328 S Second Ave. Barstow, CA 92311

Phone # (760) 256-5571

Fax # (760) 256-0180


(If you are doing a joint trust, don’t forget that you must each do your own individual will)

Enter your name exactly how you want it to appear on your Trust:


If you are doing a joint trust i.e.: The Robert L. and Maria Garcia Living Trust. Be sure to include both names. You can also put it as: The Garcia Family Living Trust.

D.O.B. ______/______SS # ______/______

Address ______

Phone # Home ______Cell______Other ______

Name one or more persons or organizations that will take over as your Successor Trustee in case of incapacity or death.

Successor Trustee Name ______

Address ______Phone # ______

Alternate Successor Trustee ______

Address ______Phone # ______

Property to be put in the trust. Please include the description, APN #, Account #, Make/Model/Year, Address etc.

1. ______

Does it have a title YES NO

2. ______

Does it have a title YES NO

3. ______

Does it have a title YES NO

4. ______

Does it have a title YES NO

5. ______

Does it have a title YES NO

6. ______

Beneficiaries of the trust

Name ______

Address ______Phone # ______

Property to be given ______


Name ______

Address ______Phone # ______

Property to be given ______

______Name ______

Address ______Phone # ______

Property to be given ______

______Name ______

Address ______Phone # ______

Property to be given ______

______Name ______

Address ______Phone # ______

Property to be given ______


Residuary Beneficiaries (who will get the rest of your estate that you have not specifically listed above)

Name ______

Address ______Phone # ______

Property to be given ______


Name ______

Address ______Phone # ______

Property to be given ______


Name ______

Address ______Phone # ______

Property to be given ______


Alternate Residuary Beneficiary

Name ______

Address ______Phone # ______

Property to be given ______

______Name ______

Address ______Phone # ______

Property to be given ______

______Name ______

Address ______Phone # ______

Property to be given ______


Are any of the Beneficiaries that you named under the age of 35? YES NO

Please be sure to provide copies of any deeds for property in which you plan to include in your trust. We will have to put your property in the name of your trust and need the most recent deed to do so. If there are any additional or specific terms that you wish to include in your trust that you think may not have been covered in the above questions you can list in the area below:




I understand that the Legal Document Assistant (LDA) preparing my documents in NOT an attorney, cannot select forms and DOES NOT give legal advice. I hereby direct the Legal Documents Assistant to type and perform certain services as outlined in our discussion(s). I further declare that the foregoing information which I have provided is, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct.



