8/20/2017 10:13 PM
1500L, 1505L, and 1506L Student Chemistry Department Safety Agreement
To make the laboratory as safe as possible, the following Safety Rules will be in force:
1. Goggles will be worn at all times that anyone is performing an experiment in the room.
2. You will wear lab coats at all times.
3. You will not wear sandals, halter tops or shorts in the lab. If you must wear shorts during the day, bring a pair of sweats that you can slip on during the lab period.
4. All phones will be turned off in the lab.
5. You will know the location of first aid kits, fire. extinguishers, safety showers, fire blankets, and eye washes in the room.
6. You will bundle long, loose hair-especially when working with a Bunsen burner.
7. You will not eat, drink or smoke in the lab.
8. You will only work on assigned experiments during the scheduled lab period.
9. You will follow the waste disposal instructions of the instructor.
10.You will immediately report any accident to the laboratory instructor, no matter how minor it seems.
11. You will immediately replace damaged or broken glassware.
12. You will read labels on reagent bottles and containers to make certain that they contain the appropriate chemicals for the experiment.
13. You will place caps and lids on reagent bottles once you are finished with them. You will not contaminate reagents by dipping spoons into them or pouring unused portions back into reagent bottles.
14. You will only take the minimum quantities of reagents necessary for the experiment from reagent containers.
15. You will clean your area at the end of the period. The laboratory instructor may give you an additional area to clean.
16. You will not enter the prep room for any reason. You Instructor will get needed supplies for you.
17. You instructor will give you the STEM college safety agreement to sign after he/she explains the above rules.