Solutions Vocabulary Review

Name: ______Date: ______

You should have definitions of the following terms in your notes:

Solute, solvent, solution, saturated, unsaturated, exothermic, endothermic

When a solute dissolves, both the solute and solvent particles are still in the solution. They become intermixed with each other.

+ =


water solution

For each of the following situations, label which part is the solute, and which is the solvent.

1. Billy mixed some water and flavored powder to make lemonade.

(a) The solute is __ __ _

(b) The solvent is ______

2. Dylan added some salt to the water he was boiling to make pasta.

(a) The solute is __ __ _

(b) The solvent is ______

3. Tanisha used rubbing alcohol to remove the blue ink that was on her shoe.

(a) The solute is __ __ _

(b) The solvent is ______

4. Antonio added a little sugar to his coffee because it tasted bitter.

(a) The solute is __ __

(b) The solvent is __ _ _

5. Andrea used nail polish remover (acetone) to take off her nail polish.

(a) The solute is __ __

(b) The solvent is __ _ _

A solution’s concentration can be described as saturated or unsaturated. Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F) regarding these descriptions.

1.  _____ A saturated solution is so full of solute that it cannot dissolve any more.

2.  _____ If I see that there is sugar at the bottom of my tea cup after I have stirred it I know

that the tea was unsaturated and I can dissolve more.

3.  _____ If I add more syrup to my chocolate milk and it all dissolves I know that it was not

yet saturated.

Reactions like dissolving can be described as endothermic or exothermic depending on whether they need to take energy in from their surroundings, or if they have extra energy that they release to their surroundings. We never directly feel or measure the molecules that are dissolving, but we can feel or measure their surroundings. Label each of the following reactions as endothermic or exothermic.

1.  ______When aluminum foil is put into aqueous copper chloride the beaker that it is in gets very hot and the foil disintegrates.

2.  ______After ammonium nitrate is added to water the water temperature drops from 23°C to 18°C.

3.  ______When an Alka-Seltzer tablet is dissolved in water the glass that it is in begins to feel cold.

4.  ______When salt is put on an icy sidewalk it generates heat to melt the ice and dissolves in the resulting water.

5.  ______When the package of a ThermaCare wrap is opened and the contents are exposed to air the wrap becomes hot.

When a solution has a lot of solute dissolved in it it can be described as concentrated. When there is more solvent than solute the solution can be described as dilute.

Use the following particles to diagram different salt water solutions in the boxes below (similar to the solution diagrammed on the first page):

Salt = Water =

Dilute Salt Water Solution Concentrated Salt Water Solution

Name a solution that you might not need to know the exact concentration, but it would make a difference to you if it were very concentrated or dilute: ______.

How are you able to tell if that solution was concentrated or dilute?