New York Archives Conference
Professional Development Grant Application Form
June 7-9, 2017
Utica College, Utica, NY
Grant funds made available by the New York Archives Conference (NYAC), John A. Woods, and Larry Naukam will enable archives volunteers, employees, and/or students residing or working in New York State to attend the New York Archives Conference annual meeting.
Applicants must complete all three parts of the application AND submit a letter of support from a faculty member, supervisor, or someone knowledgeable about your archival work or education. The applicant and reference provider should e-mail their material separately to the Professional Development Committee at . All items must be in .doc file format.
Both the reference and applicant will receive confirmation of receipt from the committee.
In order to be considered for a Professional Development Grant,
all materials must be received by 5 p.m., Friday, April 28, 2017.
Notification of selections will be made by Wednesday, May 10, 2017. Please make sure all materials are in a .doc file format and that file names include the applicant’s name.
All attendees of the New York Archives Conference are required to have a current paid NYAC membership, which can be submitted with the conference registration.
Address ______
City or Town ______, NY Zip code ______
Daytime Phone number(s) ______
E-mail address ______
Are you a member of the New York Archives Conference (NYAC)? Yes___ No___
Have you attended a NYAC meeting?Yes ___ No ___
Please fill in the following information relating to your archival employment and/or education:
Paid _____ Volunteer _____
Employer ______
Job title ______
Job duties______
Relevant degrees ______
Year granted ______
Current degree program ______
Academic focus ______
Expected date of degree completion ______
Institution ______
Academic concentration ______
Please attach your current resume and a brief statement explaining why you would like to attend the New York Archives Conference and how you believe attendance will benefit your work. These items should be no more than two pages each, and in a .doc file format.
A letter of support from a person knowledgeable about your work or educational program must be sent directly to the Professional Development Committee at . This letter must be received no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, April 28, 2017. Please make sure this letter is in a .doc file format.