

Grade /
Nature of Science
Physical Science
/ Biology / Earth and Space Systems / Personal and Social Perspectives: Technology
K / These standards are incorporated throughout the other units of study. These are the process standards of science. The scientific method. / Unit Topic: Our Five Senses
Conceptual Lens: Exploration
Humans have five senses that can be used to learn about our world and to describe matter. Use senses to describe matter. / Unit Topic: Living and Non-Living
Conceptual Lens: Characteristics
Living and non-living things have defining characteristics.
Plants and Animals have different characteristics. / Unit Topic: Four Seasons
Conceptual Lens: Characteristics
Name the four seasons and their characteristics for this region. / Describe characteristics of a man made environment.
1 / These standards are incorporated throughout the other units of study. These are the process standards of science. The scientific method. / Unit Topic: Matter
Conceptual Lens: Physical Properties
Matter can be described by its physical properties. It exists in three states solid, liquid and gas. Matter takes up space and tests can be performed to determine its physical properties. / Unit Topic: Life Cycles
Conceptual Lens: Cycles
Living things need food to survive. All living things go through cycles that cause change. Plants and animals have life cycles. Describe the life cycle of a plant and of an animal. / Unit Topic: Seasons
Conceptual Lens: Cycles
Name the four seasons. Place the four seasons in order. There is a relationship between the seasons and the calendar. / Identify the characteristics of local natural environments.
2 / These standards are incorporated throughout the other units of study. These are the process standards of science. The scientific method. / Unit Topic: Measuring Matter
Conceptual Lens: Equilibrium
Matter has specific properties like mass / weight, volume and density which can be measured with man made tools. / Unit Topic: Characteristics of Plant and Animal Habitats
Conceptual Lens: Order / Interdependence
All living things have four basic needs. Habitats provide the basic needs for plants and animals. Plants and animals adapt to changes in their habitat to survive. / Unit Topic: Seasonal Weather
Conceptual Lens: Change
Weather conditions change with the seasons in predictable ways. Weather can be predicted and measured using scientific tools. Identify tools used to measure weather. / Compare and contrast man-made and natural environments.
Grade /
Nature of Science
Physical Science
/ Biology / Earth and Space Systems / Personal and Social Perspectives: Technology
3 / These standards are incorporated throughout the other units of study. These are the process standards of science. The scientific method. / Unit Topic: Matter and Energy
Conceptual Lens: Change
Physical properties of the three states of matter. Heating and cooling can change the state of matter.
Unit Topic: Simple Machines
Conceptual Lens: Force and Motion
Objects are made of matter. All objects have a position and / or motion. Force is required to change position or motion of an object. Energy is required to produce the force and it comes in two states: kinetic and potential. Simple machines allow us to apply less force over a longer period of time to make work easier. / Unit Topic: Plant and Animals Within Ecosystems
Conceptual Lens : Cycles
All plants and animals have similar need and compete for required resources. Energy is passed from plants to various animals through a food chain. Different animals in a food chain have different energy requirements. / Unit Topic: Reasons for the seasons
Conceptual Lens: Cycles
The earth’s tilt on its axis, rotation on its axis and revolution around the sun determine the length of day, year and the seasons. Explain the length of the day, year and why the seasons occur on earth. / Identify local environmental issues and explain the concept of recycling.
4 / These standards are incorporated throughout the other units of study. These are the process standards of science. The scientific method.
Introduce the Scientific Method and conduct and experiment using the process. / Unit Topic: Magnetism and Electricity
Conceptual Lens: Energy and Matter
Magnets have a field that exerts a force. We use that force to “push” electrons in a wire to create an electrical current. Technology allows us to use that electrical current. Every electrical current generates a magnetic field. / Unit Topic: Biology of Ecosystems
Conceptual Lens: Change
Energy flows through ecosystems via a food web. The amount of energy in the system determines how many plants and animals it will support. Plants and animals adapt to survive in their environment. Animals can be classified by their defining characteristics. Classify the five groups of vertebrates. / Unit Topic: The Solar System
Conceptual Lens: Systems and Cycles
Compare and contrast the basic objects in our solar system. Explain the effects of gravity. Identify tools used for space exploration.
Grade /
Nature of Science
Physical Science
/ Biology / Earth and Space Systems / Personal and Social Perspectives: Technology
5 / These standards are incorporated throughout the other units of study. These are the process standards of science. The scientific method.
Unit Topic: The Nature of Science
Conceptual Lens: Scientific Process
Understand, explain and apply the Scientific Method. / Unit Topic: Structure of Matter
Conceptual Lens: Similarities and Differences
Atoms are the basic unit of matter and can be classified according to their properties. Atoms can combine to make different substances. When atoms combine there is a change. The state of matter is directly related to the amount of energy which changes the relative position of the atoms / molecules. / Unit Topic: Living Systems
Conceptual Lens: Structure and Process
The cell is the basic unit of life and is classified based on their structure. Cell structure can be used to classify living things. Compare and Contrast the structural differences between plant and animal cells. Plant cells are organized into systems that allow plants to produce their own energy and reproduce. Traits are passed from parents to offspring. / Unit Topic: Earth’s System
Conceptual Lens: Properties and Change
Earth is a dynamic system undergoing change. Based on the evidence scientists have developed a theory to explain the structure of earth, how mountains form and why earthquakes and volcanoes occur. Because earth is dynamic rocks and minerals cycle through the system. Rocks can be classified according to their properties. / Identify issues for environmental studies.
Describe how science and technology are part of a student’s life. List examples of science and technology. Identify rocks and minerals as nonrenewable resources that are recycled by man and the earth.
Grade / Nature of Science / Unit 1 / Unit 2 / Unit 3 / Unit 4
6 / Unit Topic: The Nature of Matter
Conceptual Lens: Process and Approach
Science is a systematic method of observing and explaining the natural world. It is based on observable evidence. Scientist have a unique skill set and vocabulary. They follow specific procedures to ensure safety when doing experiments.. / Unit Topic: The Nature of Matter
Conceptual Lens: Structures and Patterns
Matter can be precisely described and defined by its properties. It interacts in predictable ways based on those properties and can change states based on the amount of energy available. Matter can undergo both physical and chemical changes. / Unit Topic: Interactions of Water and Weather
Conceptual Lens: Interactions and perspectives
Water is a compound that can be defined and described by its properties. It undergoes repeated physical change, depending on the amount of energy available, as it moves through the water cycle. The water cycle connects the land, oceans and atmosphere creating weather and climate. / Unit Topic: Forces and Motion
Conceptual Lens: Structure and Pattern
Newton’s Laws, describe how balanced and unbalanced forces that upon objects to maintain or change position or motion. Scientist use very specific terminology to describe motion. / Unit Topic: Cells
Conceptual Lens: Structure and Traits
Identifying cells as the basic unit of life, defining characteristics of plant and animal cells, identify their organelles and introduce genetics
Life Science / Unit Topic: Introduction to Life Science
Conceptual Lens: Function
Overview of Life Science. Introduction to specific lab procedures and equipment. / Unit Topic: Cells
Conceptual Lens: Form and Function
Exploration of the structure, life cycle and processes of the cell. Cellular systems of organization. / Unit Topic: Genetics
Conceptual Lens: Equilibrium and Change
Identification of genetic material and the systems and processes through which traits are passed on. / Unit Topic: The Human Body
Conceptual Lens: Interaction
How cells and genetics create and organism and how the component parts of the organism function for the survival of the whole. / Unit Topic: Plants and Ecology
Conceptual Lens: Systems and order.
Cellular structure of plants and plants effects on ecosystems.
Physical Science / Unit Topic: The History and Nature of Physical Science
Conceptual Lens: Perspective
Overview of Physical Science and subject specific rules and safety procedures. / Unit Topic: Energy: Forms and Conversions
Conceptual Lens: Equilibrium and Change
Investigation of the forms of energy, how energy changes forms and the Law of Conservation. / Unit Topic: Motion
Conceptual Lens: Forces and Motion
An introduction of Newton’s Laws and their application to optimizing simple machines. / Unit Topic: Physical Properties of Matter
Conceptual Lens: Form and Function
Exploration of how to classify matter and how the physical propertied of matter determine its form and function. / Unit Topic: Chemical Properties of Matter
Conceptual Lens: Patterns
Introduction and development of the basic understandings of the Periodic Table, chemical properties and how those properties can be changed
Grade / Nature of Science / Unit 1 / Unit 2 / Unit 3 / Unit 4
Earth Science / These standards are incorporated throughout the other units of study. These are the process standards of science. The scientific method.
Unit Topic: The Nature of Science
Conceptual Lens: Scientific Process / Unit Topic: Energy
Conceptual Lens: Evidence and Models
Identify the sources of Earth’s energy and explain how that energy and its transfer drive Earth’s systems. / Unit Topic: Earth’s Systems
Conceptual Lens: Origin and Change
Exploring the theories that explain the changes resulting from the movement of matter and energy between Earth’s spheres. / Unit Topic: Biogeochemical Cycles
Conceptual Lens: Systems and Order
Explaining the movement of matter within and between systems based on an understanding the properties of matter, atomic bonding, and how energy drives systems. / Unit Topic: Universe: Origins and Change
Conceptual Lens: Evidence and Models
Evidence and models for the universe origin and its change. Describe the historical perspectives, models, and technological advancements used to explain the origin of the solar system and stellar evolution.
Biology / These standards are incorporated throughout the other units of study. These are the process standards of science. The scientific method.
Unit Topic: The Nature of Science
Conceptual Lens: Scientific Process / Unit Topic: Energy in the Biosphere
Conceptual Lens: Cycles
Energy and matter flow through the biosphere. The amount of energy determines the biomass. Food webs and Trophic levels determine where in the biosphere that energy and matter resides / Unit Topic: Organisms in Ecosystems
Conceptual Lens: Interactions
Organisms in an ecosystem are interdependent and interact in specific ways. Organisms can be classified and evolve in response to change. / Unit Topic: Resources
Conceptual Lens: Impacts
There is a fixed amount of resources that we use. How we decide to use them has an impact on our ecosystems. / Unit Topic: Genetics
Conceptual Lens: Traits
The traits of all living things are determined by genes that are passed from generation to generation. This genetic material is communicated in specific ways. Traits that are beneficial tend to help the species. Those that are detrimental tend to vanish over time.
Unit Topic: Cells
Conceptual Lens: Structure and Function
Cells are the basic unit of all life. They have specific structures that perform specific functions, reproduce and are dependent on the presence of certain macromolecules.
