The Girl Scout Gold Award
Project Proposal
Girl Scouts of Central Texas
12012 Park Thirty-Five Circle
Austin, Texas 78753
Girl Scout Gold Award Project Proposal
Girl Scouts of Central Texas
Please fill out using a word-processing program. Make copies for your Gold Award Project Advisor and for you to keep. Submit the original to the Program Specialist at the Council Program Center four weeks prior to starting your project by e-mailing to , mailing to Kodosky Program Center, or faxing to 512-458-2390. Do not begin your project until you have received council approval. If you have not received feedback within four weeks, please contact council by e-mail or phone.
City: State: Zip:
Phone: () E-Mail you check frequently:
Parent/Guardian Name:
Age: Grade: School:
Graduation Date:______
Month/Year Registered as a High School Senior: # of years in Girl Scouting:
Service Unit:
Troop/Group Advisor: Troop/Group Number:
Troop/Group Advisor’s Phone: (___) ______E-mail: ______
Girl Scout Gold Award Project Advisor: ______
Project Advisor’s Organization: ______
Project Advisor’s Phone: (___) ______E-mail: ______
The Girl Scout Gold Award Prerequisites
Complete two Senior or Ambassador Journeys ORcomplete one Senior or Ambassador Journey and have earned the Girl Scout Silver Award.
Thoroughly, read the Gold Award Guidelines, GSCTX Info Packet, and Gold Award Requirements Summary found at
Submit the Gold Award Registration Form also found at
List the prerequisites that you have completed along with your troop/group volunteer’s signature.
Senior/Ambassador Journey Books / Date Completed / Troop/Group Volunteer’s SignatureGirl Scout Silver Award Completion Date
Council Where You Earned the Award
Your Team
List the names of individuals and organizations that you plan to work with on your Gold Award Take Action project. This is a preliminary list that may grow through the course of your project.
Project Proposal Checklist:
The paperwork is type written in paragraph form with accurate grammar and spelling.
The Girl Scout should exhibit responsibility, leadership and community involvement in her selection of a project.
The project is financially feasible for the Girl Scout and a financial plan is included.
______The project budget is balanced.
The project described follows Girl Scout Safety-Wise guidelines.
A letter of acceptance of the project idea is included from any collaborative organizations.
The project described will require approximately 80 hours of productive time involvement.
All questions listed on the proposal application have been fully answered
______The sustainability of the project has been fully addressed and documented.
Girl Scout Gold Award Take Action Project
Project Title:
Start Date:______Completion Date: ______Hours: ______
- Describe in detail your Gold Award Project. What do you plan to do? Where will it be held? What community will your project serve? How many people will be served by your project? How will your project benefit others?
- Describe the issue your project addresses and what impact you hope to make.What is the root cause of the issue? How do you plan to address it?
- What is the lasting affect on the community? How will your project be sustained beyond your involvement?
- Explain the national and/or global link to your project (e.g., How does your project affect other parts of the world? How does your project go beyond the community it serves?)
- Describe your reasons for selecting this project and your goals.
- Describe what steps you plan to take to inspire others through sharing your project. (Web site, blog, presentations, posters, videos, articles, and so on).
- List the strengths, skills, talents, and abilities you believe you will need to develop or enhance to complete your project.
Your Signature: Date: ______
Project Advisor’s Signature: Date: ______
Impact On. . . / Goals / Examples of Immediate ImpactYou / Which of the 15 Girl Scout Leadership Outcomes* listed do you think you will be able to develop through this project?
A stronger sense of self.
Positive values.
Practical life skills.
Seeking new challenges in the world.
Develop critical thinking skills.
Develop healthy relationships.
Promote cooperation and team building.
Resolving conflicts.
Advancing diversity in a multicultural world.
Becoming connected to my community, locally and globally.
Take Action:
I will identify community issues.
I will be a resourceful problem solver.
I will advocate for myself and others, locally and globally.
I will educate and inspire others to act.
I will feel empowered to make a difference in the world.
*Want more information on the Girl Scout Leadership Outcomes? Visit
(Anticipated income and expenses. Budget should balance.)
Name: Project Title:
Income from / Details / AmountTotal income:
Expense Item / Details / Amount
Total expenses:
Money Earning Application
- Submit your request to your Council Representative (MDE, Program Lead or Award Advisor) for approval at least 3 weeks prior to project date. See Volunteer Essentials Chapter 5 for more information on Money Earning.
- Applicants may participate in one money earning project a year. Exceptions can be made for troops/groups/individuals, meeting the criteria outlined in Ch.5 of VE.
- For groups traveling, earning high awards or within the robotics program please submit a draft budget and all money earning applications for individual projects to be reviewed together.
- Money-earning projects cannot take place during the Council Product Programs or United Way fund drives. Troops must participate in Council Product Programs prior to additional money earning activities.
- All income must be reported on the Annual Troop Report.
- A copy of all Money Earning Applications will be sent to the Service Unit Director after review and approval.
Date:______Council Representative Name:______
Requestor’s Name: E-mail Address:
Phone:Troop Number: Number of girls:
Service Unit: SUD: Email:
Date of Money Earning Activity(s):
Reason for which money is to being raised:
How much money needs to be raised per girl:
Troop/group/girl has participated in:Fall ProductsCookies
We plan to raise this money by (type of money-earning project):
Has your troop participated in another money earning project other than product program during the present program year? YesNo
Plans for any other money earning projects this year:
Estimated Income from Money-Earning Project$
Other Donations$
Approved Denied by council rep
If approved forward to Dev. Dept. for final approval:
Approved Denied by Dev. Dept.
Reason why permission is not granted: ______
Sponsorship Permission Request Form
Sponsorships $250.00 & ABOVE
- Submit your request to your council representative for sponsorship approval and tracking. See Volunteer Essentials Chapter 5 for more information on Sponsorships.
- Requests for sponsorships above $250 may have only the amount of monetary sponsorship per year to match their budget. All budgets must be preapproved prior to request for sponsorship approval to be considered.
- All donations of $250 and greater must be made to GSCTX and processed internally following the guidelines within VE.
- All sponsorships must be reported on the Troop Final Report.
Date:______Council Representative Name: ______
Requestor’s Name: E-mail Address: Phone:
Age Level: Troop Number: Number of girls:
Service Unit: SUD: Email:
Date of Sponsorship: ____
Reason for which sponsorship will be used:
Troop has participated in:Fall ProductsCookies
Troop/Group/Girl plans to acknowledge gift:
Has the troop received any other sponsorship during the present program year? YesNo If so, amount______
Amount of monetary request:
Sponsor’s name:
Address: E-mail Address: Phone:
Does sponsor need acknowledgment for Girl Scout of Central Texas? YesNo
(All monetary donations of $250 and above must be made payable to GSCTX & submitted to the council for appropriate processing and acknowledgment. Donations (at any level) made directly to the troop may not be considered a tax deductible donation under IRS law)
Approved Denied by council rep
If approved forward to Dev Dept for final approval:
Approved Denied by Dev Dept
Reason why permission is not granted: ______
If approved, forward a copy of this form and donation to the council development dept for processing.
Council Staff Signature*: / Date:Donor Signature**: / Date:
Troop/Group/SU Signature: / Date:
Request Approved and to be forwarded to troop when donation is received: ☐Yes ☐ No
Amount to be forwarded to troop: $______
Acct: Date Donation Received: ______Amt. received by donor: ______
Date Check issued to troop ______Check # issued to troop:______Amt $______
*Note: Council Staff Signature required when received at the council for acknowledgment for dating purposes.
It is recommended that you spend approximately 80 hours working on your Gold Award project. In order to get an accurate understanding of your project, please explain what activities you anticipate spending the most of your time throughout the course of this project. If feasible, please fill out the time log below.
Example: March 2013 / Meet with benefitting organization. / 1-2 hoursTIME LOG
Name: Start Date:
Project Title: Completion Date:
Date / Time spent / Explain Activity (in detail)Total numberof hoursfor project
Please remember: No more than 3 hours spent on project paperwork should be recorded. Travel or sleeping time will not be counted.