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Ross-on-Wye Town Council
Minutes of the meeting of the Finance Committee
held on Thursday 10th March 2016 at 6.30pm
at The Corn Exchange, High Street, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, HR9 5HL
Present: Cllr N Gibbs – Chairman
Cllr C Bartrum and Cllr D Ravenscroft
In attendance: Mrs S Robson - Town Clerk
There were no members of the public and no members of the press present.
F16/03 06 Apologies for Absence
Councillor J Gren and Councillor J Roberts – Work Commitment
RESOLVED – to accept the apologies given
F16/03 07 Declarations of Interest
Councillor Ravenscroft declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in Agenda Item F16/03 # 19 – Ross Beer & Cider Festival being the President of Ross Lions.
Councillors Bartrum and Ravenscroft declared a Non Pecuniary Interest in Agenda Item F16/03 #19 – Being members of the Ross Library Development Group
F16/03 08 Dispensations
F16/03 09 Public Participation
There were no members of the Public Present
F16/03 10 Finance Committee Meeting Minutes - to confirm and sign the minutes of the previous meeting held on Monday 30th November 2015 and the extra ordinary meeting held on Tuesday 5th January 2016. LGA 1972, Sch 12 para41 (1).
RESOLVED – that the minutes of the Finance Committee Meetings held on Monday 30th November 2015 and the extra ordinary meeting held on Tuesday 5th January 2016 be signed as a correct record.
F16/03 11 Action Review Summary – to receive and review outstanding actions
It was noted that all actions are complete.
RESOLVED – to receive and note the report.
F16/03 12 Finance – Expenditure
To consider approval of expenditure for the following:
RBS Rialtas - £480.00 plus vat and travel expenses to complete the Council’s Year End Closedown from the 2015/2016 Budget for Professional Fees.
Ross Gazette – advertising for the 2016 Carnival Programme (costs range between £50.00 - £170.00) from the 2016/2017 Advertising Budget.
Proposal to spend £50.00 on the Ross Carnival Programme from the Advertising Budget.
Proposed: Councillor Bartrum Seconded: Councillor Ravenscroft
RESOLVED – to approve the expenditure.
F16/03 13 Finance – to receive report from the Council’s appointed Verifier
Financial Regulations Clause 2.2
Item withdrawn
F16/03 14 External Audit
To approve appointment of Grant Thornton as the Council’s External Auditor for two years from 2015/2016 and to confirm the appointment of a Sector Led Body to conduct the Council’s external audit with effect from 2017.
Proposed: Councillor Bartrum Seconded: Councillor Gibbs
RESOLVED – to approve the appointment of Grant Thornton as the Council’s External Auditor for two years from 2015/2016 and to confirm the appointment of a Sector Led Body to conduct the Council’s external audit with effect from 2017.
F16/03 15 Earmark Reserves (EMR)
i) To review balances of EMR Accounts and consider recommendations to transfer balances at 2015/2016 year end.
Members reviewed the Balance Sheet and considered the Earmark Reserve Accounts. They were reminded that a budget deficit was set last year that would have seen £48,605.00 expenditure being met from general reserves if all budgeted items had been actioned. It was agreed in the budget setting process that the unspent balance from the Neighbourhood Plan budget head would be earmarked for expenditure in 2016/2017. The Clerk informed Members there are still some large invoices due for payment in this financial year and it is likely this will take the total expenditure over the amount that was precepted for with the deficit being covered by general reserves. In this case it would not be advisable to earmark funds from unspent budget heads as this would mean more monies having to be transferred from the general reserves which are already below the recommended minimum.
Proposed: Councillor Bartrum Seconded: Councillor Gibbs
RESOLVED – not to earmark any unspent monies from budget heads other than the £16000.00 in the Neighbourhood Plan Budget Head.
ii) To approve transfer of £77,654.00 from EMR Account Capital Fund into the Council’s General Reserve Account.
It was agreed following further consideration of the Council’s finances and reserves that the proposed transfer be made. This would see the balance of the general reserve at a more acceptable level and within the recommended guidelines.
Proposed: Councillor Bartrum Seconded: Councillor Gibbs
RESOLVED – to approve the transfer of £77,654.00 from EMR Account Capital Fund into the Council’s General Reserve Account.
F16/03 16 Petty Cash
To approve the introduction of a Petty Cash cashbook for miscellaneous expenditure with a limit up to a maximum of £250.00.
The Members recognised the practicalities of this proposal and agreed to approve the request subject to the measures already in place that the Council’s Verifier checks the records periodically. The Clerk confirmed the same process would be in place as that for the other cashbooks, i.e. that it would be reconciled on a monthly basis.
Proposed: Councillor Bartrum Seconded: Councillor Ravenscroft
RESOLVED – to approve the introduction of a Petty Cash cashbook for miscellaneous expenditure with a limit up to a maximum of £250.00.
7.55pm One Member of the public arrived
F16/03 17 Santander Bond
To consider investment options for the bond that matured in 2015.
Members considered the report that had been circulated in advance of the meeting and agreed to transfer the funds from the Bond account that matured in 2015 into a higher interest rate account with instant access whilst further investigations are made to see what other products are available. It was also agreed to transfer £120,000.00 from the current account into the same higher interest rate account.
Proposed: Councillor Bartrum Seconded: Councillor Ravenscroft
RESOLVED – to approve the closure of the Bond Account and transfer the balance into a new Business Reward Saver Account in addition to a transfer from the current account in the sum of £120,000.00.
F16/03 18 Grant Funding Update
To receive and note final reports from organisations detailing expenditure of the grant funding; (**deferred from meeting on 30th November 2015 Agenda Item #45)
· Ross on Wye Walkers are Welcome**
· Royal British Legion**
· Tudorville Community Centre**
· Ross on Wye Town Carnival**
· Ross on Wye Poppy Appeal
· Ross Christmas Carnival
· Wildplay – Herefordshire Wildlife Trust
RESOLVED – to accept and note the final reports as given.
F16/03 19 Applications for Grants
To consider the following applications for grants;
· Ross on Wye Royal British Legion (RBL) – request for £750.00 to support ‘ Ross Remembers’ (Annual Veterans Tea Party)
Members noted this event is well received by the public in the town and it is a good endeavour to support.
Proposed: Councillor Bartrum Seconded: Councillor Ravenscroft
RESOLVED – to approve grant funding in the sum of £750.00 to RBL to support ‘Ross Remembers’ from the Grants Budget.
· Ross on Wye Beer & Cider Festival – request for £750.00 for the purchase of glasses for the event
This item was deferred as the committee was inquorate due to an ‘interest’.
· Ross on Wye Choral Society – request for £500.00 towards the Spring Concert 2016
Members recognised the social and health benefits for those involved.
Proposed: Councillor Gibbs Seconded: Councillor Bartrum
RESOLVED – to approve grant funding in the sum of £500.00 from the Grant’s Budget to Ross on Wye Choral Society towards the Spring Concert
7.05pm Standing Orders were suspended to allow a member of Catcher Media Social CIC to speak about the grant application
· Catcher Media Social CIC – request for £750.00 towards project entitled ‘Herefordshire Life through a lens’ (heritage, arts and media community project).
This application is for a Heritage and Art project that would cover areas in and around Ross. It will include shows in the Phoenix Theatre and Market House and films and material would be able to be accessed on-line, also education packs for schools to encourage them to get involved with local history. A lot of voluntary hours have already been pledged to enable the project to go ahead. There will be an exhibition in Ross library.
7.10pm Standing Orders were re-instated
Proposed: Councillor Bartrum Seconded: Councillor Ravenscroft
RESOLVED – to approve grant funding in the sum of £750.00 from the Grant’s Budget to Catcher Media Social CIC towards the project ‘Herefordshire Life through a lens’.
· Ross Library Development Group – request for £750.00 to purchase fund raising equipment (deferred from meeting on 30th November 2015 Agenda Item #46).
Members were informed the application was for fund raising equipment which will enhance the library which should be seen as an investment and benefits the town.
Proposed: Councillor Ravenscroft Seconded: Councillor Bartrum
RESOLVED – to approve grant funding in the sum of £750.00 from the Grant’s Budget to Ross Library Development Group for the purchase of fund raising equipment.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.20pm
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Chairman Date