Open Board Meeting–October 18th, 2012

  • Call To Order - 7:35
  • Members present- Clyde, Roly, Matt, Chuck, Lara, Larry, Melinda, Valerie, Jenn, Rickie, Mariann, DC, Steve
  • October 4th Minutes were approved
  • Open Meeting- Membership present-
  • Membership discussion on Official issues
  • Close Meeting

Open Business:

  • Rickie will provide the link to the BoD for helmet removal video- is having technical issues getting this out and will try to get this out this week.- Rickie will not be able to send this, he will plan to show this early next year to the Board during a meeting. Closed
  • All BoD- Any Board member that didn’t get their picture taken last weekend should send Hannah a picture ASAP. Anyone that would like to just use the picture from last year should just let Hannah know. – Closed Memory book submitted for print
  • Tracy will send Hannah the Sponsor adds to 10/5/12 to be added to the Memory Book.- Closed
  • All BoD will help at the end of the season to inventory all equipment the league owns and has in our possession before the new board comes in. –DC has picked December 1st for this event.
  • Steve will take ownership of the Senior Bowl and will work directly with Trisha on this since this is not a league sponsored event. – Email has been sent out to membership, jerseys will be LYFL. Evite went out 10/18/12- Closed
  • DC will follow up with Hardy to get the inventory tracking system that the league purchased a few years back.– DC has been working with Hardy and Roly will take over trying to get this back to the league.
  • Roly will draft language for the additional weigh-ins to be included in the by-laws, this new language will be discussed at the October 18th BoD meeting- Open, will be completed by November 1st meeting
  • Rolywill be sending out his midseason reminder to both the membership and the coaches about sportsmanship, minimum plays and other key items.- This was sent out – Closed
  • Hannah will be working directly with everyone on the open items needed to complete the Memory Books. - Closed Memory book submitted for print
  • Roly& Chuck will work together come up with some way to get a list of which Ref’s will be working on a given day/evening so there is no need for coaches or parents to question Ref’s for their names. The parents can just provide the date and game and the Board should be able to tie back the crew that was working that day. – There is a process for this handled through the Director of Fields. – Closed
  • Rickie will send Hannah a letter to be included in the memory book about the Safety program and Ashley and all time with the league as she moves on next year. - Closed Memory book submitted for print
  • BoD will send Hannah action shots through the season along with pictures of Ashley they may have to be included in the Memory Book. Closed Memory book submitted for print
  • Chuck will look to confirm a location for the Cheer Off, Tuscarora HS would be the preferred venue - THS has been confirmed, final details are being worked through. – Closed
  • DC will create a proposal for equipment storage and bring this to the next board meeting for discussion.- Open
  • DC will choose a date for the BoD to help with clean up and inventory of all equipment. – December 1st, 2012- Closed
  • Mariann will add the topic of the GMU Safety program to the agenda for the next BoD meeting. – Closed
  • Tracy will look into some new storage options for the league.
  • Steve will be working on the coach’s award protocol and will create a blast to go out to the membership in November to request for nominations.
  • Matt to lead discussions on creating a Shawn Springs camp for CLYFL for the summer of 2013- Looking at the date of 7/15/12 for this camp.
  • Hannah will be creating a proposal at the end of the season on different options for Fundraising for the 2013 season.

New Business:

  • 8th grade graduation – Is scheduled for 11/11/12, please save the date. E-vites will be going out to 8th grade families and the BoD early next week.
  • Holiday Vendor Fair 10/26/12 to support CLYFL- should bring is some extra money into the league, there are 9 vendors participating and 10% of all sales will be donated to the league.
  • Lunsford Scholarship – A committee has been formed for this award, Roly Rigual, has accepted this role we will be working to secure an educator and also a sponsor to complete the committee. The awards must be submitted by 11/7/12 and voted on prior to the 8th grade graduation event.
  • GMU Safety program for 2013-2014–having this program for the 2013 year has been approved by the Board.
  • Shawn Springs Camp dates- tentative dates for this camp are the week of 7/15/12, Matt will continue to work on the details of this
  • System process for complaints- Using the new e-mail system we should add items to the CLYFL website to make it easier for families to lodge complaints or provide positive feedback to the league.
  • Suspensions- The BoD discussed all issues and determinations were made. These will be communicated to impacted individuals
  • Elections- Nominations are due 11/29/12, Mariann will be working with the BoD to determine which positions are up and any other changes to the BoD. Mariann and Steve will work together to get blasts out getting membership excited about getting involved in the league for the upcoming season.
  • 11/01/12- BoD meeting will be at 7:30 at Wegmans.

Action Items

  • Steve to send blast about 2nd Annual Vendor Fair/Fundraiser to the membership
  • Mariann will send Steve the communication to go out for the 2nd Annual Vendor Fair/Fundraiser
  • Steve to send E-vite to 8th grade families and BoD for the 8th grade graduation
  • Lara will reach out to an educator she knows that coaches in the D league to see if he would be winning to be part of the Lunsford Scholarship committee
  • Roly will reach out to a sponsor league to see if he would be winning to be part of the Lunsford Scholarship committee
  • Roly will follow up with Hardy to get back the equipment tracking system that belongs to the league.
  • Steve to set up the new e-mail system and address and look into options to add to the website for families to provide feedback to the league rather than knowing who these items should be addressed to.