How to make a box!

1.Begin with 2 square pieces of card stock—the “bottom” square should be approximately ¼” smaller than the “top” square (to accomplish this—cut two square the same size—then trim ¼” from two adjacent sides to make the smaller square)

2.Place the “top” square (the picture part of a card—picture part down) in front of you so that it forms a diamond.

3.Take the bottom point of the diamond and fold it so that it matches the top point. Press to create a good fold and then unfold it.

4.Turn the diamond ¼ turn to the right so that the first fold is now vertical

5.Repeat step 3. Your top will now actually resemble 4 triangles!

6.Take the bottom point of the diamond and fold it to the center point. Crease and unfold.

7.Rotate the diamond ¼ turn to the right and repeat 3 times.

8.Take the bottom of the diamond and fold it to the top crease. Repeat 3 times-- [Rotate ¼ turn and fold]

9.Locate the vertical crease immediately to the left of the center line (Crease A). Using this crease as your guide, cut straight up to the second horizontal crease (Crease B). Locate the vertical crease to the right of the center line (C). Cut straight up to the second horizontal crease (D). Rotate the diamond so that the cuts are on the top. Repeat the A to B and C to D cuts on the bottom.

10.Rotate the diamond ¼ turn so that the cuts are on the horizontal plane.

11.FoldPointE up to the first horizontal crease. Do not unfold. Fold one more time up to the cut lines. Fold the paper once more, this time stopping the fold so that it is perpendicular to the table (this will make the first side of your box.)

12.Take the left edge of the wall you just created and fold it at the cut line (see circle above) to the right so that it touches the wall. Repeat with the right edge. Rotate the box so that the side you just made is on the top. Repeat the folding process so you have two parallel sides.

13.Turn your box ¼ turn so that the wings are at the top and bottom.

14.Take the point of the bottom wing and fold it to the first horizontal crease. Unfold the flaps you created in step 12 so that they make a third (fourth) wall to your box. Fold the bottom wing up and over these flaps so that the wing holds the flaps in place. Rotate the box and repeat for the remaining wing.

15.Repeat for the bottom box. If you run into trouble, click on the contact me button on the web page and I’ll see if I can help you!