Paper no 18-09-A
Salient Points from the Council Meeting
held on Sunday30 January 2010, at Butlins Minehead
01Report to Council from the Board of Management
- Council approved to take the following proposal as a Motion to the AGM in April 2010 – “That the Annual Subscription Levy be increased by 2.5%” Any counties wishing to issue an amendment to this Motion should do so by the 15 February 2010
- Council gave the Board of Management authority to approve the financial statements as at 31 December 2009 on their behalf at its next meeting in March
- Council noted that the transfer of the HOPs department to ‘HOPS Labour Solutions Limited’ will take place once all formalities have been completed
- Council noted that the next Board meeting in March will be the newly structured Board. The following specialist board appointments have been made; Christine Hope - Safeguarding specialist & Robert Blezard Health & Safety specialist. A candidate for Fundraising specialist will be interviewed shortly. The chairperson of Council asked Council to let her know the names of any potential candidates for HR & Treasurer roles. Action point for Counties – if you know of any YFC members/past YFC members who are professionals in these fields of expertise, please encourage them to speak with Helen Roberts, Chairperson of Council for further information
- The position of Chairman of the Board will be re-advertised shortly
- Negotiations with Candidates for CEO and Development Team Manager are ongoing
- Council noted that the NFYFC Youthwork Development Team’s priority area of work for the next 12 months will be Safeguarding – County Federations are encouraged to work with Cath Sykes & Jodie Stirrup and should contact them at the NFYFC office should they have any queries or need assistance.
02Report to Council from the ARAC Steering Group
- A review of the 2009-10 Defra Grant will take place on 24 February 2010
- The ARAC forum to be held on Saturday 24 April at Torquay will be sponsored by HOPS Labour Solutions Limited, topics will be; Your House, Your Europe & Your Future
- There will be a second Regional Link Day 31 March in Hertfordshire, details will be circulated
- The Farm Business Development Competition will be held at Stoneleigh on the 6 July with the announcement of the winners at the CLA Game Fair on 24 July 2010
- Katherine Sealy & Milly Wastie will take part in the CLA Debate at the Game Fair on 24 July preceding the Farm Business Development Competition prize giving
- Katherine Sealy will join Sir John Beddington & Peter Kendall in the Next Generation break out session at the NFU Conference looking at Food Security
- The AgriSkills strategy will be launched on 10 February
03Report to Council from the Competitions Steering Group
- During 2010 all trophies should be returned to NFYFC in good time. The NFYFC wishes to have trophies photographed and valued for insurance purposes
- Subject to final negotiations with the Royal County of Berkshire Agricultural Society (Newbury Show), it is proposed to hold the ATV Safety and Handling final on Saturday 18 September and the Tug of War final on Sunday 19 September 2010
- The County Exhibit Final will be held at the Malvern Autumn Show on 25/26 September
- The first day of Senior Stockman of the Year will be held at Stoneleigh Park, the second day at the NEC Dairy & Livestock Event 7/8 September, subject to negotiations the RABDF, the Show organisers
04Report to Council from the Event Steering Group
- Council approved Hollie Harris & Dan Halliday be elected Co-options to the Events Steering Group
- Council approved the following implementation for missing/replacement wristbands at the Annual Convention 2010:
a)If a member loses a wristband completely, a replacement band will cost the full amount of the wristband price (for the remainder of the Convention Weekend), and will only be able to make the purchase after a 30 minute cooling off period subject to passing database and ID checks
b)If a member returns their own broken wristband and passes a database & ID check, they can purchase a replacement wristband for £5
- The Groupwill replace the ‘Oompah band’ with another act
- Council are to encourage their membership to note the Annual Convention Behavioural Policy and take particular care with T-shirt slogans so as not to offend Action point for members of Council and County Federations.
- The Group are considering the following fancy dress themes for 2011 and will take further suggestions at the next meeting: Disney Characters, Song Titles, The West End
- The Group are in the final stages of planning an evening dance at the 2010 Competitions Day on the 9 October and will also look to providing some entertainment during the day
05Report to Council from the Personal Development Steering Group
- The Group will put a Motion to the AGM regarding the ‘UN Convention on the Rights of the Child’
wording to be finalised
- Approval was given to 50% of the existing Associate Levy be used to partially fund the Leadership
Challenge Course (previously Management Adventure)
- The Group will respond individually to those counties who submitted feedback on the Safeguarding
- ‘Are You Ready for Office’ will be available on the website
- NFYFC Youth Work Development Team are working with Diageo drinks company to begin an alcohol
awareness campaign and have potential funding for this project
- There are places available on the ITOL accredited Leadership Development Course 26-28 February,
Stratford Upon Avon – closing date for bookings is 12 February, booking forms are on the NFYFC
- The ITOL Advanced Train The Trainer course is on 9 – 11 April again at Stratford Upon Avon (Booking
forms will be available mid February at a cost of £75 per head)
- Free HSE Farm Safety courses are being held in
- Gloucestershire 2 March (2 courses on that day, each a half day).
- Devon 17 March (approx 10.00 – 3.30pm)
- Cornwall on the 18 March (approx 10.00 – 3.30pm)
- Staff Conference 11/12 February in Leicestershire
- Feedback is required on the Discovery Programme marketing strategy. 3 places remaining on the
Discovery trips
- The Group will give ideas to the Worshipful Company of Farmers’ to best utilise their £13K funding budget for Agricultural Study Scholarship overseas
06North/South Regional members representatives to the NFYFC Board of Management - New Structure
- James Williams (Hertfordshire)elected to represent the Northern Region (Eastern Area, East Midlands Area & Northern Area)
- Ed Akerman (Wiltshire) elected to represent the Southern Region (South East Area, South West Area and West Midlands Area)
- Both Representatives will attend the newly structured Board of Management in March 2010
07RABI Charity
- Helen Robert has chosen RABI as her charity for the year and will shortly be circulating an appeal to all Counties and clubs to help her raise funds during her year of office.