The review checklist below can be used to guide staff to assess how the organisation is facilitating client decision-making about their service and to actively participate in their community. Specifically, it aims to guide organisations as to how they can better assist with staff development and case planning to promote client decision-making and participation. It can also be used to plan additional actions if there are gaps in meeting this requirement.
ELEMENT / RATING1 Non-existent
5 Working really well / COMMENTS
- Case planning and management policies specify theneed for a client-directed approach to establishing the client plan.
- We have an effective case management planning and progress guide.
- Each client plan is reviewed with client involvement as a key part of evidence.
- Clients have an advocate (internal or external to the organisation) when planning withaCase Manager. The advocate supportsclients to identify their goals. There is guidance to determine if a client needs an advocate.
- Key case planning questions are written down on a simple guide for the client, with language or cultural variations.
- Staff have been trained in asking the right questions to elicit clientresponses.
- Support workers and other staff have guidance to assisting clients to follow their plan,e.g. ‘Do you remember how you decided on this goal?’
- Client surveys ask whether the client was encouraged to express and discuss their views about their needs and goals in case management planning.
- Staff case conferences review how client goals were set and improvedwith consultation, that enabled as much client involvement as possible.
- Aboriginal, CALD, disability and LGBTQI+ people/groups have reviewed case management policies and approaches.
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