Questionnaire for category 5:

Best charity/endowment/foundation

Focus on investment management

Category jury

Jury head: Elroy Dimson, Emeritus Professor of Finance, London Business School, Visiting Professor of Finance, Cambridge Judge Business School

Mark Freeman, Consultant, Mark Freeman & Associates

Alasdair Gill, UK Leader of Charities and Endowments team, Mercer

Dawid Konotey-Ahulu,Founder & Co-Chief Executive, Lead Investment Consultant, Redington

James Parker, Managing Director, Charity Business

Academic advisory panel

Panel head: Michael Dempster, Founder & Professor Emeritus, Centre for Financial
Research, Statistical Laboratory Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge

Dr. David Chambers, Lecturer in Finance, Cambridge Judge Business School
Christopher D. Clack, ScD, Chairman, Financial Stability Research Forum, UCL

Jacques Pezier, Visiting Professor in Finance, ICMA, Henley Business School, University of Reading

portfolio institutional awards 2013

Questionnaire for category 5:

Best charity/endowment/foundation

Focus on investment management

Instructions for completing questionnaire

Please complete this questionnaire, save and return by email to:

Sana Sammi:

Deadline for receipt of completed questionnaires is 1st FEBRUARY 2013.

If you have any questions about the forms or the process, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Sana Sammi: ,

020 7596 2875, 07904 66 44 55

portfolio institutional awards 2013

Questionnaire for category 5:

Best charity/endowment/foundation

Focus on investment management

Compliance briefing

Good governance/ethics

The panel of judges agrees to comply with certain good governance policies:

A committee member will abstain from voting if he or she has at present a significant business relationship or is about to sign a contract with the candidate. In such cases or if further conflicts of interest exist, the judge in question will make the panel aware of these.

Judging rules:

-Any information or insights acquired from questionnaires will be treated as confidential and will not be used for marketing or sales activities.

-Participating consultants may not complete questionnaires for candidates.

-If a category jury cannot reach a verdict, the questionnaires will be forwarded to the academic panel for a decision.

-There is no minimum requirement of entries per category, candidates who put in the effort to submit their questionnaire, will need to be rewarded.

-There can only be one winner in each category. If the category jury reaches a tie, the final decision will be made by the academic panel.

-If appropriate judges may award a highly commended accolade in each category.

-Investors with own asset management groups: groups can only participate if 2/3 of all their AUM is provided by the mother company and third party AM is only 1/3 of their business.

-Fiduciary Managers: may enter the competition on behalf of a specific scheme. It will be the scheme who is entered and not the manager.

-Category decisions will be made within the peer-group, there is no external benchmark for individual categories.

-Aspects of smaller investors with less resources will be considered.

Disclaimer portfolio Verlag

Any information provided to us in the context of the selection process will be treated confidentially and will not be forwarded to third parties. If your presence is required at the awards ceremony, we will inform you of that fact. Attendance is not associated with any obligations on your part. Participation in the selection process is entirely voluntary.

Disclaimer participants

I confirm that any information provided in the context of the portfolio institutional awards 2013 selection process is, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and reflects the current state of affairs.

portfolio institutional awards 2013 – Questionnaire for category 5: Best charity/endowment/foundation

portfolio institutional awards 2013

Questionnaire for category 5:

Best charity/endowment/foundation

Focus on investment management

This category includes philanthropic funds, educational endowments,charitable and family foundations, and long-terminvestment assets held by not-for-profit organisations. The jury will judge each submission on its merits, takingaccount of the organisation's size and type, and its status (e.g. its objects, whether the endowment is permanent or finite-life,etc). It will be looking for a concise submission, with statements supported by some justification, demonstrating overallsuitability for purpose. For example, a permanent endowmentshould provide an appropriate balance of support to currentand future generations of beneficiaries, and the fund should reflect the needs, circumstances, grant-making policies, andfund-raising opportunities of the organisation.

Examples of items that may be relevant include:

– Objects of the organisation, and its mission

– Investment philosophy and how this determines investmentstrategy

– Organisation and effectiveness of portfolio management

– Planning, risk management, monitoring, cost control, crisismanagement, and governance

– Roles of investment committee members, advisers, managers,and third parties

– Indicators of success and of innovation.

Important note:

Answers provided must focus on activity undertaken from January 1st 2011 to the most recent period for which figures are available. Please keep responses brief and to the point – for most questions, a sentence or short paragraph should suffice. Attachments are permissible, but should be kept to a minimum.

I. Contact

1. name of company/institution

2. name of contact person for awards

3. job title

4. address

5. e-mail

6. telephone (direct line)

II. Charity/endowment/foundation – general information

  1. Please provide an overview of your charity/endowment/foundation (including its objective):
  1. Legal form, charity number (if applicable), and website (if applicable):
  1. Please describe the investment governance structure of your institution.
  1. Total invested assets (defined in accordance with your Statement of Investment Policy):




5. How do you judge investment performance?

What is the date of your most recent performance statistics?

What performance has been achieved?

Over 1 year:

Over 3 years:

Over 5 years:

6. Do you use external advisers and/or consultants, and if so, how?

III. Management of charity/endowment/foundation assets

  1. Please summarise your Statement of Investment Principles or equivalent document.
  1. Please describe your investment management philosophy.
  1. Please describe your approach to:

– strategic asset allocation – tactical asset allocation – risk management

– manager monitoring

4. What internal/external resources do you have at your disposal in this regard?

  1. How are your investments structured at present? Please refer to the following aspects in your answer:

– breakdown of total assets into relevant asset classes

– internal vs. external management

– pooled vs. segregated vehicles

– active vs. passive management

– use of hedging, stop-loss limits, etc.

  1. How do you measure the success of your investment policy?
  1. How do you safeguard the performance of your invested assets?
  1. Please list three strengths of your approach to investment management as you see them.
  1. How, if at all, do environmental, social and governance factors influence your investment decisions?
  1. Do you make any programme/mission related investments? Please explain.
  1. How has the financial crisis affected your investment strategy?

May the award committee contact you in the event of follow-up questions? Please answer yes or no.

Thank you for taking part in the portfolio institutional awards 2013.

portfolio institutional awards 2013 – Questionnaire for category 5: Best charity/endowment/foundation