Adame, Sharon Tenorio, and Russell Griego.
Guest Speaker: Amy Duggan, Center for Nonprofit Excellence
Amy walked the attendees through the CNPE website: site has many resources, trainings, job openings, volunteer opportunities, etc. Amy discussed the Encore program, which is a program for retired professionals to provide expertise to nonprofits. Cost is $20k; they work 20 hrs/wk and have a 6-12 month term. This program would be great for the Community Wellness Coalition and/or other programs.Contact Amy for more information:
Discussion & Follow-up Items
- Welcome: Russell Griego for attending on behalf of Bank of the West.
- Committee needs representation from credit unions: Stephanie & Casey to pursue
- Tribal rep: Cynthia F. will contact Jill from Isleta Pueblo, Library Director. Casey will pursue Laguna Pueblo
- Media Plan: Rhona will contact VCNM for us to schedule a meeting.
- NM PBS: Laurel Wycokoff has an interest in recording and broadcasting a Townhall Meeting in two or more rural counties – including Valencia County. Details and more information to come.
- SHARE NM website: Question if Valencia Countycan have a landing page from the sharenm.orgwebsite – Bart R. will pursue.
- Fernando, Hispano Chamber of Commerce: the 2013 Metanza raised $10-11k = 20 scholarships!
- Cristina, Boys & Girls Club shared several updates:
- 12 Infinity HS students and adults took the Railrunner to Santa Fe to attend the Legislative session. They met with Valencia County reps.
- Youth of the Year, 10 year old Lucas Padilla, Belen student represented B&GC at the annual event.
- Launched a “Kick Butts” Program to discourage smoking and are working on an upcoming program called “Smart Girls.”
- Sharon T., BBBS: Looking for a program coordinator for Valencia County. Contact Sharon at: for more information
- Ginny A., CWC: gave an update on the 3-part training series on Results Based Accountability and Collective Impact completed in March. They are working on next steps and looking to expand their council!
Upcoming Events
- MeadowlakeTownhall – Senior Center Use: Sat, Mach 29, 10:30am, 100 Cuerro Lane, corner of Meadowlake Rd
- Tax Help NM – Valencia County Location, Los Lunas High School, 1776 Emilio Lopez Rd. February 4 - April 15, 2014, Tuesdays and Thursdays 3pm – 6pm, Saturdays 9am – 12 noon
- Statewide Health Councils & Community Gathering, March 31, Embassy Suites, Albuq
- United Way Campaign Celebration, April 3, National Dance Institute, 8am
- City of Albuq Child Abuse Prevention event, April 4, noon, Civic Plaza
- April 17, Village of Los Lunas’ 9th Annual Health and Wellness Fair, Thursday, April 17, 2014 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the gym at Daniel Fernandez Park. Contact Ginny A. for more information:
- April is Child Abuse Prevention and Alcohol Awareness Month. Community Event, April 16, 2pm – 5pm, Daniel Fernandez Park and Youth Center. Contact Amber Chavez, YDI 505-865-7422
- Friday, May 10, 2013: Tim Lardner Memorial Scholarship Golf Tournament, go to for more information.
- Thursday, June 5, 2014: Los Lunas Schools 3rd Annual Golf Tournament, Isleta Golf Course, contact Jennifer Othart or Nina Mize: , 866.8288 or , 866.8338
- Hispano Chamber of Commerce is planning a Veteran’s Day event in November. Details to come.
Special thanks to Charles for the pizza and salad lunch!
Next Rural Committee Meeting: May 22, 2014, Henry Perea Building, 11:30am