NOVEMBER 7, 2016
The regularly scheduled semi-monthly meeting of the Hawley City Council was held on Monday, November 7, 2016 in the City Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Mayor Johnson with the following members present: Gary E. Johnson, Ben Gunkelman, James Joy and Carlos Diaz. Absent: Sean Mork. Also present were Clerk Treasurer Lisa Jetvig, Attorney Zenas Baer and Marc Ness.
Baer encouraged everyone to get out and vote tomorrow.
A motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Joy to approve the amended agenda. Ayes: 4. Absent: 1.
Johnson informed the Council that he attended the Clay County Commission public hearing on extending the Residential Housing Tax Abatement Program. The Commission passed a resolution extending their program for 2017 & 2018 to match the jurisdictions in the County.
A motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Joy to approve RESOLUTION 16-54 Resolution Setting Date for a Public Hearing on the Approval of a Tax Abatement Resolution for the Purpose of Continuing Tax Abatement for Residential Development. Ayes: 4. Absent: 1.
It was noted that the hearing will be held at 6:15 p.m. on December 5, 2016 in the City Council Chambers.
Johnson stated that the City held their Employee Recognition event in October and recognized the following employees/board members for their years of service: Scott Steer for 5 years of employment, Gerry Kluck for 20 years of employment, Todd Sparrow for 10 years on the Airport Commission, Deanna Ulven for 20 years on the Park Board and Jerald Pederson for 35 years on the Public Utilities Commission.
A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the meeting held with Clay County Solid Waste Manager Kirk Rosenberger and Fuchs Sanitation. The Clay County Landfill will change the way they bill 1-1-2017 from volume based to weight based. The effect of this billing change appears to be a 22% rate increase for Hawley customers. This represents an increase of approximately $40,000/year for the City of Hawley customers. The Council is negotiating with Fuchs Sanitation on potential options to lessen the large increases.
The Council reviewed the November 7, 2016 letter to the school regarding such joint issues as seal coating/crackfill bidding, mowing, snow removal, the pool, safe routes to school TE grant, and school resource officer. Also included with the letter are handouts regarding the history of the swimming pool.
A motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Joy to approve the November 7, 2016 joint issues letter to the Hawley School Board Officials with the attached swimming pool history handouts. Ayes: 4. Absent: 1.
Gunkelman reported that the On-Street Walking Path project on Reno and First Streets is completed and residents are encouraged to check it out. It was noted that there is "No Parking" on the north side of Reno Street between 6th and 7th Streets.
Gunkelman informed the Council that the City of Hawley is applying for a Greater Minnesota Transportation Alternatives Grant for a proposed Heartland Trail Phase 1 and Safe Routes to School project. The estimated total project cost is $729,000. The grant application is for 80% ($583,200) of the cost and the City and County would participate in the 20% match. The path would begin around the Bus Barn north of town and continue south down the county highway (5th Street).
Gunkelman gave the Council a Fire District update. The fire department is at 24 members. They did not receive the DNR grant or the grant for the new radios. The radio grant will be re-submitted. The District is still looking at options for a new fire hall.
Gunkelman informed the Council that the Study Review Committee, working with MetroCOG, has a completed a draft for the City's Comprehensive and Sidewalk Plan. A Public Open House on the plan is scheduled for December 5, 2016 at 6:45 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. The draft is available to view on the City website under the “What’s New” tab and at City Hall. Public input is welcomed.
Gunkelman stated that MetroCOG is working on a Regional Railroad Crossing Safety Study. The study will look at various at-grade railroad crossings in the region and propose solutions to safety issues at the crossings. The City of Hawley's unmarked pedestrian crossing on Front Street near the Post Office will be included in their study.
Gunkelman gave the Council a Heartland Trail update. The group is continuing to work on the preferred trail alignment and easement needs.
Diaz gave the Council an update on the Autumn View Addition project. The contractor is completing the installation of the aggregate base Class 5 on the roadway and will have minor clean-up work on the site. Access grading for the existing home on the site will be completed for the winter, with the site grading to occur next season when the curb and gutter is installed and backfilling operations can be property completed.
A motion was made by Diaz, seconded by Joy to approve Invoice Number 14163 in the amount of $62,225 from Moore Engineering, Inc. for work completed on the Autumn View Addition project. Ayes: 4. Absent: 1.
A motion was made by Diaz, seconded by Gunkelman to approve Payment No. 1 in the amount of $248,885.61 from RL Larson Excavating, Inc. for work on the Autumn View Addition project. Ayes: 4. Absent: 1.
The Council reviewed the following quotes for 4 tires for the pay loader, 4 tires for the skid steer, and 2 tires for the John Deere 5525: Lake Park Cenex for $8,758, and Dakota Wholesale for $8,991.70. It was noted that the tire purchase is in the budget.
A motion was made by Diaz, seconded by Gunkelman to approve the tire quote from Lake Park Cenex in the amount of $8,758. Ayes: 4. Absent: 1.
The Council reviewed the following quotes to replace furnace #3 at City Hall: Town & Country Heating & Air Conditioning for $2,879.07, Runger's Htg & A/C for $2,950, and Laney's for $3,277.
A motion was made by Diaz, seconded by Gunkelman to approve the quote in the amount of $2,879.07 from Town & Country Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. to replace furnace #3 at City Hall. Ayes: 4. Absent: 1.
Joy questioned what type of warranty is on the furnace. Jetvig will check.
A motion was made by Joy, seconded by Gunkelman to approve RESOLUTION 16-53 Resolution Approving 2017 Liquor License Applications-City of Hawley. Ayes: 4. Absent: 1. Joy thanked these businesses for getting their license renewal paperwork to the City in a timely manner to allow them to be processed.
A motion was made by Joy, seconded by Diaz to approve the following Minnesota Lawful Gambling Applications for Exempt Permits for the Hawley Lions Club: Bingo events on January 21, 2017, February 18, 2017 and December 9, 2017, and Raffles on April 12, 2017 and December 13, 2017. Ayes: 4. Absent: 1.
Joy reported that the Hawley Liquor Store during the 2016 Food Drive collected in food and cash, the equivalent of 26,270.26 lbs of food for the Hawley Food Pantry.
The Council reviewed the insurance claim filed by the city with the LMCIT in the amount of $4,069.19 for damages caused by the July 9, 2016 storm.
A motion was made by Joy, seconded by Gunkelman to approve RESOLUTION 16-56 Accepting Donation of $15 from Living Grace Lutheran Church to the Hawley Police Reserves of the Hawley Police Department. Ayes: 4. Absent: 1.
A motion was made by Joy, seconded by Gunkelman to approve RESOLUTION 16-55 Approving 2016 Budget Transfers, and Budget Adjustments. Ayes: 4. Absent: 1.
At 6:30 p.m. Mayor Johnson called to order 3 Assessment Public Hearings with the following in attendance: Johnson, Gunkelman, Joy, Diaz, Jetvig, Baer, Marc Ness and Jaret Hewson.
Johnson stated that the assessment public hearings are being held to consider and possibly adopt the assessment rolls for 3 improvements:
1) Ridgeview Circle Utility Improvements/Hewson Project #1, improvement of initial installation of 6-inch sanitary sewer service line from City main to house at 2119 Ridgeview Circle and also hook up of the line into the existing house; 1 1/2-inch water service line from city main to house at 2119 Ridgeview Circle and hook up into existing house, reseeding lawns, fixing gravel road, pulling and capping private well, and removal of septic tank and or drain field, and city permits ($50,890),
2) Improvement of emergency repairing the leaking water service line on property at 705 Hobart Street ($460), and
3) Emergency Services - Fire Call for Jason E. Brookshire from 12/20/15 ($375)
Johnson welcomed those in attendance and introduced the Council and staff.
Johnson stated that the city was petitioned by the Hewson's to provide installation of City water service line and City sanitary sewer service line to replace their failing system. They signed a waiver of irregularity and appeal for an assessment up to $54,000. The project is substantially complete - only have to seal the old well. The city's assessment policy is that initial/petitioned construction of service lines is 100% assessed. The area proposed to be assessed is lot #56.685.1420 for $50,890 over 20 years at 4.0% interest.
Johnson stated that the city was petitioned by the Hall's to provide emergency repair of their leaking water service line. They signed a waiver of irregularity and appear for an assessment up to $800. The project is complete. The city's assessment policy for petitioned repair of service line is to assess at 100%. The area proposed to be assessed is lot #56.650.3230 for $460 over 6 years at 4.0% interest.
Johnson stated that Jason E. Brookshire has an unpaid emergency service bill for an emergency service fire call on 12/20/2015. State Statute allows 100% assessment to property of person receiving emergency services in Minnesota. The area proposed to be assessed is lot #56.685.0500 for $375 over 1 year at 4.0% interest.
Jetvig stated that the property owners have 30 days from the adoption of the assessment to pay all or a portion of the assessment with no interest.
Baer discussed the appeal process. Baer noted that the first 2 assessments were petitioned for so no appeal would be expected. No appeals on these 3 assessments are available as there were no written objections filed with the city clerk or presented to the Mayor at this hearing.
Johnson called for citizen comments/questions.
Jaret Hewson informed the Council that they have prepaid a portion ($6,434.30) of their assessment. Hewson questioned when the old well would be capped. Jetvig stated that final payment will not be made to the contractor until it is done.
It was noted that no written appeals were received.
Johnson called for Council comments/questions.
Johnson called for Attorney comments.
Johnson called for citizen comments/questions.
Mayor Johnson closed the 3 Assessment Public Hearings at 6:37 p.m.
A motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Gunkelman to approve RESOLUTION 16-57 Resolution Adopting Assessment Ridgeview Circle Utility Improvements/Hewson Project #1. Ayes: 4. Absent: 1.
A motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Joy to approve RESOLUTION 16-58 Resolution Adopting Assessment Hall Emergency Water Service Line Project. Ayes: 4. Absent: 1.
A motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Gunkelman to approve RESOLUTION 16-59 Resolution Adopting Assessment Special Service Charges for Emergency Services-Fire Call. Ayes: 4. Absent: 1.
A motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Joy to approve the following consent items:
-10/17/16 minutes
-BRRWD looking for Board Member
-MAOSC Update
-Greater Minnesota Parks & Trails Connections - October 2016
-Office of the State Auditor E-Update - October 21, 2016
-Housing Summit NW MN Foundation
-MPCA Hawley Wastewater Permit Notice
-November 2016 Meetings Calendar
The motion carried by a vote of Ayes: 4. Absent: 1.
A motion was made by Joy, seconded by Gunkelman to approve the following accounts payable $626,570.72. The motion carried by a vote of Ayes: 4. Absent: 1.
Gunkelman informed the Council that the invoice for the On-Street Walking Path is a little higher than the quote for the project because Police Chief Backlund requested that official crosswalks be painted by the preschool.
Joy reminded residents that if they notice that a street light is out or blinking on/off to report it to City Hall.
Gunkelman stated that the Business Highlight in the November City Newsletter is Wahl Drug Inc. They are celebrating their 50th anniversary of being in business in the City of Hawley.
There being no further business at 6:50 p.m. it was moved by Gunkelman, seconded by Joy that the meeting be adjourned. Ayes: 4. Absent: 1.
Gary E. Johnson Lisa Jetvig
Mayor Clerk Treasurer