“He who lives without discipline dies without honor.” - Icelandic Proverb



Why should students write in math class? A common question, frequently debated as well as disputed however, one in which we will explore in great detail. The information listed throughout this introductory paragraph only was adopted from the following technological resource. Therefore, it is not a Mr. Daughtry original, it is only appropriate, as in any related situation, that we allude to our references and thereby give credit to the appropriate source: “Writing should be an integral part of teaching all subjects. Writing is used as a tool to help students think about ideas. Progress has been slow in the area of writing in mathematics. Mathematics is seen as a subject that communicates through the manipulation of symbols in orderly ways, not as one that uses words to express ideas. This view is unfortunate - and misleading. The process of writing requires gathering, organizing, and clarifying thoughts. It demands finding out what you know and don't know. It calls for thinking clearly. Similarly, doing mathematics depends on gathering, organizing, and clarifying thoughts, finding out what you know and don't know, and thinking clearly. Although the final representation of a mathematical pursuit looks very different from the final product of a writing effort, the mental journey is, at its base, the same - making sense of an idea and presenting it effectively.” In summary, Writing can assist math instruction in two ways - by helping children make sense of mathematics and by helping teachers understand what children are learning.”

In the future, effective immediately and instantaneously, from the initial moment in which I embark upon and throughout the successful completion of this exceedingly informative and resourceful assignment, upon entering as well as maintaining physical, mental, and psychological existence within this specific educational establishment, I will perform, conduct, and execute my duties in an organized, intelligent, competent, and mature manner, appropriate to the grade level in which I presently inhabit. Unmistakably, this massive behavioral transition will unswervingly reflect upon my weekly participation rating, which constitutes approximately twenty percent of my absolute academic assessment. A rather serene and conservative estimate, taking into consideration the extensive academic damage I am presently subjecting my overall mathematical evaluation. Not only as a result of my previous encounter of inattention to detail, with what is morally and ethically the responsible courses of action to follow but I have now found myself in the absence of pertinent classroom instruction, which has evidently continued to occur despite my removal from its presentation. If truth be told, the deterrent trap of future infractions has been set for future participants’ strict and non-negotiable compliance with classroom policy.

Theodore Roosevelt, the 36th President of the United States of America, believed that to “Educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.” Malcolm X, American Black Leader and Activist, articulated, “Without education, you're not going anywhere in this world.” These are two highly respected individuals, possessing incredibly diverse backgrounds, throughout history, endorsing similar beliefs that Mr. Daughtry has frequently suggested his students to imbed and commit into their long-term memory for future reference. Apparently, taking into consideration the fact I have been personally selected to participate in this activity, I have impeded upon the learning of my unimpressed, disappointed, and possibly easily influenced classmates as well. If I choose to be uneducated, that is my sole decision and a price I will continue to pay throughout the duration of my lifetime, as opposed to simply limiting it specifically to this academic school year.

Sir Clause Moser, Warden of Wadham College as well as Oxford, stated, “Education costs money, but then so does ignorance.” However, there is so much more at stake, when my negligence interferes with the learning of an innocent bystander, or in this instance, a fellow classmate, that would be, as Mr. Daughtry has frequently stated in the past, present, and will continue to make specific reference to in the future, a classic and concrete, “textbook example of the wrong answer!” Therefore, in maintaining strict compliance with his strategically designed methods of discipline, as well as all previously mentioned routine classroom instruction, I will succeed and contribute far more to society as a citizen of this great nation, not only as individuals but more importantly, as a dedicated team player in the lifelong process of increasing my personal and professional level of collaboration and education as well, two key elements and components of excellence.

If I, the duplicator of this information, simply perceive this as a misuse of time and materials, than he, Mr. Daughtry, has failed, and thereby taught me absolutely nothing as it pertains to self-discipline. Unfortunately, the possibility exists, that I feel as if I am experiencing this assignment without justifiable cause, falsely accused and therefore, reproducing this information as a result of another individual’s utilization of poor discretion, however, given an appropriate amount of time, regrettably limited to Mr. Daughtry’s tenure at Bethel Junior High school, Spanaway, Washington, September 1999 – June 2004, I will ascertain a great deal through the successful completion of this worthwhile and undoubtedly meaningful assignment.

American writer and respected Businessman William Feather stated, “If we do not discipline ourselves the world will do it for us.” I think we have proven this statement to be accurate. Therefore, it is now appropriate to say, “Thank you Mr. Daughtry, and/or the other adult authority figure responsible for subjecting me to this nightmarish disciplinary remedy, for allowing me or anyone else I care to share this material with, the unique opportunity to reflect upon my negligent and/ or inappropriate behavior through employing this creative method of classroom management.” Situations such as the one which has enabled me to complete this assignment, either through the utilization of inappropriate language, disrespect to an authority figure, etc. are, in my opinion, best handled, controlled, and maintained internally, at the lowest possible level, as opposed to flooding the already over-tasked and understaffed administration office with the likes of students such as myself.

I can only assume, however, I cannot intelligently confirm nor deny that I will be duplicating this again, possibly for similar reasons and/ or circumstances, which have led to my completion of this insufficient behavioral overview. I, being the soul commander of my social and behavioral interactions, will determine this and happily accept any further corrective actions placed upon me by a distinguished educator such as Mr. Daughtry and/or the other authority figure for which I am engaged in this distasteful task. For I, the individual anxiously and impatiently approaching the remaining portion of this lesson, am well aware, he or she, despite my biased and less than pleasant opinion at the present moment, only has my best interest in mind. Upon personally submitting this material to Mr. Daughtry, a determination will be made pertaining to what the next appropriate course of action may be, ranging from a parent /guardian phone call, and recommendation for further punishment via the administration, or simply, depending upon my immediate actions, the completion of this paragraph in exchange for positive rectified behavior. I am now a statistic and part of a long time honored tradition of over 150 students, since September 2000, disciplined in this manner.

The notorious American Psychotherapist Carl Rogers’s once said, “The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change.” It is therefore, necessary to continue to express my appreciation and gratitude once again, specifically towards Mr. Daughtry. Your concern, and tolerance towards those who display inappropriate behavior via negative attitude, inappropriate language, etc., similar to what I, before encountering this horrendous administrative, tedious, and mind-numbing experience, had previously engaged in is much appreciated.

I appreciate the fact that I have been allocated this unique although horrific educational opportunity to strengthen my vocabulary and writing skills through this alternative independent writing activity. It is imperative, that I do not hold any feelings of resentment towards the English, Literature, Communicative, and Language Arts categories of academics nor its facilitators based upon the length, breadth, and depth of this material. Those pertinent and key educational components and instructors are not responsible for my mistake; I am. Ironically, at my previous school, highly respected and experienced educators such as Mrs. McNeal, Bethel Junior High School, Spanaway, Washington, have successfully integrated this material into her already challenging curriculum to aid in disciplining students who frequently neglect to abide with classroom regulations. Conversely, a future essay assignment of fewer than ten handwritten pages will by no means appear as difficult as it once may have been. Therefore, it may behoove me, from an academic perspective, that I encountered this assignment.

One frequent student inquiry perhaps is the future whereabouts, of this handwritten essay replication. By now, it has become quite obvious, either through a variety of personal experiences or simply witnessing a fellow classmate subjected to a similar fate, that custody of the successful completion of this assignment, defined quite simply as an immaculate replication of all spelling and grammatical documentation, will be relinquished to the Spanaway and Pierce County Sanitation Department of Refuse and Waste Management forthwith. Yes, the TRASH.

In conclusion, I am grateful and appreciative of the fact that my situation has been tentatively resolved and rectified, therefore, no longer remaining a concern, as long as I manage to handle myself in an appropriate manner. For the sake of my educational needs, it would “behoove” me or being in my best interest that I never allow this horrific situation to reoccur; statistics have proven however, that it will, and Mr. Daughtry, who is “crazy like a fox” will be watching.

“Education is a tough teacher. She gives the test first and the lesson afterwards.” – Vernon Law