The world’s best professionals all agree: HostMilano

is the must-attend event that anticipates new trends and formats

Alliances with new associations from the USA and Canada - dealing with interior design, bakery, coffee and mass-market distribution - confirm HostMilano's focus on the very promising North American market. Since 2011, US exhibitors have grown by 51% and visitors by 46%, while Canadian visitors have increased by 40%. 55 US companies have already registered. The prestigious Commercial Service certification has been confirmed.

Design, creativity, and innovation are the distinctive features of the new partnerships with the authoritative North American associations that have joined HostMilano, at fieramilano from 20 to 24 October, in addition to the already rich list of Italian and international institutional agreements.

The goal is clear: to further increase the presence of decision-makers and influencers from one of the world’s most economically dynamic areas, thus consolidating a continuous double-digit growth trend. During the last edition, the presence of exhibitors from the USA had marked a +26% increase over 2013 and +51% over 2011, whereas visitors had gone up +35% and +46%, respectively. 55 US companies have already registered for the next edition, also thanks to the confirmation of the prestigious certification of the Commercial Service of the US Department of Commerce.

USA: numerous participants, from design to food creatives

It was therefore logical to think of making alliances with the major US industry associations. With over 25 thousand members between USA and Canada, ASID- American Society of Interior Designers is North America’s largest interior designer association - a major catchment area always attentive to the trends anticipated in Milan. Also worthy of note is the alliance with ISHP, The International Society of Hospitality Purchasers, which brings together American hospitality professionals who stand out for their ethical supply, business integrity, fiduciary responsibility and competence, with the aim of promoting relations between owners, project managers, interior designers, architects, entrepreneurs and buyers.

Also focused on the furnishing and interior design sector is the partnership with NEWH - The Hospitality Industry Network, which has 23 sections in USA, two in Canada, and one in London. NEWH counts 5,600 members between interior designers, architecture firms, and contract furniture suppliers: “We believe that HostMilano is a great platform that expands business opportunities on a global level,” said Executive Director, Shelia Lohmiller.

According to NEWH, the US Ho.Re.Ca. machine and supply industry has an annual turnover of 11 billion dollars. And New York is definitely one of its strong points. Hence the partnership between HostMilano and NYC Hospitality Alliance, the association established in 2012, which, for the first time, will gather New York’s entire hospitality supply chain, considered the world’s largest in one city, from restaurants to bars and lounges, from hotels to suppliers.

Finally, in terms of distribution, there is also an important agreement with FEDA - Foodservice Equipment Distributors Association, which collects 255 distributors who generate 75% of sales in the US food service sector. FEDA will bring will bring highly profiled top buyers to Host 2017: “In 2015, we were impressed with the greatness of this trade fair, the quality and variety of exhibitors, and the level of innovation. This partnership will provide our members with a brilliant opportunity for expanding their global network,” said the President, Joe Schmitt.

Canada: from bakeries to convenience stores

The Canadian market is rich and extremely lively. Of all the HostMilano partnerships, particularly worthy of note is the one with Restaurants Canada, the country’s largest eat-out organisation, with over 30 thousand members covering the entire supply chain, from bars, restaurants, and caterers to suppliers and institutions. According to the association, catering in 2016 registered an average increase of 3.9% over the last 15 years, reaching 2016 revenues of CAD 78 billion (EUR 54.6 billion, +4.2% over 2015).

Agreements have also been signed with other major associations. IDC, Interior Designers of Canada, for example, counts over 5,500 professionals and over 300 companies and suppliers; BAC, Baking Association of Canada, instead, represents Canada’s bread-making industry, worth CAD 8 billion, and includes retailers, small and large bread-making companies, and distributors.

OCSA - Ontario Convenience Stores Association, and WCSA - Western Canada’s Convenience Store Industry, cover the lively convenience store market, which is increasingly focusing on quality. OCSA represents Ontario’s over 7,500 convenience stores, while WCSA gathers other 6,000 from Western Canada, for an annual turnover of CAD 10 billion (EUR 6.8 billion).

HostMilano's growing investment in Canada and USA – also identified in the Italian Government’s “Made in Italy Plan” between regions with the highest potential – joins the investment in the Middle East as 2017 target countries and traditionally strong markets. Among the latter, recent alliances have been entered into in the United Kingdom with CEDA - Catering Equipment Distributors Association: approximately 100 distributors that manage a turnover of GBP 450 million (EUR 522 million), half of the entire food service sold in that country. Another alliance was entered into with Spain’s AFEHC - Asociación de Fabricantes Españoles Exportadores de Equipamientos para Hostelería y Colectividades, established in 2001, which today counts about 180 members.

The new show confirms its "historical" collaboration with FCSI - Foodservice Consultants Society International, the world’s largest and most authoritative association of professionals specialising in consultancy for the restaurant and hospitality industries. Also confirmed is the collaboration with SCA - Specialty Coffee Association, which, as of January 2017, gathers the American and European chapters, thereby systematising all the players of the coffee supply chain. All this confirms the global horizon of Host 2017’s alliances.

All updates are available at:, @HostMilano, #Host2017.

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