Central Tilba Public School 89 Corkhill Drive Central Tilba NSW 2546
phone 02 4473 7210 fax 02 4473 7469 e-mail
Dear parents and students,
Welcome back to everyone for the start of what is always a busy term. This newsletter includes a diary of known events at this stage. Welcome back to Linda who has had a very exciting time travelling the world. We thank Kim for the great work she did in the office last term. Welcome back also to Tuck, who spent a considerable time over the holidays working in the school.
Thank you to the Tilba Chamber of Commerce, and in particular Phil Elton and Matt O’Neill, who organised to have parts of the playground slashed during the holidays and to John and Kim Atkins, who removed a dead tree.
This term Mr Markham will be working with Mrs. McHarg’s class on Wednesdays and Thursdays and will continue in his teaching the Primary Class on Fridays. Louise Hankinson will be here each Tuesday completing music, library and drama activities with the children.
A large focus of this term will be on the production of an end of year performance, using a Performing Arts grant successfully applied for by the P&C. Mr. Markham has written a play called ‘The Rejectables’, which will give all children the opportunity to perform on stage ~ acting, singing, dancing and playing music. The show will involve using the skills of many in our community and will be staged (several times we hope!) in the second last week of term. If you can help in any way, please contact the school – the children will greatly value your contribution.
The Learn to Swim Program begins next Monday for children in Years 1, 2 and 3. Through the generous contributions of the P&C and the Dromedary Hotel, the cost per family of this important program has been considerably reduced. If your child is a part of this program, please endeavour to get them there for the full ten days. Mrs. McHarg will take the students in on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays, while Mr. Markham will escort them on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Kinder students will spend time working in the Primary Class while the others attend the pool in the morning.
John Carter, Principal
SPECIAL SWIMMING SCHOOL (YEARS 1, 2 AND 3) – If you have not returned your permission note and $10 subsidised program contribution, please do so by Friday at the latest. Parents, please ensure that ALL your child’s clothes are clearly labeled with their name and . And don’t forget to:
(in a plastic bag, because they will be WET)
CONGRATULATIONS - To Coupar Woods in Year 1 on the birth of his new baby sister, Tia-Rose Dibden, on September 23rd. Congratulations also to Cheryl, Ry and Hunter. Baby is reported to be a real ‘cutie’ and we look forward to seeing her here starting school in 5 years time J.
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY – The following is a list of events for the term as we know of at the present time. Please note that dates are subject to change if unforeseen circumstances arise.
October 18-29th / Special Swimming School Years 1-3October 20-21st / State Athletics Homebush
October 26th / Whole School Assembly Years 3-6 presenting items
P&C Meeting
October 28th / Academic Challenge, Broulee
November 1st / Year 6 Half day orientation at Narooma High School
November 5th / Chess Competition at Batemans Bay Public School
November 11th / Milko the cow goes to Moruya for judging
November 12th / Public Speaking at Central Tilba Public School Years 3-6
November 17-19th / Years 3-6 Camp at Bournda Environmental Centre
November 26th / Whole School Assembly Years K-2 presenting items
P&C Meeting
December 2nd / Year 6 Orientation at Narooma High School
December 3rd / Kinder 2011 Orientation
December 10th / Kinder 2011 Orientation
December 14th / Presentation Night
This term the Infants Class will be focusing on the following:
English - Reading and writing poetry, using paragraphing, using introductions and conclusions in writing, talking marks and direct speech.
Maths - Subtractions and addition using 10, graphing, calendars and the months of the year, measurement of length, volume and area. Year 2 - introduction to 2x, 5x and 10x tables.
PDHPE - Swimming school (Years 1 and 2), awareness of the dangers of smoking and alcohol, personal health choices.
HSIE - Changes in family life comparing the past and the present. The effect of technology and gender roles on families.
Visual Arts - Preparation for whole school performance.
Science - Natural and man-made materials. Conserving, using and renewing. The effect of human activities on the environments.
School Website - The school now has an operational website which is linked to the My School site. It is a generic site provided and maintained by the Education Department but it contains newsletters, annual school reports and photo galleries and will be updated weekly. It can be accessed by ‘googling’ ‘Central Tilba Public School’, or typing in the address I would appreciate any feedback on the site. Please ensure that if you do not want your child to appear in photos on the site that you contact the office and let Linda know.
SCHOOL UNIFORM – FLOCKED IRON-ON LOGO FOR POLO SHIRTS – The P&C have purchased flocked iron-on school logos for our school uniform polo shirts (collared shirts). The logos are pocket sized, not large (like our present jumper and sports shirt logos). The P&C will be putting these logos on our polo shirts on Friday, October 22nd. If you have polo shirts at home that you would like to have our logo ironed on to, please send them in to school on or before Friday, October 22nd. The cost is $2 per shirt (please include payment when sending in your shirts).
MILKSHAKES – A letter and order form was sent out on Monday regarding milkshake orders this term. Please make sure that your orders are in by Wednesday each week. Orders will NOT be taken on Thursday.
This term there will be lots happening in the Primary Class. In the first few weeks we have many of our Year 3 children involved in the Swimming School, while our athletes will be at State for the small schools relay towards the end of next week.
In class we will of course be focusing on Literacy and Numeracy and completing our unit of work with the Picasso Cow, with all children invited to Moruya on November 11th to share our cow and knowledge with the other five schools who have been part of this project.
Our first task in Literacy is for the children to prepare speeches on the topic ‘Travel’, which will culminate mid-term with an interschool Public Speaking day here at Tilba. Hopefully, we will have students from Bermagui, Bodalla, Cobargo and Narooma schools competing for the Gulaga Community of Schools Public Speaking Shield. Later in the term we will be studying the novel ‘X Marks The MP3’ as a class using the Accelerated Literacy method of instruction.
In Numeracy we will continue to focus on multiplication tables, working mathematically and working through the different levels of the maths syllabus. It would be great if parents could check homework and work with children on their tables when they are set as homework.
The Year 6 students have been invited to take part in an Academic Challenge with other local schools at Broulee Public School on October 28th, and the Years 5 and 6 students will have the chance to take part in a Chess Day at Batemans Bay Public School on November 5th.
In Personal Development all children will be studying a Growth and Development unit that will look at how children change as they grow. Year 6 students will use this unit of work to prepare them for their own unit on Human Sexuality. Information to Year 6 parents about this course will be sent out to parents soon. The Year 6 component of this unit will not begin until the second half of the term.
In Science the class will be continuing their work on ‘Weather’, while in Human Society and Its Environment’ we will briefly look at the Commonwealth Games before completing a consumer unit entitled ‘Who Will Buy?’
In Week Six the Class (Years 3-6) will have the opportunity to spend three days together at the Bournda Environmental Education Centre, the dates being Wednesday–Friday, November 17th-19th. Hopefully all children will be able to attend this excursion. Information about this excursion will be sent home soon.
Overriding all this work will be our commitment to the performing arts and the production of the play ‘The Rejectables’, which will culminate in several performances towards the end of the year. The work the children do in Music this term will form part of the performance as will activities in drama, dance and art.
Parents will also receive a written report on their child’s progress in the second last week of term.
There will be times when I will be away from the class this term due to Principal duties and professional learning. Children will always be left with work to do as part of the learning program, and we will attempt to be consistent in the employment of casual teachers.
As you can see, it is a very busy term ahead for us all. If you feel a need to discuss any issues at any time, please contact Linda and make an appointment through the office.
Present: Christina Potts, Tisha Limon, Bronwen Kamer, John Carter, Jo Lane
Apologies: Fran Ballard, Elizabeth Waddell
Business arising from previous minutes:
Flocked Iron-on School Logos: Discussion of what colours suitable, location etc. Decision made to invite parents who want to trial logos for rest of the year to send shirts and $2 in to school on second Friday of term (October 22nd). Bronwen and Christina will iron on the logos at the school and send shirts home with those who send them in. Gather feedback at end of term as to what works and make final decision for next year. Christina to write note for newsletter first week back asking parents to send in shirt and $2.
Arts Project: Plan to come back to school at start of term with script ready to go. Performance to take place in second last week of term (week beginning December 6th). Invite other schools to matinees evening for parents. Teachers are all committed to putting it together. Will have regular weekly lunchtime workshops by parents to make props and help out.
Tea towel Fundraiser: Decision made to put it off until next year as no one able to take on organising it for this year.
Principles Report: circulated at meeting. Additions from discussion include:
Parent Satisfaction Survey flagged the need for more discussion down the track re discipline policy, uniform, social development and playground equipment.
Response to parents omitted one parent suggestion that the school could improve in the area of exploring cultural diversity with the view to prevent future prejudice based on ignorance. Mr Carter will amend parents’ summary to reflect this.
May look at continuing “3 serves a day” activity to allow older students to make lunches next term.
November 1st Professional Learning course is for the purpose of preparing teachers on how to teach for next year’s NAPLAN.
Last day of term for students is December 15th.
General Business:
Thanks to Tisha for organising thank you gift for Kim for her work over the term in Linda’s absence.
School and students presented Kim with gift, cards and flowers.
Small shade shelter: 3m x 3m: $995, from the school sport catalogue. We already have a credit with these people from Premiers Sporting Challenge money. Bronwen will get quote from Bob Bennett at Dalmeny camping. Make decision next meeting.
Dibden's Dairy Sale: P&C invited to run a canteen to cater for up to 200 people attending the farm dairy cattle sale at Dibden’s dairy Thursday, October 21st, 9am to midday. Will need help with cakes/slices/biscuits, food preparation, set up/clean up and serving. Ask parents to send in cakes, slices etc for morning tea, pre sliced and wrapped if possible. Sell tea, coffee, soft drinks, mixed sandwiches, steak sandwich and sausage sizzle. Aim to raise $1,000.
Next Meeting: Friday, October 26th.
Meeting closed: 3pm.
P&C FUNDRAISING OPPORTUNITY - The P&C have been offered another great fundraising opportunity. This time we will be operating a canteen at the Dibden’s Cattle Auction on Thursday, October 21st (NEXT Thursday). We will be selling cakes/slices, etc. for morning tea and roast lamb/corned beef sandwiches, plus steak and sausage sandwiches for lunch and hope to raise over $1,000.
If you can supply cakes, slices, biscuits, etc. (as many as possible as we are expecting a crowd of approximately 200 and individually sliced/wrapped if possible please). Please deliver to school on THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 21ST. If you can help with preparations on Wednesday/Thursday and/or help on the stall on Thursday, please contact Fran (4473 7125) or Christina (4473 7053), or please fill in the note below and return to school ASAP, as we need to get this organised as early as possible.
As always, P&C fundraising efforts benefit EVERY child in our school and helps EVERY parent with subsidies on excursions, etc.
YES - I can help with the following:
Preferred task(s). Please tick box(es) with as much help as possible.
Donating cakes/slices/biscuits (sweet or savoury), etc.