Academy of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineers
Board of Directors Teleconference
February 10, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 12:02pm by Academy President, Patrick Davidson.
Attendees: Patrick Davidson, Randall Wood, Lisa Sombart, Dale Pitt, Barton Moenster, Russell Flye, Gerry Kettler, Dr. Drallmeier, LilaKolker, Cathy Williams and Nolan Brunnworth.
Agenda: There were no changes to the draft Agenda.
Minutes: Thedraft minutes of the December 16, 2014Board of Directors teleconference were reviewed. Pat noted that as reflected in the minutes, he will be revisiting Lisa Sombart’s September 2014 letter and has received the link to the survey from Cathy. This will be his action item for the next meeting. Barton Moenstermade a motion to approve the minutes, Dale Pitt 2nd the motion. All were in favor. There were no opposed. The motion carried.
Treasurers Report: Randall Wood reviewed the Treasurer’s Report for July 1, 2014 to January 31, 2015:
Spendable Account: Beginning Balance 07/01/2014 / $ 30,137.11Operating Carryover / $21,224.80
Instructional Lab Carryover / $8,912.31
Income$ 64,632.59
Donations - General Fund / $ 42,678.75
Donations - Instructional Labs
Donations - Past Presidents Challenge Reimbursements, Annual Distrib, Invest Income
Balance in Spendable 1/31/2015 / $ 18,173.75
$3,780.09 / $ 22,996.08 / $71,773.62
Quasi-Endowed Account: Beginning Balance 07/01/2014 / $ 59,560.73
Income / $(484.40)
Balance in Quasi-Endowed 1/31/2015 / $1,797.45 / $57,278.88
Grand Total in Spendable and Quasi-Endowed / $ 129,052.50
Strong calendar year end giving has significantly improved our financials since our last call. General fund donations year to date are $42,679 and donations earmarked for the labs are $18,174. Other income to the spendable account totals $3780. Against expenditures of almost $23000, our spendable balance is at $71,773.62.
The quasi endowment account continues to suffer from poor earnings although somewhat improved from the poor first half. Losses of $484 and spendable disbursements and management expenses of $1800 have resulted in a reduction in the quasi endowment account from $59,561 at the beginning of the year to $57,279 at the end of January.
The combined spendable and quasi endowment account gives us a balance of $129,052.50.
Since our last call we have received $57,259 in income. Although much improved, this still lags last year by $4,443. General fund donations are stronger than last year by $8,308 and donations earmarked for the instructional labs are lagging last year by $5,927. Due to the poor performance of the quasi endowment account investments, we are lagging in investment income and other sources by $6,824.
We spent $11,633 since our last call. This include bills paid for scholarships ($8500), Duct tape and baling wire ($2399), induction dinner ($389), and operating expenses ($345). Expenses are tracking in line with the budget. Major expenditures yet to be paid will include $33,900 for team awards, $10,000 for department support, and $2500 for scholarships. The duct tape and baling wire budget has $21,626 remaining. The budget also included $10,000 for labs. These planned expenditures total $80,904.
We budgeted income of $109,156 and have received $62,351. In order to make our budgeted income, we need to receive $46,805 over the next 4 months.
Presidents Update: Pat announced that he and John Eash participated in a January 13th teleconference of Academy Presidents. There were 4 presentation topics:
1)A verbal presentation by Miner Athletics on life skills, there were no handouts and Pat had nothing to report on this presentation.
2)A student mentoring program was presented by the Engineering Management Academy. Pat will send a copy of the slides from this presentation if anyone is interested.
3)The AMAE Strategic Plan was well presented by John Eash. He noted that this plan is first closely tied to the MAE Department Plan. The MAE Department Plan is tied to the Campus Strategic Plan.
4)Rising Stars was to be presented by the Mines and Metallurgy Academy but a representative was not present and there were no handouts.
There will be another meeting of the Academy Presidents in April and in October on the Friday morning of Homecoming weekend.
Pat also announced that he may not be present at the April 17th Board of Directors meeting. Beginning April 1st he may be serving on a Federal Grand Jury. John Eash will take the lead at this meeting if Pat is not available.
Committee Updates:
Membership Update: Bart Moenster reported for Steve Bass who was not present and reviewed his submitted report. Items discussed at their Feb. 5, 2015 teleconference were:
1)They will work with Dr. Drallmeier to strategically target companies/individuals for membership.
2)Candidates will fill out their own nomination forms to ensure better information and gauge interest.
3)Mentors will be assigned earlier in the process to open lines of communication with the inductees.
4)Clean up of slate of membership committee members. There are now 8 members.
5)Review of membership committeetimeline.
Pat Davidson asked Nolan to help him find the name of the Garmin contact that he referred to in the December 2014 Board meeting minutes. This person is an ’86 ME graduate. Nolan will check on this.
Dr. Drallmeier stated that he has 2 names and 8 companies for this committee to consider. He will send this information to Nolan who will in turn, sent this information to Bart Moensterand Steve Bass.
Cathy mentioned that in the Membership Committee timeline, it states that a goal number of new members is to be approved by the board at this meeting. Pat stated that the current goal of 6 new members should be maintained, however, this will depend on the quality and quantity of the nominees. Bart Moenster concurred with Pat Davidson’s statement.
SDELC Report: Steve Moss was not able to attend this meeting and submitted that he had nothing to report at this time.
Senior Design and Technical Resource Update: Randy Foster nor Randy Frank were in attendance and no report was submitted.
Scholarships Update: Barton Moenster reviewed his submitted report. A teleconference was held in January. New members to this committee were Dennis Bell, Larry Brase and Dawn Meyer. Three other members were eliminated from this committee. At this meeting, the Guidelines and Scholarship Process were reviewed. Students are currently applying for the AMAE Scholarships. Deadline for the online applications is 3/1/2015. Action was made to award Caleb Rogers, a graduating senior with only 9 credit hours needed to graduate this semester, the Spring semester portion of his 2014-2015 AMAE Scholarship. This committee will receive the applications and go through the selection process in late March. Recommendations will be made in mid-April and presented at the April meeting.
Special Events Update: Dale Pitt reviewed his submitted report. All reservations for the October 22nd and 23rd, 2015 Induction Events have been secured at the Havener Center and in Toomey Hall. The Oct. 22nd Board of Directors meeting will take place in the Silver and Gold Room at the Havener Center; the Induction banquet and social will be in the St. Pat’s Rooms and the Miner Lounge directly after the Board meeting; the first half of the Annual Membership Meeting will take place on October 23rd in the Missouri/Ozarks Rooms of the Havener Center; and the second half of the membership meeting, the student design presentations, will take place in Room 140 of Toomey Hall.
Feedback from the 2014 Induction Events surveys has been positive.
Strategic Planning Update: Paul Niewald was not available to give his report. The report stated a review of the AMAE Strategic Plan for any updates to the plan.
Communications Update: Steve Thies and Jim Berkel were unavailable to report. Cathy reviewed the report. The Communications Committee has held 2 meetings since the last quarterly meeting. The AMAE website has undergone continuous improvements. They have assisted with Lisa Sombart’s AMAE survey and are working on the student orientation slide as an Introduction to the Academy. This committee has provided feedback on the new Strategic Plan. New members to this committee are Dawn Meyer, BreckWasham and Jayant Ramakrishnan. The communication committee has established all meeting dates for 2015. Cathy added that committee member Dawn Meyer and MAE Dept. Communications Specialist, Kimber Crull, will collaborate on establishing a LinkedIN site where students will be invited to connect with Academy members online.
Facilities Update: Russell Flyereviewed his submitted report. Alan Lasley, new inductee, has joined this committee. No meeting was held last quarter however, Russell plans to hold a committee meeting this quarter. This committee would like to review the installation and operation of the new energy management system in Toomey Hall. Dr. Drallmeier mentioned that he would like to get together with someone from this committee and someone from MS&T Physical Facilities regarding the energy management system which is currently run by Honeywell in the Sauer Lab. Gerry Kettler said he would be coming through Rolla the week of May 18th and could possibly meet with him on May 21st or 22nd.
Past Presidents Council Update: Lisa Sombart did not submit a report, but stated that she plans to connect with Chris Thomason regarding her duties on this Council. She plans to schedule an upcoming meeting with the Past Presidents.
MAE Department Update: Dr. Drallmeier reported that MAE enrollment remains steady for the beginning of this Spring Semester 2015. The campus enrollment is up 3-4%. The department is heavily working on faculty searches. There have been 4 candidates for the Aerospace Engineering Materials and Structures faculty position brought to campus and an offer will be made this week. There are also 2 open NTT positions and these offers will be made this week as well. The department has hired a new machinist, Brian Bulloch, to take Bob Hribar’s place who has retired. Brian comes to the department with 30 years of experience. The campus is also conducting Signature Area faculty searches which may result in additional MAE faculty.
The department hopes to present the Board of Directors with display options of the AMAE members within Toomey Hall. Originally there were framed portraits on the wall of the old Mechanical Engineering Building, most of these were destroyed during the renovation. Then there was a digital display when Toomey Hall opened. This digital display is not functional for updating AMAE members’ portraits and their short biographies. Dr. Drallmeier will present other options to the Board at the April meeting.
There is some discussion about a memorial to the late Dr. Bassem Armaly in Toomey Hall. This could be a conference room or faculty development fund or possibly a graduate fellowship. Dr. Drallmeier will meet with Gery Armaly to see what type of memorial the family would like. He will report this at the April meeting.
Development Report: Nolan Brunnworthreported that corporate proposals will go out next week. Among them is a NUCOR proposal for $100,000 for the current lab development. Darla Harmon will be taking the lead on this proposal. Also, an AMAE member is seeking to fund a long term endowment for graduate student fellowships. Nolan and Dr. Drallmeier will be working on funding for Lab #5, however there has been interest in resurrecting the Wind Tunnel.
At the May commencement, Seth Burgett, founder and CEO of “yurbuds”, will receive his professional degree. Seth is a 1994 ME graduate from Glen Carbon, IL and could be a future AMAE nominee. Nolan will meet with Steve Bass regarding nominations for 2015. Two individuals, Jerry Canfield who works with AMAE member Jon Jansky and Craig Barnes of Cummins, are possible nominees for induction.
Other Business: None
Pat instructed that the next meeting will be a quarterly meeting on campus on Friday, April 17, 2015. It will be held from 9:00AM to Noon in Toomey Hall Room 144 (Sauer Lab) at Missouri S&T.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Bart Moenster and was 2nd byLisa Sombart. All were in favor. The meeting adjourned at 12:45pm.