
Directions to get Started

  1. Saving Pictures: Search the Internet for the pictures you want to include in your movie 1st. When you find the pictures on the Internet hold the picture down until it gives a choice of save image or copy image. Select save image. Do this for ALL the pictures you want to include.
  1. Open iMovie on iPad and click on + to start new movie. If you are already have a project open you must go back to the main screen by selecting my projects. Once you are on the main screen then click the +
  1. Begin by selecting a project setting in iMovie: Click on the spiky wheel in the upper right hand corner. Choose one of the project settings.
  1. To insert pictures in iMovie: Click on the icon next to my projects in the upper left corner (looks like a box and a musical note) a pop down box will appear. Click on the little camera and select pictures from the camera roll. The camera icon might also be in the middle of the screen, if so just click on it and then select camera roll. Tap the pictures you want to include in the movie quickly and they will drop down to the bottom of the screen.
  1. To insert video clip: close iMovie and open Camera on your iPad. Make sure it is on the video setting at the bottom of the screen. Record your video. When you are finished recording, open iMovie back up. Click on the square next to the camera. Your videos should appear. Tap the video you want to include quickly and it will drop to the bottom of the screen.
  1. To add text to your images in iMovie: double tap your picture at the bottom of the screen and a photo settings box will appear. Select title style and select a style. Click on the text box and begin typing.
  1. To add sound to iMovie: click on the music note and select one of the options from theme music by quickly tapping on it. You can also add music from iTunes if you prefer. If you want to add a sound effect click on the music note and select sound effects. Quickly tap the sound effect and it will drop to the bottom of the screen.
  1. To add a voice over in iMovie: click on the little microphone next to the video recorder in the middle right corner of the screen. Click record and begin talking after the count down.