Preschool Room




May Day
Dance in gym / 2
Mat Man
Group & individual / 3
Chalk Drawings outside / 4
Star Wars Day / 5
Cinco De Mayo / 6
7 / 8
Talk about
what makes Moms so special / 9
Make cookies / 10
Decorate cookies / 11
Flower Crafts / 12
Mother’s Day cards / 13
Mother’s Day / 15
International Day of Families
(Chart) / 16
Families Collage / 17
Library Trip / 18
5th St Park Trip / 19
Talk about what is a Hero / 20
21 / 22
Firefighter Day / 24
Dr/Nurse/EMT Day / 25
Police Day / 26
Everyday Heros- Who is your hero / 27
28 / 29
Make Flags / 30
Mat Man
Group & individual / 31
PJ & Birthday Party Day
(special treat)

May Newsletter

We will be continuing with Mat Man on Tuesdays and Yoga/Stretches on Thursdays into May. We are also planning to indroduce more loose parts into our classroom. Please note we may be asking for household items for this.

Upcoming Events:

May 4 – Star Wars Day – If possible wear something star wars or space related.

May 16 – We would like to make a collage picture of the families in our centre. If you could please send in photos, we can photocopy then and return originals. If you could please have photos in by May 12.

May 22 – We are closed for Victoria Day

May 31 – Pajama Day !!

Also, please note that sunscreen, bug spray, and our foot friendly policies will be starting soon. We will keep you updated as May progresses, as it is dependent on weather.

Thanks - Preschool Room Staff