Block seminar during the Summer Semester2017

Europa und seine Werte im Krisenmodus/Europe and its Values in Crisis Mode

Prof. Dr. Thomas Giegerich, LL.M.

List of topics:

  1. The Future of the EU and its Neighbours
  1. The Commission’s White Paper on the Future of Europe of01 March 2017 and the Rome Declaration of25 March 2017
  2. Northern Ireland and Scotland as Outvoted “Victims” of the BrexitReferendum in the UK: Which Corrective Measures exist?
  3. The EU’s Relationship with Switzerland
  4. The VeniceCommission’s Report regarding Turkey’s Constitutional Reform of 10/11 March 2017 – CDL-AD(2017)005
  5. Should anInter-State Application based on Art. 33 ECHR be filed against Turkey in View of the Postcoup Events?
  1. How to deal with Refugees
  1. No Entitlement to obtain Entry Visas for seeking Asylum in the EU: The CJEU - judgmentof 7 March 2017 in the Case of X and others v Belgiumdisregards the Advocate General’sOpinion
  2. Human Rights limits tothe Treatment of Asylum Seekers: The ECtHR-Judgments in the Cases of S.K. v Russiaof 14.2.2017 and Ilias and Ahmed v Hungaryof 14 March 2017
  3. The RefugeeDeal with Turkey: A legal Assessment in the Light of the European Court’s Decisions of 28 February 2017 (T-192/16, T-193/16, T-257/16)
  1. Rule of Law, Judicial Protection, Human Rights
  1. The European Commission’s Rule of Law Procedure against Poland
  2. Judicial Control of CFSPDecisions (especially the Rosneft-judgment of the CJEU [Case C-72/15])
  3. CETA/TTIP: Is the Envisaged Investor-State-Arbitration Compatible with the Autonomy of Union Law?
  4. Does EULaw Contain a Constitutional Principle of Openness to International Law? (Comparison with the German Basic Law)
  5. The Request for Opinion Procedure according to Art. 218 (11) TFEU in Comparison with the OpinionProcedures of the ECtHR and the ICJ
  6. EU Law Requirements for the Introduction of Data Retention by Member States:The CJEU Judgment of 21 December 2016 (Joined Cases C-203/15 and C-698/15)
  7. The CJEU’s Headscarf Judgments of 14 March 2017 in the Cases Achbita and Bougnaoui
  8. Human Rights Limits to Austerity Policy (ECHR, IPescR and EU-CFR)
  9. Is the Revised Car Toll as adopted by the German Legislature compatible with EULaw?
  1. The Fight against Terrorism and its Legal Boundaries
  1. The EU’s Fight against International Terrorism (inter alia Art. 42 (7) TEU)
  2. Human Rights Limits to theUse of Force against Hostage-Taking by Terrorists: The ECtHRJudgment in the Case of Tagayeva and others v. Russiaof 13 April 2017
  3. The ECHR in Non-International Armed Conflicts – the Case of Serdar Mohammed in the UK

Preparatory Meeting:Tuesday,2 May 2017, 6 pm sharp, lecture hall 117

Seminar Session:21 and 22 of July 2017 at the European Academy Otzenhausen.

The registration and reservation of a topic will be possible from27 April 2017, 9 am with Simon Biehl (via E-Mail:).

ATTENTION: Topic reservations sent before 27 April 2017, 9 am will not be taken into account!

The final assignment of the topics will take place at the preparatory meeting. Therefore, it is obligatoryfor all participants to turn up on the 2nd of May and confirm their choice at the preparatory meeting.

The papers can be written and presented in English or German. A detailed outline of the paper has to be handed in to your supervisor by Tuesday,6June 2017 at 12 noon.Your supervisor will contact you via Mail.

The final paper has to be handed in by Wednesday,12 July 2017 at 12 noon. You must provide two printed and bound copies of your work to Kristina Müller (Building B 2.1 / Chair of Prof. Giegerich 2nd floor / 2.23) and send it electronically as a Word-file and a PDF-file .

To prepare for the seminar session in Otzenhausen you are expected to read the papers of your fellow participants which will be made available at the desk of the library of the Europa-Institut from Monday, 17July 2017, 12 noon.

We are very much looking forward to your participation!