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Pathways Chapter 19 – The Cold War
Section 4 - The Continuing Cold War
Sections Objectives:
1. Identify the characteristics of theMcCarthy era.
2. Explain how the Cold War waged in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and
Latin America during the 1950s.
3. Explain the developing arms race.
The McCarthy Era
- Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy accused 205 members of the state department ______hysteria across the nation.
- When pressed for details on the list, the senator ______the number
from ______to _____.
- These accusations and ______tactics still came to be called ______.
Effects of McCarthyism
- Senators accused by McCarthy would lose their jobs and reputations.
- McCarthy went as far as attacking former ______of ______, a man of unquestioned integrity.
- Many Senators came to fear ______because they worried that opposition to his tactics would brand them ______.
McCarthy’s Fall
- Army-McCarthy hearings proceeded after Senator McCarthy accused the army of being infiltrated by Communists.
- The hearings ______and the nation got to see McCarthy’s bullying tactics and baseless allegations.
- McCarthy ______subsided.
The Cold War in the 1950s
- Southeast Asia – President Eisenhower brought the Korean War to an end and provided aid to France to retain its colony in present day ______.
- The Middle East – U.S. backed ______defended itself against Arab nations backed by the Soviet Union. Also, Egyptian and British forces fought for control of the ______before Eisenhower persuaded Britain to pull back after Soviet threats to intervene.
- Latin America – The United States acted to support any ______governments in Latin America. The ______was signed, agreeing to a defense alliance among the nations of the Western Hemisphere. The CIA helped overthrow the government of Guatemala after showing sympathy to radical causes.
The Arms Race
- Arms Race – ______
- Deterrence – policy of making the military power of the United States and its allies so strong that ______.
- 1953 – 1st Soviet ______Test
- 1954 – U.S. tested a ______750 times stronger than Nagasaki
Cold War in the Skies
- The Soviet Union focused on developing ICBMs known as ______.
- 1957 – the Soviet Union launched their first rocket into space (Sputnik)
- 1960 – Soviet military demonstrated its arms capabilities again by shooting down an American U-2 spy plane 15 miles in the air. (U-2 Incident)
- These events made Americans willing to expend considerable resources to catch up and surpass.