Fall Semester, 2008


2290 MEB, 585-5705




3520B MEB, 581-78462532 MEB, 581-3422

Email: mail:

CLEAR Specialists:Katheryn COWLESAutumn GARRISON, Teams & Oral Communication

1706 WEB, 618-29081706 WEB, 556-8893

Office Hours:Office Hours:

T,W:2-3PM, T 11:45-12:45PMT, Th: 10-12PM

and by appointmentand by appointment

PREREQUISITES:CH EN 3553, 3603 5503. Major standing; CoReq: CH EN 4203.

SCHEDULE:M, W 1:00-5:00 p.m., ROOMS 102 WEB & 3520 MEB

A preliminary schedule of the experiments assigned to each group is given on the next page. Each group must arrange a time for the quiz with the appropriate professor on the indicated date or some other mutually agreed upon date. Class will usually meet every Monday and Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. in room 122 WEB for lecture, general announcements and informational items unless notified otherwise. Oral reports will be given from 1:00 to 2:00, in room 122 WEB starting towards the end of the semester. The topic for your oral report must be related to a social issue and must be approved by the professor. Oral and Written report guidelines are provided in the handouts available on WEBCT or Prof. Geoff Silcox’s website (seeaddress below) and from the text listed below. In addition, you will receive three lectures throughout the semester to assist you in your report writing and presentation efforts. As part of your assignments, you are required to arrange a meeting with Autumn Garrision, the oral and teamwork specialist for Chemical Engineering, outside class time to help prepare for your oral presentations. Your oral presentations will also be videotaped to be used at a later date for additional assignments. Kathryn Cowles, the technical writing specialist, will be available to help you with your written reports. Experiments on unassigned days are discouraged so try to do your experiments during scheduled class time.

REPORTS: The following reports must be submitted in order to pass the course and will serve as the basis for the course grade. Reports, both partial and final, handed in after the deadlines are subject to penalties. For the first formal report, four copies are requested. The instructor will receive the original report and an electronic copy (through email), a hard copy of the full report will be given to Kathryn Cowles and an electronic copy will be provided for the CLEAR staff ( - click submit homework). If you file is too large for University email, >50MB, then contact the instructor and CLEAR to see how they can receive your electronic report. All hard copies must be submitted to the department secretary on the due date. Only two copies of the second formal report will be requested: the original report and an electronic copy for the instructor.

Report / Points
2 - Formal Reports and 1 – Memo Report / 300
1 - Oral Report / 100

GRADING: One of your assignments will be to draw a floor plan of all three floors of the chemical engineering laboratory with associate experimental equipment identified. A copy of that assignment is attached. Your final grade will be determined as follows: floor plan and HW-1 – 5%, oral and written reports – 95%.

TEXT, MATERIALS, FEES: The recommended texts for the course areisThe ACS Style Guide. Effective Communication of Scientific Information; Coghill, A.M., Garson, L.R., Eds.; OxfordUniversity Press: New York, NY, 2006.ISBN0-8412-3999-1. (About $45 on Amazon.Com).and Perry’s Chemical Engineers Handbook, 7th ed. You must keep an approved laboratory notebook (available in the bookstore). Hard hats and safety goggles will be supplied by the department. A 10 inch screwdriver, a 10 inch crescent wrench and work gloves and clothes may be useful. There is a special laboratory fee of $100. Various handouts for the course, which you should read carefully, are available on the web, .

The University of Utah seeks to provide equal access to its programs, services and activities for people with disabilities. If you will need accommodations in the class, reasonable prior notice needs to be given to the Center for Disability Services, 162 Olpin Union Building, 581-5020 (V/TDD). CDS will work with you and the instructor to make arrangements for accommodations.

CHEN 4903 Projects Laboratory I, Section 1

Catalog Description: Experiments and theoretical solution of realistic problems in heat transfer, fluid flow, mass transfer, chemical-reaction kinetics, and process control by use of semi-industrial-scale and bench-scale equipment.


  1. Apply concepts from heat transfer, fluid mechanics, mass transfer, process control and thermodynamics to model and analyze the performance of unit operations equipment.
  2. Apply concepts from mathematics to model and analyze the performance of unit operations equipment.
  3. Compute description statistics (e.g. sample mean, sample standard deviation) and apply methods of statistical inference (e.g. hypothesis test, confidence intervals) to analyze experimental data sets.
  4. Develop specific experimental objectives to meet overall experimental goals.
  5. Design and conduct experiments to collect data relevant to experimental objectives.
  6. Analyze experimental data to obtain parameters and correlations describing unit operations equipment performance.
  7. Evaluate the quality of experimental results by comparison with accepted correlations and theories and develop valid conclusions about deviations from expected equipment performance.
  8. Demonstrate effective team skills including goal-setting, consensus-building, listening, role-setting, and time management.
  9. Demonstrate effective leadership skills including facilitating team discussions and decisions, calling team meetings, and insuring team achieves all required tasks on schedule.
  10. Produce professional-quality written reports that present, analyze, and interpret experimental results logically and which are well organized and easy to read.
  11. Produce a professional-quality oral presentation that presents, analyzes, and interprets experimental results logically and which are well organized and delivered.
  12. Apply concepts of professional ethics to design and conducting experiments and analyzing and interpreting experimental data.
  13. Demonstrate knowledge of laboratory and process equipment and instrumentation and their capabilities and limitations.
  14. Demonstrate the ability to design an experiment to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as environmental, economic, health and safety


(revised 8/13/08)

Project Period / I
Formal Report / II
Formal Report / III
Formal Report
Receive Lab Assignment / 9/8 / 10/8 / 11/12
Lab Prelim Conference Deadline / 9/10 / 10/20 / 11/17
Partial Report Due (1:00 PM)
Introduction and Theory only
Report Due (1:00 PM) / 10/10 / 11/14 / 12/12
Technical Rewrite Due (1:00 PM) if necessary / One week after receiving instructor graded report / One week after receiving instructor graded report / None due
Group A
/ Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger / Extruder / Ultrafiltration
Group B
/ Vacuum Dryer / Bubble-cap Distillation / Heat Conduction
Group C
/ Stirred Tank Reactor / Ultrafiltration / Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger
Group D
/ Liquid Flow Bench / Glass Lined Reactor / Level Control
Group E / Bubble-cap Distillation / Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger / Heat Control
Group F / Fluidized Bed / Heat Conduction / Bubble-cap Distillation
Group G / Spray Dryer / Stirred Tank Reactor / Extruder
Group H / Glass Lined Reactor / Spray Dryer / Liquid Flow Bench

Chemical Engineering 4903

Proposed Lecture and Assignment Schedule

Fall Semester 2008

(revised 8/13/08)

Day / Date / Lecture / Laboratory Topics / Due Dates
M / 8/25 / Organizational Meeting,Form Groups, Schedules & Procedures, Lecture on Physical Measurements, / Data Analysis
W / 8/27 / Expt. Data Analysis
M / 9/1 / Holiday
W / 9/3 / Teamwork Lecture (AG) / HW-1 Due
M / 9/8 / Lab Safety Lecture, Short Assignment-Mapping, Lab I Assignment Given Out
W / 9/10 / Report Writing (Literature Review, Experimental, Results & Conclusions) / Lab I Prelim. Conference
M / 9/15 / Report Writing continued (Summary/Conclusions) / Map Due
W / 9/17 / Writing Style
M / 9/22 / Technical Letter/Memo Report Writing Lecture
W / 9/24
M / 9/29 / Persuasive Oral Presentation Guidelines - I
W / 10/1 / Persuasive Oral Presentation Guidelines - II
M / 10/6 / Experimental Design Lecture
W / 10/8 / Experimental Design Lecture 2, Lab II Assignment Given Out
F / 10/10 /

Lab Report I Due in Dept Office, 1 pm

/ Lab Report I Due
M/W / 10/13-10/17 /

Fall Break

M / 10/20 / Oral Presentation Lecture (AG) / Lab II Prelim. Conference
W / 10/22 / Team Work Follow-up(AG),
M / 10/27 / Review of Lab Report I
W / 10/29 / Oral Reports – Hy(Artificial Food Ingredients), Vance(31), Wilkey(4)
M / 11/3 / Oral Reports – Benson(17), Clark(19), Espinoza(11)
W / 11/5 / Oral Reports – Adamson(22), Brinton(2)
M / 11/10 / Oral Reports – Anguiano(3)
W / 11/12 / Lab III Assignment Given Out,
F / 11/14 / Lab Report II Due in Dept Office, 1 pm / Lab Report II Due
M / 11/17 / Oral Reports – Frederick(EtOH vs Gas), Smith(16) / Lab III Prelim. Conference
W / 11/19 / Oral Reports – Hales(12), Peckham(5), Riches(30)
M / 11/24 / Oral Reports – Ghonaym(Nicotin Pills vs Patch), Olson(18)
W / 11/26 / Oral Reports – Montalvo(24), Stoddard(27)
M / 12/1 / Oral Reports – Brewster(36), Lund(10), Wagner(26)
W / 12/3 / Oral Reports – Call(25), Rogers(20)
M / 12/8 / Oral Reports – Schneider(8)
W / 12/10 / Oral Reports – Thompson(28)
F / 12/12 / Lab Report III Due in Dept Office, 1 pm / Lab Report III Due
M-F / 12/15-12/19 / Final Exam Week

*Oral Presentations (15min. + 5 min. discussion) on the subject of a formal report or 5503 report. All students are required to attend.


Fall Semester 2006

Short Assignment –Mapping (Due by 5 PM, October 25, 2006)

Submit your work to Chemical Engineering Office, 3290 MEB

Draw a floor plan of each floor (1000, 2000, and 3000 levels), in the Chemical and Fuels Engineering Laboratory. Include principal pieces of process equipment and the location of all safety equipment. Confine your plans (sketches) to areas used in the senior project laboratory course; do not consider graduate research offices or research laboratories. Use a separate sheet for each floor.

Additional Notes:

(1) Your sketches should be included in your laboratory notebook as well as submitted to us.

(2) Though not necessarily made to scale, your sketches and captions should be prepared with care and neatness.

(3) As with conventional plans and maps, north should be labeled at the top of each sheet.

(4) Safety equipment which must be identified includes:

(a) Fire extinguishers

(b) Fire alarms

(c) Fire blankets

(d) Safety showers*

(e) Eye wash fountains

(f) First-Aid kits

*Do not test-pull a safety shower chain; the safety showers will not shut off until an embarrassing amount of water has been discharged. Operate the safety showers only in the case of a real emergency.

(5) The principal pieces of laboratory process equipment include the following:

(a) Long-tube vertical evaporator

(b) Bubble-plate distillation column

(c) Extruder

(d) Gas absorber columns

(e) Liquid-liquid extraction columns

(f) High pressure glass lined reactor

(g) Vacuum tray drier

(h) Spray drier

(i) Fluidized bed apparatus

(j) Pressure/Flow rate Cart

(k) Double-pipe heat exchanger

(l) Shell-and-tube heat exchanger

(m) Gas flow circuit

(n) Liquid flow circuit

(o) Gas Chromatograph

(p) CSTR/Tubular reactor

(q) pH Control System

(r) Multivariable control system

(s) Catalytic Reactor

(t) Fermentor/Bioreactor

(u) Air Dehumidifier

(v) Heat Control Experiment

(w)Liquid Level Flow Control (Valtec)

(x)Other major equipment not listed above.

(6) On the appropriate floor plan, show the location of the laboratory’s barometer.

Submit your assignment in the form of a memorandum to the instructors. Your written responses to this assignment will be graded, and the grade will be incorporated into your overall class grade.