Make a Planet by Adding Atmosphere, Water, and Clouds
Activity Guide
- Type the into the URL.
- Click the “Make a Planet” icon.
- Ignore the instructions on the screen (you have a chance at that later).
- Complete the following procedure to complete the mission.
Mission Objective:
Make a planet with the ideal mixture of atmosphere, water, and clouds to insulate the planet to maintain a surface temperature of about 15⁰C.
Planet Simulator Instructions:
- Locate the big brown circle - this is a planet without water and air.
- Locate the red column (on right) with the icons labeled Water, Atmosphere, and Clouds.
- Locate the Planet surface temperature gauge in the bottom left of the screen – This will change as the atmosphere is developed (remember to use the Celsius scale (⁰C)).
- The temperature starts at -18.3⁰C (that is negative 18.3⁰C).
- Ignore the million years timer for now.
- Click on the Water icon – The water icon now appears to the left and water appears on the planet. Notice the surface temperature has changed.
- Click on the Water icon on the left – This removes water and the temperature changes back.
- Record the Surface temperature without water or air on the data table.
- Click the water icon and count the number of clicks to reach as close to 15⁰C without going over.
- Record the number of clicks on the data table and enter observations.
- Remove all the water from the planet by clicking the icons on the left.
- Click the Atmosphere icon and count the number of click to reach as close to 15⁰C without going over.
- Record the number of clicks on the data table and enter observations.
- Remove atmospheres until there are 4 atmospheres left on the planet and add 5 Water icons. Record the temperature with 5 water and 4 atmosphere icons.
- Add three clouds.
- Record the temperature and enter observations.
Data Table:
Initial TemperatureNumber of Waters Clicks
Observations of temperature as water is added
Number of Atmosphere Clicks
Observations of temperature as Atmosphere is added
Temperature at 5 Water & 4 Atmosphere No clouds
Temperature at 5 Water & 4 Atmosphere 3 clouds
Observation of temperatures with clouds
- Why do you think the surface temperature planet is so cold without water and air?
- What can you infer about air and water and its effect on a planet’s temperature?
- What affect did clouds have on the temperature? Infer why this happened.
- Based on this information, what do you think the atmosphere does to protect life on Earth?
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