Executive Committee Report, June 2014

Submitted by Ethan Medley

Annual Goals / Target Date / Status
Develop Board’s annual goals / October, 2013 / Complete
Plan and implement a program for Board development / November, 2013 and ongoing / On target
Implement key elements of the school’s strategic plan:
A. Develop and implement an equity lens and practice its use in one area.
B. Initiate a levels of engagement model
C.Convene an exploration committee to investigate changes to the admission process. / February 2014
December 2013
February 2014 / Done. Use ongoing
Postponed until 2014-15
Develop a structure to support the school’s equity and diversity goals at the board level. / February 2014 / Done
Conduct staff and community surveys / Spring 2014 / Complete
Share principal evaluation with principal and board. / May 2014 / On target
Recruit new members and run Board elections / June, 2014 / On target

Topics at the most recent exec meeting included:

  1. The Capital Campaign

Atty shared her research taken from several local capital campaigns. Sarah Granger will speak at the next board meeting detailing her work with capital campaigns. We need a point person on the board to coordinate this and work with staff. We need to be realistic in taking a capacity survey in addition to our needs survey, and letting both of these inform our capital campaign roll out.

  1. Board Election, Candidates, Officers

We will propose membership that likely looks like this:

Atty, Becky, Nadia, and Chris completing their second year of their terms.

Ethan, Mary, Allison and Travis, being voted into 1 year extensions of their terms.

Dennis, Annie Adams, Medessa Cheney, and Ilene Moss being voted into new two year terms.

Caitlin OMalley, and Ruthanne Kendrick joining as staff representatives.

This leaves one spot open for several possibilities that might develop over the year.

We also hope to elect the following officers during the June meeting: President – Atty, VP - Travis, Treasurer - Ethan, Secretary – Nadia

Members could be spread among committees as follows:

Site- Dennis and Chris; Finance- Ethan and Ilene; Outreach/Advocacy - Travis and Medessa; Fundraising – Annie, Allison, Mary; Executive – Atty, Ethan, Mary, Travis, Allison, Medessa(?)

  1. Administrative restructuring - vice principal/director of operations…

While we all acknowledged the value in finding ways to divide Paul’s responsibilities among 2 administrators and building in more support for our fundraising efforts, we didn’t determine a model that works in an immediate sense. Some major challenges were, finding the proper breakdown of responsibilities, working with part time staff, and financial issues. Paul will talk with Kari, and we will all continue to seek creative solutions and models.

Other topics raised:

We should learn if the Portland Schools Foundation supports charter schools.

The August exec meeting will be Tuesday, August 5. The August board meeting will be August 21.