ccK45/11.4 (“Ludlow Hilly”) Two laps of hilly circuit.

OS Map references: Start/ Finish – 529742

Car park in Business Park opposite start.

Start on tarmac drive on road to Caynham east of Sheet island, opposite AWM Business Park. Take 1st exit at Sheet island and proceed south on A49. Take 1st road on left towards Caynham (2.3/7.9 miles) and left on 3rd road on left (4.4/10.1 miles), through Sheet village, past start for second lap. Finish at Start.

ccK45/22.8 (“Ludlow Hilly - 4 Lapper”) Four laps of hilly circuit.

As K45/11.4 but 4 laps

R10/6B (“Brimfield Bypass”) A49 Brimfield bypass to Ludlow bypass. Also Ludlow Open

Course (formerly K45/10)

OS Map references: Start –518657 & Finish – 523682

Car park. in start lay-by - also old A49 at turn to Brimfield Village (right going north on old A49).

Start on A49 at Brimfield hilltop, at large lay-by on west side of road. Proceed north along Brimfield by-pass to Turn at Sheet road island (5.8 miles). Encircle and retrace to Finish at County Boundary sign, 40 yards short of turning into Brimfield village.

ccK45/25C (“Ludlow Club 25”) Ludlow to Leominster Club 25.

OS Map references: Start –517723 & Finish -517725

Car parking in start lay-by.

Start at southern end of lay-by, north of River Teme Bridge, on Ludlow bypass. Proceed south on A49 to Leominster by-pass, Turn at Marlbrook island (12.52 miles), retrace to Finish opposite start.

ccKH14 (“Hill Climb”) Whitcliffe Hill Climb.

OS Map references: Start –510741 & Finish –483738

Car parking in layby opposite the start point. Unnumbered road, 40 yards south of River Teme Bridge, off B4361 (old A49).

Start at T.P 4, opposite lay-by, 0.12 miles from B4361. Proceed west, uphill for 1.95 miles, to Finish at wide gate to farm, opposite bridle-way sign, and 28 yards short of T.P. 38.

R10/6A (“Leominster North”) Leominster by-pass course. Also Club Open course

OS Map references: Start –511620 & Finish –503596

Car park (Club events only) – large lay-by (old A49) about ¼ mile north of Stockton Cross on A49, 1 mile north of Leominster by-pass. (Open events only) at the H.Q. located at Kimbolton Village Hall, Kimbolton, sign-posted from A49 1 mile north of Leominster.

Start at exit of old A49 road, 150 yards north of car park lay-by. Proceed south on A49, along Leominster by-pass, to Turn at Marlbrook island (5.61 miles), retrace to Finish at field gate, past tarmac drive to barn, 964 yards after Easters Mart island.

ccK44/10C (“Leominster South”) Leominster South by-pass course

OS Map references: Start –502566 & Finish –501567

Car park in service road of Trading Estate. 1 mile north of start.

Start on B4361 south of Leominster, at Brierley road sign, Elms Green. Proceed south to Marlbrook traffic island (2,2 miles), exit first left on A49 to A44 island (5,15 miles). Turn and retrace to Marlbrook, take 3rd exit onto B4361 (8.18 miles), to Finish opposite road sign, 123 yards north of start.

ccK44/25 (“Leominster South 25”) Leominster South 25 course.

OS Map references: Start –509551 & Finish –513529

Car park in start lay-by.

Start at southern end of lay-by on A49 Leominster by-pass “opposite” Stoke Prior road exit. Proceed north to A44 island (1.95 miles), circle and retrace to Marlbrook traffic island (5.1 miles). Circle and retrace back to A44 island (7.9 miles) ; circle and retrace again to the Marlbrook island(/11 miles). Continue on A49 to fork left onto A417 (11.7 miles) to Burley Gate Island (18.3 miles). Turn and retrace, to Finish at green road sign, 100 yards short of A49.

D28/10 (“Craven Arms Scenic”) 10 mile sporting course – Craven Arms.

OS Map references: Start and finish 409821

Car park in lay-by opposite start.

Start on B4367, opposite lay-by approximately ¼ mile, south of junction with B4368. Proceed north and turn left onto B4368, through Aston, to Purslow cross roads (3.61 miles), left on B4385 through Twitchen, where left over railway bridge at Hopton Heath. Cross over “triangle” to join B4367 (6.32 miles), through Clungunford (7.9 miles) and Broome (9.3 miles), to Finish opposite start.

R10/6L (“Leominster Arrow”) Leominster South by-pass course. Ludlow CC reserve Open Course. (Also Hereford Wheelers Club Course and Inter-Club 2 up Course in June of each year)

OS Map references: Start –508568 & Finish –50656

Car park – Leominster Trading Estate service road, 1 mile north of start.

Start on B4361 south of Leominster, 600 yards south of cemetery at field entrance on left between first and second river bridges (GR 508568), proceed south to island junction with A49 (Marlbrook island - 2.4 miles) (512537) (2.38m), take first exit left onto A49 to the Worcester Road island (505583) (5.38m), Circle, and retrace to the Marlbrook island(512537) (8.4m), take third exit onto B4361 to Finish at field entrance on left 200yards beyond Ford Bridge de-restriction sign (506560) (10m)

R10/6D (“Dinmore Hill”) Dinmore Hill and Leominster By-pass

OS Map references: Start –507516 & Finish –520527

Car park (Club events only) – Queenswood Country Park on Dinmore Hill A49. (Open events only) at the H.Q. located at Dinmore Village Hall sign-posted from A49 at Dinmore.

Start level with British Telecom manhole adjacent Telegraph Pole DP32 at white line of T junction with A49 at exit to Queenswood Country Park on top of Dinmore Hill. Proceed north on A49 to Marlbrook (Cadbury) island, take 2nd exit to continue north along A49 to A44 island. Take 2nd (4.4 miles) exit to continue north along A49 to Circle at Leominster (OK Diner – 5.4 miles) island. Take 4th exit and continue south over the A44 and Marlbrook (Cadbury) islands on the A49. Turn left to join A417 (9.6 miles), opposite Esso Petrol Station, sign posted Gloucester and Bodenham and proceed east to Finish level with fire hydrant marker opposite entrance to Hampton Court.

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