New Creation United Methodist Church - Aldersgate Campus

4320 Bruce Road

Chesapeake, Va. 23321



A wedding, with its symbolism, is among the most significant of human experiences. Aldersgate is pleased to share with you in this special time of your life. Since you have come to the church you will be involved in a Christian wedding. The church building is a sacred place of worship and for conducting ceremonies in the Christian faith, and should not be considered just a building generally available to anyone for a fee. It is available for use by all members; active non-members; and non-members who have close family ties with active members. It will be made available to non-members when it is deemed appropriate by the minister coordinating your wedding.


A wedding date and time shall be cleared by the officiating minister. Members may schedule a date based on the availability. Early scheduling is advised. Participating non-members may schedule a date up to five (5) months in advance. Other non-members at the discretion of the officiating minister may schedule a date up to three (3) months in advance.


The church has certain expenses involved in providing heat, lights, air conditioning, and cleaning. There is no charge for the use of the sanctuary, which seats 500, or fellowship hall by members of the church.

Non-members shall reimburse the church as follows:

Sanctuary $250.00

Fellowship Hall $250.00

There will be someone from church at the reception!

The church organist’s fee is as follows:

Wedding - member $100.00

Wedding – non-member $125.00

Special rehearsal with soloist $ 25.00

Consultation fee $ 25.00

(If organist does not play but meets with guest organist)

The church custodian’s fee is as follows:

Sanctuary $ 75.00

Fee for cleaning globes on sconces $ 10.00

Reception (Fellowship Hall) $ 75.00

The sound technician’s fee: $ 75.00

The wedding consultant’s fee:

Consultation (meet up to 2 times) $ 75.00 1/1/10


The visual media fee - determined by the visual media technician.

The minister - There is no fixed honorarium for members. The minister’s suggested honorarium for non-members is $250.00. It is traditional for the bridegroom to give an honorarium to the officiating minister. This honorarium is based on consideration of the minister’s time in counseling, in preparation for, and in performing the wedding.

All fees, including the minister’s honorarium, shall be paid at the church office during the week before the ceremony. Checks for use of the church should read “New Creation UMC - Aldersgate.” All others should have the names of individuals who perform the services:

Organist - Nancy Gardner 484-1077

Custodian - Bobby Scarboro 483-9934

Sound Technician – Bernie Novakoski 484-9202

Wedding Consultant - Michele Swann 484-7976


The minister normally schedules from two to four counseling sessions that last approximately one hour. The first session will include the Bride and Groom. The next two sessions may be with the Bride and Groom separately. A fourth session will be scheduled if deemed necessary by the minister.


A meeting with the wedding consultant is usually scheduled three (3) to four (4) months before the wedding. At this time any questions the Bride and Groom have concerning the rehearsal, where to dress, how to get the keys, fine points on decorations, accessories, etc. will be discussed. The meeting usually lasts approximately 2 hours. Call to make an appointment. Michele Swann – 484-7976


Our sanctuary is attractively designed for worship. The church will provide paraments for the altar, pulpit, and lectern. Also available from the church are the following:

§  Kneeling bench with cushion

§  Wall sconces in sanctuary

§  Candelabra and liquid candles

§  Stand for guest register

Reservations for the use of the accessories should be made during the initial counseling session with the minister.

No runner is allowed in the church. The runner has proved to be potentially dangerous, especially at Aldersgate, due to the declining aisle.



There is a $10.00 charge for the oil used in the candelabra. If the candles in the wall sconces are used there will be a charge of $25.00 (made payable to New Creation UMC) for replacement candles. An additional charge of $10.00 is payable to the custodian for the cleaning of the sconces.

Only ribbons and tulling may be used to attach flowers or bows to the pew ends. No altar furniture may be removed by the florist or the photographer either before or after the wedding without specific directions from the minister. Protective floor covering shall be placed under all candles. The florist should have all decorations in place at least ninety (90) minutes before the ceremony. Please – no bows or tulling on the altar.

If you wish to leave flowers for the Sunday Worship, please notify the church as soon as possible to avoid any duplication of donations of flowers.

The sanctuary will be decorated with fresh greenery and poinsettias for two to three weeks during December. These decorations may be used by the wedding party. These decorations should not be removed.


The marriage ceremony is a service of worship. The music is to be chosen with care and discrimination. The organist will be glad to assist you in the selection of appropriate music. If there is any question about the music, the final approval will come from the organist and minister.

Our church has a very fine pipe organ that is more than adequate for all music requirements. The use of taped music for the wedding will not be allowed except by approval of the minister. Such music is appropriate during the rehearsal party or at the reception.

The sound system of the sanctuary is an elaborate one that requires a trained technician. No additional sound equipment will be allowed in the sanctuary.


Since the wedding service is a sacred occasion for the wedding couple and their guests, NO PICTURES shall be taken in the church during the ceremony. However, pictures with no flash may be taken by the photographer from the back of the church during the processional and recessional. The wedding party may return after the ceremony to have pictures taken. The photographer may take formal or informal pictures in the following areas within the church: (1) Bride’s Room (2) Groom’s Room (3) Sanctuary (4) Commons (5) Fellowship Hall, (6) Memorial Gardens. The photographer or assistants shall not move any altar furniture or candelabra without the specific direction of the minister.



Ushers are to watch for persons who have cameras and are to inform them of the above regulations. The ceremony may be videotaped but the video camera must be operated from the back of the sanctuary and use existing light. The person doing the taping will need to supply an extension cord for power if the camera is not equipped with a battery supply.


A rehearsal is necessary for all weddings where there are more than five participants (i.e., bride, groom, best man, maid/matron of honor, minister). The rehearsal will be directed by the minister who will be assisted by the mistress/master of ceremonies. The rehearsal is usually held on the evening before the wedding and should be no longer than one hour. In order for the rehearsal to be held to an hour, everyone is requested to be prompt. It is imperative that all wedding participants be at the church at least five minutes before the time of the scheduled rehearsal, so that it can begin promptly. Only the major participants are needed at the rehearsal. The organist, sound technician, and custodian will stay no longer than a total of 90 minutes on the night of the rehearsal.

The marriage license should be brought to the church office several days before the ceremony.


If the reception is held at the church, the use of the Fellowship Hall and kitchen shall be cleared with the church office. Kitchen guidelines are available at the time the area is reserved. NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ARE ALLOWED ON THE CHURCH PREMISES AT ANY TIME. NO FOOD OR BEVERAGES ARE TO BE BROUGHT INTO THE SANCTUARY. SMOKING IS PROHIBITED IN ANY PART OF THE CHURCH, I.E., RESTROOMS, FELLOWSHIP HALL, KITCHEN, SANCTUARY, HALLS, OR CLASSROOMS.

The throwing of rice, birdseed, or confetti is prohibited.


The church will be open ninety (90) minutes before the time of the wedding. Special arrangements must be made for any time earlier.

The ushers should be on duty forty-five (45) minutes before the hour set for the wedding.


We fully understand the requirements set forth by New Creation United Methodist Church and agree to honor these requirements.

Bride ______date______

Groom ______date______

Minister/Witness ______date______
