June 2006- June 2008


Country Malaysia

Majlis Buku Kanak-Kanak Remaja Malaysia

Malaysian Board on Books For Young People (MBBY) Perbadanan perpustakaan Awam Selangor

d/a Perpustakaan Raja Tun Uda 40572

Shah Alam , Selangor


Tel : 603-55197667

Fax :603-55196045

1.2 Representative

President of the National Section (NS)

Shahaneem Hanoum

Secretary of the NS

Suzliana Abdul Hamid

IBBY main Liason Officer or contact person

Suzliana Abdul Hamid @ Secretary of NS

1.3 Organization Structure

How is your NS organized? Describe the structure of the NS in general.

The main committee consists of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, a Treasurer and 5 committee members. General Meeting is held annually. Elections of main committee is carried out every two years.

Is your NS affiliated to, or branch of another organization or institution? If so, which one?

MBBY is established under the Malaysian Societies Act and registered with the Registrar of Societies. Most of our programmes are carried out with the co-operations of State Public libraries and the Ministry of education.

Do you have an office and paid staff?

The Secretariat Office is located at the Headquarters of Selangor Public Library Corporation. All tasks and duties are shared by the main committee members.

How often do you have business meetings?

Once in two months.


14.5  Does your NS have organizations as members? How many? What kind

of organizations ?

14.6  Does your NS have individual members? How many/ How do they contribute to the NS activities?

14.7  Who are your members? What percentage are : teachers? Authors? Illustrators? Publishers? Students? Etc.

14.8  What categories of membership, if any, does your NS have?

14.9  How often do you keep in touch with your members? How?

Membership statistics

Life / 22
Corporate (organization) / 18
Institutions (organization) / 7
Individual /annual renewal / 125

Members contributions :

Course materials, speakers/tutors, volunteers , facilitators, participation in activities,/ideas, sponsorship/donations.

Teachers/Lecturers / 16
Authors/Editors / 15
Illustrators / 6
Publishers / 20
Librarians / 20
Others / 23

1.4.9. How often do you keep in touch with your members? How?

Monthly and on occasional events, via emails, by post, annual meetings, bulletins, activities, state level bookfairs, programmes discussions.


2.1 Annual Budget.

What is your average annual budget in US$? Is it increasing or decreasing?

No specific allocation. Currently building up funds.

Sources of income

Sponsorships from publishers, corporate members, government bodies, membership fees

Is there a membership fee? How much is it? What percentage of your budget does this account for?

Membership Fee

Individual / Life / 54.36
Corporate / 54.36
Institutions / 27.18
Individual (Annual Renewal) / 5.44

Do you receive financial support from individual sponsors and /or donors? If so, how much? What percentage of your budget does this account for?

Refer to 2.1

Do you receive grants from government or national institutions? If so, how much? What percentage of your budget does this account for?


Do you receive grants from other organizations? If so, how much? What percentage of your budget does this account for?


Have other NS contributed any financial support? If so, how much?


Do you generate income through publications? If so, how much? What percentage of your budget does this account for?

No. But there are plans.

Do you have other sources of income not mentioned above?

What are they and what percentage of your budget do they account for?


Are the sources of income listed in points 2.2.1 to 2.2.7 regular contributions?


Do you receive support specifically for your IBBY dues? If so, from whom?


Describe successful fundraising strategies your NS has developed.

Advertisement in Selangor Book Fest 2007 and Conference Programme Book

Event @ booth managers in State level bookfairs

Fees for Asia Pacific Conference on Children Book Publishing 2008


Has your NS organized national, regional or international meetings and conference? Which ones?

Talks on Books for Young People – May 2007

Asia Pacific Conference on Children Book Publishing : 1-3 July 2008 .

One of the most successful conference that we organized among Asia Pacific participants/regions.

Have members of your NS represented IBBY at other national, regional or international meetings and /or conferences?

Yes, the current MBBY Vice president, Ahmad Redza Ahmad Khairuddin is also the EC member for IBBY since 2004.

Does your NS organize courses or seminars at a local level? Who are these aimed at?

MBBY Story Tellers Workshop : For librarians @ teachers, parents

School Magazine Editing Course : For Students

Does your NS organize or host exhibitions and/or fairs?

Selangor State Book Fest (state level) July 2007

Does your NS administer awards or prizes? Does it organize contest?

“Anugerah Buku Bitara MBBY” (MBBY Books Honour List Award). This award is divided into 3 categories; “Best Author”, “Illustrator” and “Translator”.

Does your NS run a library or bookstore?


Has your NS organized other activities? Which ones have been especially successful in your country? Please specify.

As above.

MBBY Ilustrators : Mini Exhibition (in conjuction of Children International Book Day Celebration) : April 2007

Asia Pacific Conference on Children Book Publishing : 1-3 July 2008, officiated by Wife of Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia

Does your NS have a website? What is its URL?


Does your NS publish regular newsletter? Who receives this? Is it available online?

Yes, once a year for members, potential-members (during membership campaign) and several government bodies related to books industry in Malaysia.

Does your NS develop lists of book selections? Which ones?

MBBY Book Catalogue 2007 @ 2008 printed specially for Bologna International Book Fair

What, if any, are your other publications? Please give names (original and translations into English) and a description of their content and purpose.

Does your NS work with national media to promote your own activities or the work of IBBY?

Yes, electronic and print media (for our activities only).

Co-operation at national level

Is your NS consulted about children’s books in your country? By whom?

Ministry of Education

Are there NGOs established institutions in your Country for which the development of a children’s reading and publishing culture is an objective? Which ones? Are you informed of their projects and needs?

No, there isn’t. We are the pioneer.

Does your NS collaborate with these agencies?


International activities in cooperation with IBBY

Congresses and General Assemblies

How many of your members participated in the last two IBBY Congresses and General Assemblies?

4 members.

Does your NS participate in IBBY regional conferences? If so, which ones? – Yes, the Conference on Storytelling in New Delhi, India, 2007.

International Children’s Book Day (ICBD)

What activities, if any, does your NS organize to celebrate the ICBD?

Celebration of International Children Book Day(co-organized by Selangor State Library) 2-8 April 2007:

Programme consists of :

Children’s Books Ilustrations Exhibition

Storytelling Performance

Presentation on Animation

Talk on the Writing of Children’s Books

Have Fun Drawing Children’s Book Cover

Poem Singing & Poem Reading

Children’s Book Selling

International Children Book Day Celebration at Federal level, in conjuction of KL International Book Fair 2008.

Programme consists of :

Children Artcraft activities

Puppet shows

Youth mini theatre

Forum on Children’s Book Illustrations

Did you design your own poster? If not, did you use the message and poster of the sponsoring NS?

Yes. We designed our own poster for two years (2007 & 2008) . These posters were distributed to all schools and public libraries in Malaysia

How do you disseminate information about the ICBD?

Displayed at public libraries and during KL International Book Fest, Conference, MBBY AGM meeetings, distribute posters to schools, kindergartens/nurseries, mass media, etc

IBBY Awards and Projects

Did your NS present any nominations for the Hans Christian Andersen Awards? If so, who were the nominees? If not, why not?

No, Could not get a volunteer.

Did your NS present any nominations for the IBBY Honour List? If so, who were the nominees? If not, why not?

Yes. For the Year 2008

Heidi Munan : The Iban Stories

Kohwai & Young : Malaysian Legend Series

Did your NS nominate a project for the IBBY-Asahi Reading Promotion Award? If so, which one?

No, we didn’t.

Did you nominate any titles for the Outstanding Books for Young people with Disabilities selection?

No, not yet.

Did you donate or recommend any books for the IBBY Documentation Centre of Books for Disabled Young People? If so, how many?

No, we didn’t.

Did you host any IBBY travelling exhibitions (Honour List, HCA, Books for Disabled, etc?? If so, where and when they exhibited?

No, we didn’t.

Bookbird and other projects

How many members of your NS have individual subscriptions to Bookbird?


Does your NS have a Bookbird associate editor? Have you contributed any articles to, or cooperated with Bookbird?

Prof. Md Sidin Ahmad Ishak

Have you participated in any other IBBY international activities not listed above? If so, which ones?

Not yet.

Cooperation with other National Sections

Are you involved in regional cooperation with other NS? What is the nature of this cooperation?

Yes, gain speakers and participants for the Asia Pacific Conference on Children Book Publishing.

Do you cooperate bilaterally with other NS? What is the nature of this cooperation?


Do you exchange newsletters or information with other NS? If so, how often?

No, not yet (looking forward to do so via online communication).

What is your opinion, have been the major obstacles to greater cooperation between NS?

Distance and the high cost of participating programme at regional level. As MBBY is relatively new in Malaysia (established in 2005), we are focusing on strengthening our own section first before embarking on any collaboration with other NS. From our point of view, the other NS is probably doing the same as we do. However with the organisation of the Asia Pacific Conference on Children Book Publishing recently held, we were able to have dialogue with India IBBY, Cambodia and Brunei participants. Some of the areas of co-operations at regional level that was suggested during the Asia Pacific Conference on Children Book Publishing include : Holding a regional book fair, Publishing a comprehensive regional book catalogue, Publishing a directory of APAC book publishers, Jointly conduct Research and Development and training programs on relevant subjects in the book industry, facilitating dialogue and seminars at regional level, and bring together experts from publis and provate sectors at local, national, regional and global levels.


The Secretariat

Malaysian Board on Books for Young People (MBBY)

August 2008