200 Angell Road, P.O. Box 7128
Cumberland, RI 02864
SECRETARY: Kimberly Enos, Office Manager
Mon-Fri: 9:15am-12:15pm.
Vance Westgate –401-726-2518
Ray Jenness – 401-233-2290
8:30AM Service of Worship with the Sacrament of Communion
10AM Service of Worship & Sunday School
(Communion served the first Sunday
of the month.)
The MISSION BOARD is responsible for Coffee Hour, beginning November 10th.
Please consider donating K-cups for coffee, tea & cocoa
November Birthdays
Edmund Bard, Kathleen Brown, Rhonda Hanson, Helen Hill, Jason Jerominek, Barbara Josephson, Bernard Lemos, Grace-Marie L’Heureux, Amanda McCaffrey, Katherine Melo, G. Savage, Cameron Swain, Erin Wood, Kaden Wootton
TRUSTEES – Meeting 11/11 @ 7PM
Nov. Counters: 10/27 Sandy Fortin, 11/3 Steve Hill, 11/10 Mike Ezovski, 11/17 Mark Gilson
*The Chapel handyman, Leo Collard, is available for work hours for your projects. He is recommended by Bill Caldwell. Leo’s # 767-2194
COUNCIL – Meeting 11/25 @ 7pm
DEACONS - Meeting 11/5 @ 7pm
Deacons: 11/3 8:30 AM, Jen & Bill George, 10AM (DW)Bernie Lemos, Dave Binsack, Rhonda Hanson, Christy Hill, JustinWood
*Welcomed in Baptism on 10/20 were: Joseph and Gabriel Harper, sons of Daniel and Stephani Harper, and Lyla Lord, daughter of Mike and Nicole Lord.
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION MEETING – Meeting 11/4 @ 7PM Sarah C. Carpenter Room
Thank you from the Christian Education Board to all of those who have generously given their time to volunteer as Sunday School Teachers this year. Your time, effort, and generosity will have a profound effect on the lives of our children. At this time we still have opportunities for volunteers to assist in the toddler and preschool rooms. Please see Tiffany Michalski, Michele Cassavant, Joann Spann, Jenna Bard, Marcy Sanford or Becca Collemer.
The Financial Peace studies will begin again in January, our member, Peter Standhart will be the speaker. Look for more info in the bulletins.
All seems to be going really well so far this year! Jodi and I are really excited to be a part of each of your children's lives. They are AMAZING! Typically, we have been seeing from 12-16 youth participate on a weekly basis. This is a great start to our year!
· Below, you will see an e-mail that I just sent to Youth Group Members regarding Sunday's trip to Scary Acres. Please read this as it contains important details for each of you to know. I may need one additional driver, but I'll get back to you on that as soon as possible.
· I am looking to have a Parents' Group Meeting on Monday, October 28th at 6:30pm at the Chapel. I hope that you all can attend. At this meeting we will be discussing some of the upcoming events for the Youth Group (i.e., Homeless Sleep-out, Mama Mia Pizzeria, Community Outreach Projects, Adopt-a-Youth Campaign, etc.). You're attendance is key, as we won't be able to pull it all together without your assistance. Additionally, we're still in the process of filling the Parents' Group Coordinator position. This position requires very little work on your part. If you're interested in more details regarding this position, please feel free to contact me either by phone (548-2798) or e-mail ().
Thank you all for sharing your wonderful youth with us! They truly are a BLESSING! It is our mission that they are able to have fun, while experiencing their personal connections to Jesus Christ this year!
MISSIONS – Next Meeting- 11/3 @ 11:15am Mobile Blood Drive: 11/3/13
The Northern Rhode Island Food Pantry is held every third Saturday of each month, the pantry is at 10 Nate Whipple Highway in Cumberland, 10am-noon. Please continue to help supply non-perishable items as you always have for the food pantry. Non perishable foods needed are: peanut butter & jelly, tuna, cereal, crackers, juice, coffee.
CHAPEL CHOIR – Organist, Vance Westgate (726-2518) We would love to see more people join us! Rehearsals- Thursday @7:30 in Heaven’s Hall. Please come, all are welcome.
Mr. Westgate is also accepting students for piano lessons, please call him for information.
Children’s Choir Rehearsal, Sunday’s 11:15 in Heaven’s Hall by the piano.
Ask Vance Westgate for additional information
Music Committee Chair – Mark Fortin
The Women’s Group welcomes all women of the Chapel over the age of 18. See Jane Erskine or Carolyn Williamson for more information.
The Quilting and Sewing Group meets at the Chapel on Wednesdays at 12:30pm. All are welcome to attend and bring their sewing projects. Beginners to experienced, need assistance or just to chat, come and socialize.
If you have, or a relative of yours has a colorful quilt that could be displayed in the Sanctuary for a month or so, we would like to enjoy it. Advent themed, please bring in by November 24th.
If you know of someone who needs to be on the care list, or a facility address that should be included, please call the office.
Prayers for Herb Quilitzsch recovering from lyme disease.
Ken Jencks is now at home with therapy, prayers are needed for his recovery.
Recovering prayers for Jo-Ann Willigan following surgery.
Prayers for the niece of Patricia Clarke, Donna Harvey, who is battling cancer.
Continued recovery for Amanda Choiniere.
Prayers for Zachary Hanson, Rhonda’s grandson has had more surgery.
Prayers for Kaden Wootton following his ear surgery.
Prayers for Jean Davis, she is having knee surgery.
Eleanor Dodsworth: Wyndmere Woods, 1044 Mendon Rd #104, Woonsocket, RI 02895
June Robinson (#159) - Emerald Bay Manor, 10 Old Diamond Hill Rd. Cumberland. 02864
Jocelyn Seaward’s husband, William, is at Holiday Home.
Marjorie Cochrane is also at Holiday Home, 30 Sayles Hill Rd., Manville 02838.
Let the office know of any illness, hospitalizations, or good & joyful news.
*Ongoing Collections include: Box Tops for Education, Campbell Soup & Betty Crocker labels, used eyeglasses and cases, small trial size toilet articles for gift packs, disconnected cell phones.
Soup Kitchen – Did you know that the Four Corners Mission Board helps at an area soup kitchen? Once every 9 weeks, our church is responsible for providing volunteers at a local soup kitchen (at Park Place Congregational Church in Pawtucket) Long-time Missions Board member, Ralph Jordan, purchases and prepares the food. Additional volunteers bake desserts, pick up donated rolls from an area bakery, and deliver to the soup kitchen. We then assist with serving the meal, which is a gratifying experience. This is approximately a 2 hour commitment on a Saturday.Church members interested in helping at the soup kitchen and/or baking should contact Ralph Jordan (333-1796) or Anne Bouchard (658-2108) for more information.
Carolyn Williamson is the purchasing supply person for the Chapel Kitchen.
Notify her of any kitchen supplies that may be needed: paper products, coffee, juice for the children during coffee hour, sweetners & creamers, cleaning products, etc.
The UCC Fall meeting will take place on Nov. 2 at 8am in Little Compton.
Beginning Sept 10th the Merry Dickens Carolers will be rehearsing in Heavens Hall, (usually one night a week) and will perform a Christmas Concert on Dec. 1st at 4pm. This concert will benefit the 2013 Chapel Christmas Bazaar (12/7)
Wednesdays at 7pm in the Chapel Office ~ FAITH BREAK, a time of Pastor and Parish discussions.
The Chapel Men’s Association will host their chapel breakfast on 11/3. Serving from 9am – noon. All proceeds go into the funds for scholarships (Edward Erskine & Roger Ward Scholarships) given in June. Free Will Donations ~ All Welcome!
A New Member Orientation will be held on October 24th in the office building conference room at 7pm. New members will join the Chapel Family on November 10th at the 10AM Worship.
November is Stewardship Month
FOCUS on Stewardship: We have been focusing on the many aspects of stewardship this fall. We started with our message of FAITH and expecting the unexpected. In conjunction with the Mission Board we brought you OUTREACH and you in turn reached out and provided over 350 pounds of food to the Northern RI Food Pantry. Our Chapel COMMUNITY is alive! Reaching beyond to pews on Sunday mornings with all of our board and activities. Today the focus is on U "You" for without you we have no Chapel. Next week we will talk about SUPPORT. And, on Sunday, November 10th we will pledge to continue extending our hands in faith to the Chapel on Commitment Sunday.
The Thanksgiving Ecumenical service will be held on November 27th at 7:00pm here at Four Corners Chapel. Local Clergy will be giving the message and the Cumberland/Lincoln Community Corus will be singing. Refreshments will be available in Heaven’s Hall after the service.
Anyone willing to donate food for the collation following the Thanksgiving service please speak to Jenn George.
The Christmas Bazaar will be held on December 7th from 8-4pm.
From the New Office Manager, Kimberly:
I thought I would write a note introducing myself to all of you. I am very excited to be stepping into this position here at Four Corners Community Chapel. I have been training with Nancy over the past two weeks and while the job looks challenging I am eager to be a part of this very active parish. I think it would be impossible to fill Nancy’s shoes but I will give it my every effort.
Let me tell you a little about myself. I am a mom to four beautiful children, Keeleigh(12), Emily(10), Colby(8) and Brody(7). We have a very busy household but it is always filled with new experiences and challenges. I am a single parent now but my ex-husband and I work well together raising our children. We are actually good friends. I am a graduate of Wheaton College and have spent many years working with children and families as a Milieu Therapist at Bradley Hospital and Devereux Hospital and as a Social Caseworker II for DCYF. I truly enjoy working with children. I have been a stay at home mom for the past 11 years and worked as a Manager with a direct sales company during this time.
I feel blessed to have been given this opportunity to work here at Four Corners Chapel. I know this will be a time of transition but I look forward to serving this parish.