21 representatives from the Diplomatic Corps accredited in Spain visit the most innovative solar thermal facilities in the world

Spain occupies a global leading position in solar thermal energy, which contributes to the exportation of technology, goods and services

Seville, October 30, 2012. Representatives from the Diplomatic Corps accredited in Spain have visited today, as part of an encounter organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation with the objective of promoting the Marca España (Spain logo), the most innovative solar thermal facilities in the world. The 21 representatives from different countries have visited the Gemasolar plant of Torresol Energy and the Solucar Platform of Abengoa.

The delegation was accompanied by the General Manager of International Economical Relationships, Fernando Eguidazu, by the Spanish Ambassador in Special Mission for Energetic Affairs, Ángeles Moreno, and by the General Deputy Director, Pilar Serret, all of them from the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.

Among the attendees were the diplomatic representatives from Algeria, Belgium, Cyprus, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Ghana, India, Germany, Libya, Morocco, the Netherlands, Oman, Pakistan, Portugal, Russia, United Kingdom, USA, Uzbekistan and Vietnam.

Solar thermal energy represents a great opportunity for Spain due to its leading position owing to the proximity to the solar resource available in the south of Spain, considered the one with most quality in Europe. Additionally, it is one of the few manageable or non-intermittent renewable technologies.

In this sense, the solar thermal market has experienced an international strong growth led by Spanish companies. Nowadays, the main Spanish firms in the solar sector are developing and operating projects all over the world, situating themselves as global leaders in this area and exporting technology, goods and services to different territories worldwide as Algeria, Chile, India, Morocco, Mexico, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, and USA.

Gemasolar, located in Fuentes de Andalucia (Seville) is the first plant in the world to combine the configuration of molten salt thermal storage with a central tower receiver and a heliostat field, an efficient system that allows to produce electricity up to 15 hours without sunlight. This feature makes Gemasolar the only solar thermal plant in the world, to date, capable of supplying electricity around the clock.

For its part, Solucar Platform of Abengoa, located in Sanlucar la Mayor (Seville) is the largest European solar platform and the largest R&D+i center worldwide. Nowadays, it counts with four solar thermal towers and several plants of other technologies, producing the equivalent electricity to supply 94,000 households and preventing the emission of more than 114,000 tons of CO2. Furthermore, it has a research and development area where several testing plants for new technologies are located.

About Torresol Energy

Torresol Energy was born as an alliance between SENER and Masdar (60% and 40%, respectively) in 2008 with the objective to become a leader in the CSP sector and with the mission of promoting the technological development and exploitation of large solar thermal plants worldwide, especially in the known as ‘solar belt’: south of Europe, including Spain, Northern Africa, Middle East and southeast of the USA.

More information:

Mariana Fernández. Communication. SENER. Tel (+34) 91 807 87 01

Pilar García. SENER’s Group Communication Manager. Tel (+34) 91 807 72 41 y 609 450 209



About Abengoa

Abengoa (MCE:ABG) is an international company that applies innovative technological solutions for the sustainable development in the energy and environment sectors, generating electricity from the sun, producing biofuels, desalting sea water and recycling industrial wastes. (www.abengoa.com)

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