Name:Robert Mitts / Woodland Hills High School / Content Area:
Life Skills - Math
Date:11/4/13-11/8/13 / Lesson Plans
Edline was updated this week:
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/ Length of Lesson:45 Minutes
Periods 1,
Stage I – Desired Results
Lesson Topic (Standard/Anchor):
M11.AA.1.1 Demonstrates equivalencies (match and read numbers, sets, fractions).
M11.AA.1.1b (LC) Matches fractions shown to
M11.AA.1.1c (LC) Reads mixed fractions
M11.AA.1.1d (LC) Matches quantity to fraction
M11.AA.1.2 Compare quantities and numbers including: scan materials, compare quantities, count, identify and count money, and identify fraction
M11.AA.1.2e(LA) Selects one or five dollar bill
M11.AA.1.2a(LB) Counts aloud items, dollars, or
pennies starting at 10 or more without a bridge
M11.AA.1.2c (LB) Counts out items or dollar bills
from a larger set
M11.AA.1.2f (LB) Names the value of a coin
M11.AA.1.2a (LC) Counts aloud items or money
(bills or coins) by using a combination of 1s, 2s, 5s,
10s, or 20s
M11.AA.1.2b (LC) Counts out a combination of
one-, fine-, ten-, and/or twenty-dollar bills
M11.AA.1.2c (LC) Selects item that can be
purchased for the price named
M11.AA.3.1 Computes accurately to solve problems (add, subtract, multipky, and divide).
M11.AA.3.1a (LB) Adds 2 numbers or pricers
M11.AA.3.1b (LB) Adds 3 numbers / Big Ideas:- Writing Hours, Writing in 5 minute intervals ,Writing hours and minutes, Writing minutes before the hour / Understanding Goals (Concepts):
-Understanding hour and minute
-Identify the hour
-Identify the minute
-Identify time after the hour
-Identify time before the hour
-Elapsed time
Student Objectives (Competencies/Outcomes):
Students will be able to:
  • Identify the hour
  • Identify the minute
  • Identify time after the hour
  • Identify time before the hour
/ Essential Questions:
-Why do i need to tell time?
-How do I use math in everyday life?
-How can i multiply using adding? / Vocabulary:penny, nickle, dime, quarter, half-dollar, dollar, dollar bill, cent, place value, add, subtract, multiply, factor
Stage II – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task:
- identify the hour counting the minutes
-identify the hour and minute hand
- count minutes before and after the hour / Other Evidence:
-student work samples
-verbal responses
Stage III – Learning Plan
Materials & Resources:worksheets, paper, white boards, clock, pencils
CONTENT AREA READING: Throughout lessons / Formative Assessment(s):
#1. Choose assessments:Graphic OrganizersExit TicketsSummarizing Main IdeasPre-AssessmentOpen Ended QuestionsThink-Pair-ShareThumbs UpResponse CardsBrief in Class Writing PrompPortfolios
#2. Choose assessments:Graphic OrganizersExit TicketsSummarizing Main IdeasPre-AssessmentOpen Ended QuestionsThink-Pair-ShareThumbs UpResponse CardsBrief in Class Writing PrompPortfolios
#3. Choose assessments:Graphic OrganizersExit TicketsSummarizing Main IdeasPre-AssessmentOpen Ended QuestionsThink-Pair-ShareThumbs UpResponse CardsBrief in Class Writing PrompPortfolios
Instructional Procedures*: (includes mini-lessons)-active engagement, explicit instruction, modeling, scaffolding
Active Engagements used:
#1. Choose Active EngagementsNote-TakingGraphic OrganizersSummarizingHigher Level Thinking SkillsCooperative EducationPartneringWhole Class ResponseThink-Pair-ShareCompare & ContrastRandom Reporter
#2. Choose Active EngagementsNote-TakingGraphic OrganizersSummarizingHigher Level Thinking SkillsCooperative EducationPartneringWhole Class ResponseThink-Pair-ShareCompare & ContrastRandom Reporter
Describe usage:
-at beginning, during, and after lessons / Scaffolding used:
#1. Choose Technique:Graphic OrganizersGuided NotesBuild VocabularyBuild on Prior KnowledgeChunkingProvide Visual SupportTeacher PrompingK-W-L
#2 . Choose Technique:Graphic OrganizersGuided NotesBuild VocabularyBuild on Prior KnowledgeChunkingProvide Visual SupportTeacher PrompingK-W-L
Describe usage:
-throughout lessons
Procedures / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
10/28/13 / Day A / 10/29/13 / DayB / 10/30/13 / DayA / 10/31/13 / DayB / 11/1/13 / DayA
  • Identify the hour and minute hands
  • Write the hour and minutes in the correct
  • Add the values of coins and paper money
  • Write the hour and minute based on the postion of the hands of the clock
  • Subtract the values of the item from various amounts of money
  • Write the time 5 minutes past the hour
  • Combining Bills
  • Parent Teacher Conference
  • In- Service

Assignments /
  • See Above
  • See Above
  • See Above
  • See Above
  • See Above

* Include Active Engagement, Explicit Instruction, Metacognition, Modeling, & Scaffolding