Teacher Education Candidate Supervising Teacher UWG Supervisor

______Loretta Kartforosh______Christa Lohr/ G. Stutts______Wanda Calhoun

School ___Centralhatchee Elementary___ Date of Implemented Lesson Plan _3/2/11_

Block No. ___II___ Subject: ___SS______Grade Level: _3_

Teaching Skills Focus for This Lesson:Questioning and Responding to Students
Stage 1 The Desired Results
Standards / SS3H2 The student will discuss the lives of Americans who expanded people’s rights and freedoms in a democracy.
a. Paul Revere (independence), Frederick Douglass (civil rights), Susan B. Anthony (women’s rights), Mary McLeod Bethune (education), Franklin D. Roosevelt (New Deal and World War II), Eleanor Roosevelt (United Nations and human rights), Thurgood Marshall (civil rights), Lyndon B. Johnson (Great Society and voting rights), and César Chávez (workers’ rights).
b. Explain social barriers, restrictions, and obstacles that these historical figures had to overcome and describe how they overcame them.
Specific Learning Objective(s) / What obstacles did Mary McLeod Bethune have to overcome in order to reach her goals?
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Assessment Instrument
(Ex. Test, Poster, Presentation, Picture, etc.) / Worksheet
Evaluation (Grading) Instrument
(Ex. Point System, Rubric, Checklist, etc.) / Point System/Checklist
Stage 3 Learning Plans
Materials / Glogster page, Worksheet, GA Studies Weekly Newspaper
Sequence of Teacher Actions
*Tie to Previous Learning
*Significant Actions to Introduce and Guide Lesson / *Imagine if someone told you that you could not read because of your skin color. How do you think that would make you feel?
Well Mary McLeod Bethune was told she could not read because of her skin color.
*You have learned about some important people in history such as Paul Revere, Sequoyah, and Frederick Douglas. Today we will learn about Mary McLeod Bethune.
*Go over agenda.
*Read from GA Studies Weekly Newspaper
*Pass out worksheet
* Show glogster and discuss information
(Students should listen and follow along on their worksheet by filling out answers during the lesson).
*Allow students a few minutes to respond to critical thinking question on worksheet
*Have students share their answers & discuss obstacles Mary faced
[examples of obstacles: discrimination—she still worked hard to get an education and fought against segregation and for rights for blacks/women; lack of money for school—had bake sales, supplies from garbage dumps; born to a family of slaves—got an education, still worked hard to help family]
Sequence of Student Actions
*Explain How Students Are Engaged During Lesson
* Explain How Students Discuss or Present Results of What They Did During the Lesson / *Students will observe glogster with information about Mary Bethune and answer questions asked by the teacher.
*Students will fill out and respond to the worksheet that is a guide through the lesson.
Teacher’s Lesson Closure/Wrap-Up/Transition / Ask students to share their critical thinking responses (which connects back to essential question) with the class & then collect worksheets.
Adaptations for Exceptional Students (Anyone who requires modifications for their needs) / Give students extra time to work on worksheet if they were unable to finish in class at the end of the day or during snack/break time or during down time in class. Students that may need additional help or time: Preston F., Preston H., Makenna, Ben, Jacob W.
Related Activities/Extensions
(What can students do who need more than is in the lesson? Should be related to lesson.) / Review facts learned about Mary throughout the week.
Make a comparison chart comparing/contrasting her and other important historical figures in the standard.
Connections to Other Disciplines / ELA

Submit Lesson Plan Agenda with this Lesson Plan


1. Who is Mary McLeod Bethune?

2. Glogster/Worksheet

3. Discussion

Agenda is attached on this link along with essential question presented to the class.