Ward 1 – Fenwick, Ingoe, Ryal. Ward 2 - Matfen
I HEREBY GIVE YOU NOTICE THAT the Annual Parish Meeting of the Council will be held in Matfen Village Hall on Monday 2nd June 2014 at 7.00pm when the following items will be discussed:-
Annual Parish Meeting
1.2. / Apologies for absence
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 14th May 2013
3. / Chairman’s Report for the year 2013/2014
/ Clerk’s Finance Report for the year 2013/2014 [Copy attached]To consider any resolutions[s] of which due notice has been given.
5. / Questions by members of the public within the Parish
Mrs M Senior
Clerk to the Council
23 May 2014
I HEREBY GIVE YOU NOTICE THAT the Annualmeeting of the Parish Council will be held in Matfen Village Hall on Monday 2nd June 2014following the Annual Parish Meeting at 7.00pm when the following items will be discussed:-
- Election of Parish Council Chairman
- To receive Declaration of Acceptance of Office from Keith Irving.
- Election of Vice Chairman
- Apologies for Absence
- Declarations of interest
- The Council will hear residents on any matter they wish to raise.
- County Councillor’s Report
- Minutes of the meeting held on 25th March 2014 [Copy attached]
- Matters arising
- Finance
a)Accounts for payment
b)To receive accounts up to 31st March 2014 [See copy attached]
c)To accept and approve the Annual Return for the Year Ended 31st March 2014
- Correspondence – listed
- Planning Applications
a)Planning applications/decisions
b)Issues arising
- Village Issues
a)Ryal Village Green
b)Matfen Village Green – replacement of seat and repair of gate
c)Outstanding issues
d)To consider proposed diversion of public footpaths 21 and 22 at Low Hall Farm
and the Old Vicarage, Matfen
- To consider any matters requiring Council action that may arise from the preceding Annual Parish Meeting
- Co-option of one Parish Councillor
- Risk Assessment [See copy attached]
- To agree date for progress meeting
- Any urgent business allowed by the Chairman
- Date and time of next meeting
Signed:…………………………………….Clerk Date: 23.05.14
Declarations of Interest
“Members and the Clerk are reminded that if they have a disclosable interest in any item on the Agenda for this Council meeting, the existence of that interest must be declared at the commencement of the meeting or when the interest becomes apparent.
A member with a personal interest can still take part in the meeting and vote unless the personal interest is also a prejudicial interest in which case the member must leave the room.
A member with a prejudicial interest cannot take part in discussions on the matter in question and must not try to improperly influence anyone’s decision on the matter. “
Apologies for Absence
If a councillor is unable to attend the meeting can they inform the Clerk to the Council on receipt of the agenda or as soon as possible before the meeting.
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend the meeting.
Correspondence received since Marchmeeting
SENDER / MOST OF THESE HAVE ALREADY BEEN FORWARDED TO COUNCILLORS BY EMAILNorthumberland Fire and Rescue / Fire and Rescue Plan 2014-2017
Northumberland CC / Capacity issues within Planning and Enforcement Team
Community Action Northumberland / Request for financial assistance
Community Action Northumberland / Spring Conference 2014
Northumberland CC / Training Session – the Basics of Planning
WallTogether / Newsletter 2 – April 2014
Northumberland CC / Health and Wellbeing Board Newsletter – Spring 2014
Clerks and Councils Direct / May 2014 – Issue 93
Community Action Northumberland / Spring Issue – March 2014
Northumberland CC / Temporary Road Closure – Sunday 22nd June 2014
Northumberland CC / Proposed public footpath diversion at Low Hall Farm and the Old Vicarage
Great North Air Ambulance / Request for financial assistance
Northumberland County Council / Surface dressing C340 Ingoe to Lynup Hill
Northumberland County Council / Reporting litter thrown from vehicles
Northumberland County Council / Local bus services : west area tender outcomes
Planning Application Reports
Reference /Applicant
/ Description / Decision13/02858/FUL / Mr Derek Hurst / Former Ingoe Chapel, Ingoe / Change of use from Chapel to Dwelling which includes internal alterations and some changes to window sizes / Decision awaited
13/03679/VARYCO / Mr Ian Scott-Bell / South Hall, Ingoe / Variation of condition 8 from planning approval CM20090150 (Conversion of redundant building to holiday letting accommodation) / Decision awaited
14/00492/LBC / Mr and Mrs Irwin / High House Farm, Matfen / LBC consent for proposed alterations to curtilage listed building. / GRANTED
13/02245/RENE / Mr Paul Scholey / Land south west of High Bellridge, Ingoe / Proposed siting of a 24m high wind turbine with a tip height of 336.m / WITHDRAWN
14/00408/FUL / Mr P Moffit / Vallum Farm, East Wallhouses / Erection of marquee in existing hay shed as function venue / GRANTED
14/01167/FUL / Mr & Mrs Maier / East Wallhouses Farmhouse, East Wallhouses / Removal of existing bay windows, the construction of a larger front porch and the construction of an outbuilding to house a wood pellet boiler / Decision awaited
14/01000/FUL / Mr P Naughton / Land SW of South Fens Farm / Proposed construction of stables for private equestrian use. / GRANTED
14/01307/FUL / Mr & Mrs Wilson / Robin Hood Inn, Military Road / Proposed bedroom accommodation / Comments by 1st June.
Payee / Detail / Cheque Issued / VAT / Net of VAT / Cheque NumberMrs A Senior / Clerical Services / 275.75 / 275.75 / 100761
HMRC / PAYE / 68.80 / 68.80 / 100762
Matfen Village Hall / Rental / 10.00 / 10.00 / 100763
Mrs A Senior / Play area inspection fees / 75.00 / 75.00 / 100764
Marmax Products Ltd / Replacement seat / 394.20 / 65.70 / 328.50 / 100765