APOLOGIES:- Karen Rankin

Alan Dowler

ATTENDEES :- Dr Woodroffe

Lorna Batchelor

Susan Macdonald (Chair)

Margaret Mitchell

Muriel Hume

Laura Ramsay

Alyssa Lee

Minutes of Meeting 15 June 2017

The minutes were agreed to be correct.

Matters Arising

School Contact –Lorna has contacted Forfar Academy.Head teacher to meet with his team. Lorna awaiting Headteacher to get back Lorraine to be asked to contact school on our behalf.


Susan going on holiday to Canada until November. Will be unable to give full commitment and will not attend August meeting. A depute chair will be required to be appointed.

Laura suggested taking a break in July and August, however due to the new developments of the group it was agreed this would not be appropriate. It was suggested that someone from the practice might consider taking on the role in the interim.

Lorna has agreed to adopt the depute chair role until Susan returns to take up her role as chair in November.


Lorna discussed expenses incurred for the Newsletter. NHS funding from the “Informing , Engaging and Consulting with Patients Fund” has been used to produce News letter.

Susan informed the group that the People’s Health Trust provides money for PPGs.

The need to identify sources of funding was discussed Susan will aim to contact the Trust, but may require someone else to be responsible for following up while she is away.


Susan suggested contacting Gary Malone to determine if this is going forward.

Lorna to speak to VAA to discuss.


Lorna informed the group that 300 copies are being printed and will be available in two days at a cost of 49.50. Lorna will inform the group by email when they are available for distribution. A rack has been ordered for the patient waiting area. Date on Newsletter to be changed from July to August.

Next newsletter was discussed. Group to consider and suggest what should be included. Dr Woodroffe suggested that an alternative date in October would allow for flu vaccine data and survey results to be included.

All agreed that the next Newsletter should be October to enable us to decide the content, to collectively come up with ideas. To agree topics at August meeting decide who will write.

To reduce production costs it was suggested that A4 size double spread,

Continue with “Day in The Life” August edition to include HCA profile.


Information is being circulated to make people aware of consultations taking place by NHS Tayside. Important that PPG knows about this.It was suggested that this may confuse the practice survey. There is potential for three consultation processes happening at the same timewe therefore need to clarify the difference with the practice survey.

Lorna informed the group that there will be a mental health consultation running at the same time. PPG to consider putting in a collective view. It was agreed that the group members would look at the website and agree a Collective response at August meeting. Lorna to put link on Ravenswood Practice website.


  • To commence in September
  • Phone contact
  • Face to face
  • Timescale 4 weeks
  • Snapshot of patient population

Phone calls will come from the practice number. Dr Woodroffe suggested targeting frequent attenders. Alyssa suggested that patients phoning the practice will be informed that the PPG wold be phoning back re survey and that could be included as part of the GP telephone consultation.

August Meeting:- develop script for telephone conversation and face to face contact. Lorna to action this.

Lorna informed the group that practice phone calls are recorded if there are any concerns re comments and could be used as a back up for any queries.


It was agreed that this should be put on hold at present and to firm up action planning at meeting in October.


The Practice now have two Behaviour Change Psychologists for a one year period initially. They are job sharing.GP referral, Alyssa Lee , Hannah Dale.

VAA is available in the practice 1/2day once per week.Kirsty Maclean

Listening service :- NHS Spiritual Care Centre, Thursday afternoons. Self Referral, Rona Phillips

Date of next meeting Thursday 24th August 2017