Port Macquarie-Hastings CouncilMeeting Agenda & Minutes

Transport & Stormwater Network

Broadwater Canal Maintenance Plan Reference Group

Meeting No. 9Date: 20 October 2016

Our meeting will be conducted as follows:

  1. We start on time and finish on time
  2. We all participate and contribute – everyone is given opportunity to voice their opinions
  3. We use improvement tools that enhance meeting
    efficiency and effectiveness
  4. We actively listen to what others have to say,
    seeking first to understand, then to be understood
  1. We follow-up on the actions for which we are assigned responsibility and complete them on time
  2. We give and receive open and honest feedback in a constructive manner
  3. We use data to make decisions (whenever possible)
  4. We strive to continually improve our meeting process and build time into each agenda for reflection

Present:Ted Hyde, Ron Penfold, Michael Schmidt, Duncan Clarke, Mark Edenborough, Angela Chapman,

Apologies:Bob Todd, Cameron Hawkins

Distribution: As above,Jeffery Sharp, Kylie Johnson

Item No. /


/ Who / When

Welcome & Apologies

Terms of Reference
Refer last page of these minutes / All
Business Outstanding from Previous meeting, including financial analysis of Expenditure items;
Investment of Council funds
  • Distributed Council investment report to all members
  • Distributed Council investment policy to all members
Broadwater Special Rate Reserve Balance
  • ME to confirm $28,226.00 legal fees, follow up required to determine whether the fees are funds proportion of costs to recover funds lost in financial crisis
/ ME
Beach Sand/ Rock replacement
Further discussion took place on this topic. Preference for the use of smooth river pebbles in north and south harbour.
Funding allocated to undertake rectification works in 16/17 financial year, aiming for May 17 commencement.
TH queried the height of rock protection in relation to top of revetment wall. 150mm was suggested.
ME to investigate height of the rocks and ensure that rocks topped up as part of future works as necessary. / ME
ME / May 17
Boat ramp rectification
Mark to follow up Compliance regarding non-compliant boat ramps
Repair of damage foreshore proposed as part of upcoming shingle replacement / ME
Hydrographic Survey
Hydrographic survey and maintenance plan finalised
Council will need to liaiseclosely with residents during and following remedial works. / ME
Broadwater Bulletin
Broadwater Reference Group requested more frequentdistribution and focus on outlining restrictions.
Email is the preferred method for distribution. How do we collate resident email addresses??
Broadwater Reference Group requested a dedicated section in the next newsletter
New members to be published in next Bulletin
Future newsletter to include Educational stories on exposed pipes
and vegetation
External members are unable to use a Council email account. Suggested that the group creates a single external email account to provide one point of contact for Council and the community. / AC/ME
TH / ongoing
Public Liability- Footpath
Paragraph to be included in next Broadwater bulletin
Currently being vetted by Councils insurance company
Letter to all residents to be distributed / ME/AC
Private Property - additional signage
TH presented example photos of stencil signage
MS submitted wording options:
  • Stencil ‘Do Dogs’ and ‘No Bikes’
ME to engage Barrier Signs for a draft stencil and distribute prior to next meeting / ME
Use of flow deflection structures for commercial purposes
Council to coordinate a meeting with businesses that use this structure
No recent maintenance has been undertaken on rubbing strip
Update on status of structural assessment provided / AC
12. / West Side Lighthouse
At the time of this meeting Council were awaiting on assessment report
Any identified maintenance will be undertaken in 2016/17 financial year / ME
13. / Broadwater Reference Group meeting schedule
New members to be reported to November Council meeting
Proposed next meeting - March 2017
Meeting minutes to be distributed within 4 weeks of meeting
Added Bob Todd’s email address to Council distribution list
Broadwater Reference Group meeting is a closed meeting and not open to public / ME
14. / Park St car park
RP advised that River Park Rd should also have trees
AC advised that Parks are willing to plant trees in both reserves; however it will not be possible to fund this from original developer as too much time has passed.
  • Agreed to fund mature trees from Broadwater Reserve
  • Reference the trees at the end of McInherney Rd Reserve as an example of desired plantings.
  • ME to liaise with Parks for planting of trees in Park St Reserve plus River Park Rd in similar style to McInherney Rd Reserve
/ ME / May 2017
15. / Council’s use of funding from Boat Ramp and Jetty fees
RP queried why this ‘fee’ is used for maintenance of other canal.
DC outlined that boating structure fees are not restricted for use in any particular area and applies to any private structure over Council property.

Minutes Prepared by: Angela Chapman

Broadwater Canal Maintenance Plan Reference Group


1.To recommend works priorities to Council for the implementation of the Broadwater Canal Maintenance Plan.

2.To act as a communication conduit between Council and the Broadwater residents in respect to the Broadwater Canal Maintenance Plan.

3.Advocate of the Broadwater Canal Maintenance Plan to the Broadwater Canal community.

4.To recommend Broadwater canal capital works and maintenance improvements

5.To oversee and recommend actions with respect to expenditures on the Broadwater canal public infrastructure

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