Autumn 2017Pupil Premium Strategy Impact Statement.
The Pupil Premium is an allocation of additional funding provided to schools to support specific groups of children who are vulnerable to possible underachievement. These include pupils who are entitled to free school meals, children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months by the local authority as well as including those pupils recorded on the January School Census who were looked after immediately before being adopted on or after 30 December 2005, or were placed on a Special Guardianship or Residence Order immediately after being looked after and the children of armed service personnel.
We have prioritised the use of PPG as follows:
Closing the gap for PP students who are underachieving (including both FSM and the ‘Ever 6’ pupils, children of armed service personnel and ‘looked after’ children)
Maintaining PP children who are in danger of underachieving (including G & T pupils)
Other closing the gap vulnerable pupils (SEN)
For 2016 -2017 we received £123429 in Pupil Premium Funding
Accrued spend 2016-2017 £122779.
Nature of support for 2016-2017 was as follows:- Dedicated 1:1 mentoring/small group intervention for specific pupils from Teaching Assistants
- Intervention – small group intervention in phonics, literacy and numeracy basic skills in EYFS, KS1 and KS2
- Nurture Group- specific confidence building and basic skills group in EYFS and KS1.
- Additional learning support for specific pupils to maintain engagement/behavioural support. (Teaching Assistants)
- Teaching of chess in Y4 through ChessforSchools UK. to promote resilience, problem solving and social skills.
- Learning Mentor support for specific pupils to improve confidence and maintain engagement.
- Speech and language support
- Play therapy sessions working with PP children and families around health and wellbeing and parental engagement
- Enrichment activities for both G & T pupils and underachieving PP pupils to diminish the difference and bring them in line with national other.
- Specific funding for PP children in economic need. (uniform, education vistsetc)
PP context of cohorts at end of EYFS, Y1 phonic testing, Y2 and Y6 SATS is as follows:
KS2Average scaled scores: Disadvantaged / Reading / GPS / Maths
St Benedict’s Primary CVA Disadvantaged / 103.6 / 106.6 / 103.5
St Benedict’s Primary CVA Other / 106.8 / 110.7 / 106.1
R & C Other / 103 / 105 / 104
National Other / 104 / 106 / 104
- Awaiting LA data
% achieving the expected standard: Disadvantaged / Reading / GPS / Maths / Writing TA / RWM / Pupils)
St Benedict’s Primary CVA Disadvantaged / 70% / 80% / 65% / 90% / 60% / 20
St Benedict’s Primary CVA Other / 86% / 94% / 80% / 94% / 75% / 36
LA Disadvantaged / % / % / % / % / %
LA Other / % / % / % / % / %
National Disadvantaged / 53% / 61% / 58% / 64% / 39%
National Other / 72% / 78% / 76% / 79% / 60%
% achieving the expected standard: Disadvantaged / Reading / Maths / Writing TA / RWM / Pupils
St Benedict’s PrimaryCVA Disadvantaged / 81.8% / 90.9% / 81.8% / 81.8% / 11
St Benedict’s Primary CVA Other / 89.4% / 89.4% / 89.4% / 87.2% / 47
LA Disadvantaged / % / % / % / %
LA Other / % / % / % / %
National Disadvantaged / 60% / 58% / 50%
National Other / 77% / 75% / 68%
- Awaiting LA data