Student/Parent Handbook
190 Lambs Lane
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901
434-973-8371 (phone)
434-973-0629 (fax)
Robyn Bolling, Principal
Dr. Elizabeth Korab, Assistant Principal
Greetings from the Principal
Dear Greer Community:
Welcome back to the new school year! Whether you are new to Greer or returning as ‘old’ friends, please review this handbook carefully. The Student/Parent Handbook contains information concerning all of the programs and services we offer at Greer Elementary School. It also outlines our rules and procedures for having a successful school year. If you have any questions about the information in the Handbook, please call or email us at school.
This year, we will continue to refine our academic programs and strengthen our family and community partnerships. We will commit our efforts as a school to provide families with the openness and feeling of community to help all children succeed. Our doors are always open and we encourage you to spend time at our school!
Our message to students is one of high expectations combined with meeting their needs to succeed. Students who know that their parents and teachers are working together for their success will succeed. We welcome you to join us as an active member of this learning team. We encourage you to stay in close touch with your child’s teachers to support their schoolwork and activities, as well as become an active member of our Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO). We need each and every one of you to ensure the success for all students!
We look forward to serving your children and you throughout the coming year. If we can help with anything, please contact us.
Robyn Bolling
Our School
Mary Carr Greer was memorialized in Albemarle County by the dedication of our school in her name in 1979. But there is a history of a determined woman that is not spelled out by the letters on the building. Mary was the daughter of Hugh Carr, a freed slave, and Texie Hawkins Carr. Hugh Carr, who could neither read nor write, worked as a farm manager. He saved and worked to acquire his own land. By 1889 he had 200 acres of land near Hydraulic Road. Mary's mother died when she was very young, but Hugh Carr saw to it that Mary and her five sisters were all given the opportunity to go to college. Mary attended Virginia State College. Following her graduation Mary taught at the Albemarle Training School, a school primarily for blacks, and later became the principal from 1930-1950. It is said that Mary "humanized" the lives of her students. Many lived in her home while attending school. She was a mother to all. The essays she wrote showed a concern for her race and for women "even back then". Mary wrote eloquently about the survival of her people, education and equality.
Greer’s Curriculum
The best way to improve reading is by reading! That is why you will see Greer students reading throughout the day in different content areas, independent reading time, and with buddy readers. Teachers also improve their students' vocabulary, listening comprehension, and love of reading by reading aloud to their students daily.
Literacy Groups
For at least an hour a day, five days a week, all Greer students participate in small reading groups appropriate for their reading level. Greer teachers use the Guided Reading principle developed by Fountas and Pinnell. The ultimate goal in Guided Reading is to help children learn how to use reading strategies successfully in order to become independent readers.
Word Study
Word Study is defined as the study of phonemic awareness, letter recognition, phonics, spelling, and vocabulary development. Word Study instruction is differentiated in every Greer classroom according to the developmental spelling level of the student. Word Study in the classroom, combined with reading instruction, equips the students with tools for decoding (sounding out) words and provides them with the vocabulary that they are expected to spell correctly in written work.
At Greer, we firmly believe that writing is a process, from brainstorming, to drafting, to editing. Greer students write in journals, create descriptive, narrative, comparison/contrast and persuasive pieces. By fifth grade they have learned to compose multi-paragraph compositions. Writing is an integral part of all content areas. Creative and informative reports give students a chance to showcase what they have learned in science, social studies, math, and reading. Learning to be a good writer involves developing fluency and skill in the use of vivid words, development and organization of ideas, and accuracy in mechanics.
The Investigations math program has four major goals: to offer students meaningful mathematical problems, to emphasize depth in mathematical thinking, to communicate math content and pedagogy to teachers, and to expand the pool of mathematically literate students. Students spend time exploring problems in depth through a variety of concrete materials, technology, drawing, writing, and discussing. Students build a repertoire of ways to communicate about their mathematical thinking.
The science strands from K-5 are Scientific Investigation; Force, Motion, and Energy; Matter; Life Processes; Interrelationships in Earth/Space Systems; Patterns, Cycles, Change; and Resources. We strive to "do as a scientist does" and not simply hear about science.
Social Studies
At Greer Elementary School the children actively learn about the world around them. They learn about their home, school community and neighborhood. As the children progress through the grade levels, their scope extends beyond their immediate surroundings to Virginia, the United States, and other parts of the world. Students examine ancient civilizations, and make comparisons between their lives now and those in times past. Children learn about our economy and their roles as consumers and producers. They learn how goods and services are obtained, and the importance of money management, savings and credit. Through Social Studies our students will realize their place in the world and how they can be active participants in their communities.
At Greer Elementary School we use technology to teach and learn the curriculum. This integrated approach spans all grade levels and all content areas. Students not only use the internet and various software programs to build knowledge, they also use technology tools to author and publish original products. We believe that the computer is a powerful tool which can be used to assist students with their learning; it is not a toy or something to keep children occupied. The activities in which students engage are carefully planned to help them improve their computer skills while supporting their learning in other subject areas. Desktop computers, laptops, digital, still and video cameras, digital microscopes, and projection systems are all tools of the trade for students at our school.
The Albemarle County Visual Arts Curriculum follows the Visual Arts Standards of Learning. The Albemarle Elementary program focuses on integration with core content in English, Math, Science and History. In this way, art helps students to make connections with classroom learning. Kindergarten through 5th grade students attend art once a week for 45 minutes.
All students participate in music instruction at Greer Elementary School. Kindergarten through 5th grade students attend music once a week and 4th through 5th grade students attend a second chorus class each week for thirty minutes. Students obtain the knowledge of different musical concepts through active learning, such as playing instruments, singing, reading, moving, dancing, composing, performing and much more. Various grade levels perform musicals and programs throughout the year and participate in rehearsal classes. The music curriculum at Greer is based upon the Albemarle County Elementary Music Curriculum, which is based upon the Virginia SOL in Music.
The Greer Media Center is open each school day to serve the needs of students and staff. The Media Center is fully automated with eight (8) Macintosh computers, an online patron’s catalog, a networked encyclopedia and periodical database and Internet access. The collection contains over 10,000 books along with computer software, magazines, video and audio cassettes (and other audiovisual materials), as well as professional and parent collections. Bright Stars through 5th grade students attend library once a week for 45 minutes.
Physical Education
Greer students have Physical Education three (3) days a week. Physical activity is also encouraged during daily recess to keep fit. All students need to be prepared for class by wearing tennis shoes. Students are instructed on curriculum objectives that fall under one of four categories: loco-motor patterns, object control skills, physical fitness and body management. Students are also guided in social development and sportsmanship areas such as following directions, giving one’s best effort and being respectful of others.
All children can learn and succeed if placed in the appropriate instructional level. Therefore, students at Greer are assessed periodically to closely monitor their academic progress and performance. This assessment occurs throughout the year in reading, spelling, writing and math. Parents should always feel free to contact the child’s teacher to discuss their child’s academic performance. In addition, there is county/state required testing that occurs throughout the grades. These tests also help to determine a child’s academic progress as well as the school’s overall success at educating all of its children. Listed below are the county/state tests administered at each grade level:
Kindergarten:Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (PALS)
First Grade:Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (PALS)
Second Grade:Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (PALS)
Cognitive Ability Test
Qualitative Reading Inventory (QRI)
Third Grade:Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (PALS)
SOL Tests (Math, Reading, Science and Social Studies)
Fourth Grade:SOL Tests (Math, Science)
Fifth Grade:SOL Tests (Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies and Writing)
We believe that every child can experience success in school so we are committed to providing a variety of programs and services to work with families in assuring this success. Below is a listing of some of the academic support and interventions programs available to children who meet the criteria for these programs:
- Title I Reading – for students in grades K-2 who experience reading difficulties
- Reading Support – for students in various grades needing extra reading instruction
- PALS Instruction – for students who did not meet minimum criteria of the PALS test
- Special Education – for students who are found eligible with a qualifying disability
- ESOL classes – for students with English as a Second or Other Language
- Various volunteers from community groups work with Greer students throughout the year providing tutoring services and other outreach programs
- Afterschool tutoring for students who qualify
Resource Teachers and Services
Gifted Education
Greer has a full-time Gifted Resource Teacher, Ruth Kavanaugh, who works with Greer's students and helps teachers to enrich and diversify the curriculum to meet the needs of our diverse student population. Children are identified for the gifted program through a nomination process which may be initiated by a parent or teacher. If you are interested in pursuing a gifted nomination for your child, contact Ruth Kavanaugh at 973-8371.
Special Education
Greer has four Special Education Teachers who work with identified special education students to provide specialized instruction to meet the needs and challenges of their students. The Special Ed teachers work with students both within their homerooms and in pull-out settings. Greer strives to be sure that all students feel safe, valued and respected. We believe that we should embrace and celebrate diversity regardless of our backgrounds, race, abilities, or talents. If you are concerned about your child’s skills development or progress in learning, talk with your child’s homeroom teacher or our guidance counselor, Emily Rexrode.
Bright Stars
The Bright Stars program is one of Albemarle County’s preschool programs located in five of the County’s elementary schools. Bright Stars is a collaborative program with Albemarle County Schools, Department of Social Services and other local agencies. The program’s goals are: to ensure that children in the target population have an age-appropriate education and enrichment opportunities; to provide opportunities for the family environment to support the growth and development of all its family members, including resources services for the parents; to promote collaboration among county government, schools and the community; and to build an effective home-school-neighborhood partnership. In addition to the Bright Stars teacher, assistant teacher, and thirty-two 4-year olds; the Family Workers help provide resources to each family during the Bright Stars year and throughout their child’s elementary school years.
Greer also has the following resource teachers/staff:
Title 1 Teachers- reading specialists work with struggling readers in very small groups to help bring them up to speed in reading.
Literacy Coordinator- works with students and teachers to insure that they have the resources and help that they need to instruct students at an appropriate reading level.
English as a Second or Other Language--ESOL--Teachers-help students who are not native speakers of English.
Guidance Counselor - This program is an integral part of the total school program. It provides direct assistance to students, parents and educational staff to promote a positive school environment. The counselor at Greer supports students in their efforts to learn, assists them in their social and emotional growth and guides them in their transition from elementary school to middle school. Parents are encouraged to contact the counselor for information or to request assistance for their child.
Speech and Language Pathologist
School Nurse
School Psychologist
Family Support Workers - The mission of the Family Support Program of Albemarle County is to provide prevention and intervention services that support children’s’ growth and development, strengthen families and promote school success through home, school and community collaboration. The Family Support Worker primarily works with the parents. Assistance ranges from acting as a bridge between home and school to referring families to area community resources.
Special Opportunities and Events
Destination Imagination (DI)
DI is an international creative-thinking, problem-solving program that involves students learning to think “out of the box” in order to solve verbal and performance challenges. Each team meets after school to develop these skills and to prepare a solution to a long term team challenge. For more information about Destination Imagination contact Ruth Kavanaugh, Gifted Teacher, at 973-8371.
Extended Day Enrichment Program
Greer Elementary School provides an Extended Day Enrichment Program from the time school is out (2:40) until 6:00 PM every full school day. This program strives to meet the intellectual, emotional, social and recreational needs of the children. Supplemental classes are also offered based on student and parent interest. Please submit a note to your child’s teacher indicating afternoon plans for the student. For instance, note if your child will ride the bus home each day, attend the After-School Program each afternoon or specific afternoons. More information on this program is sent to each elementary parent prior to the beginning of the school year. Please call 296-5840 for registration information.
Getting Involved
Greer Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
Greer has a history of an active, supportive Parent Teacher Organization. Your child will bring home committee membership information and general notices on different occasions. Parent Committee meetings will be held on a regular schedule. Plan to attend and support Greer Elementary!
There are many opportunities at Greer which allow you to get involved with your child’s education. When parents volunteer in our school, learning becomes richer for everyone. Please consider volunteering some of your time in your child’s classroom or in any one of the many volunteer opportunities at Greer.
Parents are needed to...
*be members of the School Improvement team
*help out at Parent Committee fund raisers such as the fall and spring book fairs, Greer family picnic, Fun Fair, and many more!
*serve on various event committees